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hello everyone my name is neal from last two three years i am smoking and now i wanna get rid of it i tried several time to leave it but i am not able to i tried many things to get rid of it but iam not able to so please guys help me tell me ways to exit it please !

2007-09-28 17:30:32 · 16 answers · asked by neal 2 in Health Diseases & Conditions Respiratory Diseases

16 answers

While there is no one best way to quit smoking, you will be most successful if you are aware of the challenges ahead, find support, and prepare a plan to keep you on track. Here are some basic steps to quitting:

S = Set a quit date.
T = Tell family, friends, and co-workers that you plan to quit.
A = Anticipate and plan for the challenges you'll face while quitting.
R = Remove cigarettes and other tobacco products from your home, car, and work.
T = Talk to your doctor about getting help to quit.

Be realistic. Quitting is not an easy undertaking. It requires effort, determination and commitment.
-Accept the fact that you need to quit. Do not deny the
adverse health effects that you are unnecessarily putting yourself (and those around you) through.
-Be prepared for anxious and resistant feelings. Since nicotine is habit-forming, just thinking about quitting may make you feel anxious – this is quite common. Give yourself a specified amount of time to identify and move beyond these feelings.
-Take quitting one day at a time, even one minute at a time—whatever you need to succeed and find support!
-Develop a quit plan that works best for your needs.
-Talk to your doctor or health professional to help develop a plan.
-Enlist the help of family and friends by telling them about your plans.
-Ask others who have quit how they handled withdrawal symptoms – both psychological and physical.
-Learn new behaviors.
-If you’ve tried quitting before, identify what did and didn’t work for you. Build on your strengths and discover new techniques.-

2007-09-28 18:36:49 · answer #1 · answered by Jayaraman 7 · 1 0

Dear Harry, I am 54 years old. I started smoking at the age of 13! My cigarette count per day was finally 70. Two months ago, I felt a bit uneasy and got myself admitted into the hospital.It was a false alarm.But a blood test showed that my HDL was very low(good cholesterol).This was attributed to my heavy smoking. I was advised to at least reduce my smoking, if I could not stop. I realized that it is very difficult to reduce the habit.So I just stopped smoking. To stop smoking it does not require any tobacco substitute or counseling. You just need the desire to quit and something to take you mind off that next cigarette.If you can succeed doing this for 24 hours, you have won the battle of your life. In my case, I took two days leave and stayed at home.Every time I had a craving for a puff, I climbed into bed and went to sleep.While asleep you don't need a cigarette.Right? When I woke up, if I felt like a smoke again, it was back to bed and another nap. By evening the craving had come down dramatically. The next day I woke up as a new person, since I did not miss the cigarette at all! Just that first day was all it took, and I have been 'clean' ever since! Several times, people have blown puffs of smoke into my face, I have not felt any fresh craving for a cigarette. I now personally know one thing. Nicotine was not addictive, tobacco was not addictive. It was only that habit of putting that cigarette in my mouth, lighting it up and puffing away, that was addictive. So, if at 54, after more than 40 years, I can do it so easily, for a young guy like you who is only 20, it should not be a problem at all. Quit while you can.Do not try to reduce, just quit. Good Luck.

2016-05-21 02:40:32 · answer #2 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Think of this situation seriously if u r smoking.You can develop heart attack,brain stroke,ulcer anywhere in the body or cancer!
If u die suddenly with a heart attack,there wont be prblem but, if u survive with lot of disabilities and hav to depend on someone then what?And u got no business to give the smoke to others around u as already there is enough pollution around.
Save the money that u r spending on cigarettes and give it to someone

2007-09-28 17:56:40 · answer #3 · answered by Arundhati b 1 · 0 0

3 years is not a long time.

But it is long enough. So it will take few trials, then you will stop smoking, trie all the tricks, and see which works.

Substitution is the best, I trie water for substitution, rather then jelly beans or peanuts, cannot put on the weight that way and every one should drink a gallon of water per day, so you can kill few birds with one stone. You can use a straw, so you can take care of the sucking habits also.

2007-09-29 00:06:56 · answer #4 · answered by minootoo 7 · 0 0

First of all, really decide that you want to quit and really commit to it. Your mental state is very important to succeed. It is going to be a hard endeavor but you can do it. Smoking addiction stems from having high nicotine level in your system all the time. Once it's low, your body will crave for it thus you smoke more. This is similar to addiction to sweets (sugar). If your blood is low in sugar, then you tend to eat more sweets. For me the best way to get rid of nicotine (or sugar) from your body is to drink alot of fluids and try to sweat it off buy doing daily aerobic exercises (start slow as your current pulmonary status might need more time to cope up with increased activity levels). I hope this info helps you. I wish you luck, my friend.

2007-09-28 22:57:26 · answer #5 · answered by Travis 1 · 0 0

I have a very good friend (she smoked for 15 years, quit 3 times) who just quit using Chantix. It's the only thing that has worked for her and she's been smoke free for 3 months! It's a new prescription for smoking and it's also what I recommend to my patients. It works by reducing the pleasure receptors in your brain that signal when you smoke.
It's a prescription, so you'll need to see your doctor for it. It's a huge step in your life and I wish you much luck! Congrats on making this step to quit smoking.

2007-09-28 18:48:58 · answer #6 · answered by cwgrrl7 7 · 0 0

The most sucessful way is practice "JUST FOR TODAY"
"ONE DAY AT A TIME", I am a "Hard Core Alcoholic" but by God's grace am 14 years sober, by practcing "Just for today", first thing in the morning seek HIS help (Higher Power) every day and pray to HIM to keep you away from the FIRST smoke for that day and thank HIM that night before going to bed for keeping you away from the First smoke that day.
I have learnt this from "AA" & am able to be away from drinks Just for today, will power does not work.
Am sure you will be sucessful One day at a time if you seek HIS help.
God bless, take Care

2007-09-29 05:08:57 · answer #7 · answered by PAWAN B 1 · 0 0

My grandpa carried a bag of jellybeans around with him everywhere and when he wanted a smoke, he ate jellybeans until the want went away. It worked for him. I guess you could use any candies or little foods. Keeps your hands and mouth occupied.

2007-09-28 17:39:58 · answer #8 · answered by EXPECTING 5 · 1 0

You know you can't just avoid it in a click away!

Here's an schedule for you:

In your first week: take twice or one a day cigar
Second and 3rd week: Once a day
4th week and 5th week: Once in a 4 days
6th week: Once in a 2 days
7th week: Once a week
8th week: NONE

2007-09-28 17:42:08 · answer #9 · answered by mariz 2 · 1 0

Put some baked peanuts in your pocket. Whenever you feels to smoke eat some peanuts. Try it for a month....

2007-09-28 17:58:47 · answer #10 · answered by alex_ben2004 2 · 0 0

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