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from Medicine, Homeypathy, Sidha and herbal medicine

2007-09-26 22:18:42 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Diseases & Conditions Respiratory Diseases

9 answers

Asthma signs and symptoms can range from mild to severe. You may have only occasional asthma episodes with mild, short-lived symptoms such as wheezing. In between episodes you may feel normal and have no difficulty breathing. Some people with asthma have chronic coughing and wheezing punctuated by severe asthma attacks.

Most asthma attacks are preceded by warning signs. Recognizing these warning signs and treating symptoms early can help prevent attacks or keep them from becoming worse.

Warning signs and symptoms of asthma in adults may include:

* Increased shortness of breath or wheezing
* Disturbed sleep caused by shortness of breath, coughing or wheezing
* Chest tightness or pain
* Increased need to use bronchodilators — medications that open up airways by relaxing the surrounding muscles
* A fall in peak flow rates as measured by a peak flow meter, a simple and inexpensive device that allows you to monitor your own lung function

Children often have an audible whistling or wheezing sound when exhaling and frequent coughing spasms.-

Your second part of the question is not understandable, as symptoms for asthma are above. There is not separate symptoms -from Medicine, Homeypathy, Sidha and herbal medicine. If you want the treatements from these branches of medicine it can be told seperately-

2007-09-28 18:55:57 · answer #1 · answered by Jayaraman 7 · 0 0

1. Shortness of breath
You are said to be short of breath when your chest feels tight and you have the sensation that you can't catch your breath or get all the air you need. Some people feel panicky when they are short of breath.

2. Frequent Cough
All of us cough once in a while when we have a tickle or breathe in something irritating. It's our body's way of keeping our air passages clear. But, if you cough many times every day or find yourself waking up at night with a cough or a tickle that won't quit, it could be a symptom of asthma.
3. Wheezing
Wheezing is a whistling sound heard when a person with asthma breathes in or out. It happens when small passageways in your lungs called alveoli start to narrow from mucus and the other effects of asthma. It usually begins suddenly and is not constant. It may be worse at bedtime or first thing in the morning. It can also be worsened by breathing cold air or exercise.
4. Intercostal Retractions
Intercostal retractions is a medical term that is a fancy way of saying the inward movement of the muscles in the spaces between the ribs. This pulling in of the muscles occurs as a result of reduced pressure in the chest cavity. It is a sign that a person is having trouble breathing.
5. Chest Tightness
A feeling that the chest is tight can be quite frightening to a person who has asthma. It feels as though there is steel band or a weight that is keeping your lungs from fully expanding as your breathe in. It usually goes along with shortness of breath.
6. Pallor or Cyanosis
Pallor is a whitish color and cyanosis is a bluish color in the lips and face. Either one of these, especially if linked to severe shortness of breath, are danger signs of an asthma attack. You need to get help right away if you notice this symptom.
7. Anxiety
Anxiety, or a feeling of intense fear and uneasiness, can occur when you are having trouble breathing. If you are feeling anxious and also short of breath and / or have pallor or cyanosis, it is time to get emergency help.
If you've noticed that you or your child have any of these symptoms on a regular or ongoing basis, then you might want to talk with your doctor about whether you have asthma. Your doctor can diagnose your symptoms.

2007-09-27 00:44:26 · answer #2 · answered by confused by court order 4 · 0 0

The symptoms of asthma may vary from person to person, and from time to time. Some people may have all these symptoms while other people may only have a wheeze or cough.


Shortness of breath

Tightness in the chest

Wheezing – a high pitched raspy sound on breathing
You may even get a slight flu like symptom,like you're getting a mild cold

2007-09-26 22:42:11 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Symptoms of asthma.....

the most noticable is that you can't breath very well....it's hard to catch your air...If you want to artificially product the asthma like symptoms, I suggest that you place a straw in your mouth, tape your nose and mouth shut and run around the house, three times as fast as you can....

You will discover that hard and difficult breathing is the most pronounced symptom...that burning in the chest is lactic acid buildup, the assessory muscle use is also pronounced by this time....Even though you have these symptoms, they are still NOT conclusively asthma...Other things that you might notice is a musical tone [aka 'wheeze'] or tones [wheeses]...and still you might not be diagnosed with asthma.....

No, what is needed is a bronchodialator and that can be one of several compounds....primatine mist is available [not advisable, as it may cause heart attacks in the above described situation], Xopenex, or Albuterol, alupent, bronkosol, Isuprell....All of these are bronchodialators, with inherant risks, some lessor than others....

If the above situation has occurred, AND with the administration of a bronchodialators you recover to your normal baseline breathing....[aka your bronchospasem has reversed itself], THEN you may, finally, have the diagnosis of "asthma"...

2007-09-30 07:16:52 · answer #4 · answered by Admiral_d 3 · 0 0

1. Shortness of breath
You are said to be short of breath when your chest feels tight and you have the sensation that you can't catch your breath or get all the air you need. Some people feel panicky when they are short of breath
2. Frequent Cough
All of us cough once in a while when we have a tickle or breathe in something irritating. It's our body's way of keeping our air passages clear. But, if you cough many times every day or find yourself waking up at night with a cough or a tickle that won't quit, it could be a symptom of asthma.
3. Wheezing
Wheezing is a whistling sound heard when a person with asthma breathes in or out. It happens when small passageways in your lungs called alveoli start to narrow from mucus and the other effects of asthma. It usually begins suddenly and is not constant. It may be worse at bedtime or first thing in the morning. It can also be worsened by breathing cold air or exercise.
4. Intercostal Retractions
Intercostal retractions is a medical term that is a fancy way of saying the inward movement of the muscles in the spaces between the ribs. This pulling in of the muscles occurs as a result of reduced pressure in the chest cavity. It is a sign that a person is having trouble breathing.
5. Chest Tightness
A feeling that the chest is tight can be quite frightening to a person who has asthma. It feels as though there is steel band or a weight that is keeping your lungs from fully expanding as your breathe in. It usually goes along with shortness of breath.
6. Pallor or Cyanosis
Pallor is a whitish color and cyanosis is a bluish color in the lips and face. Either one of these, especially if linked to severe shortness of breath, are danger signs of an asthma attack. You need to get help right away if you notice this symptom.
7. Anxiety
Anxiety, or a feeling of intense fear and uneasiness, can occur when you are having trouble breathing. If you are feeling anxious and also short of breath and / or have pallor or cyanosis, it is time to get emergency help.

I know i have asthma, its a terrible disease.

2007-09-30 22:22:11 · answer #5 · answered by kaz 2 · 0 0

The symptoms of asthma can vary among people. Usually there is scratchy throat, or tightness in the chest, followed by a cough, wheezing, or shortness of breath.

2007-09-26 23:09:43 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Hi there ,
The correct spelling is "Asthma" and can be different types like "common Bronchial asthma", "Cardiac asthma" and "asthma arising from other aetiology" !
Common Bronchial asthma is usually presenting as dyspnea during exhalation, ie: the patient will have difficulty in breathing outwards....and subsequent straining and coughing...
usually of "allergic, infective, psychological, or familial" orgin !
If the necessary medicines like bronchotab, ventorlin, etc etc which are bronchodilators) are taken at the start of the episode, can be controlled very well...
Reassurance also plays avery big role in asthma of psychological background !

Any asthma when detected for the first time, should be differentiated from other forms of asthma !

wishing speeding recovery and......
best wishes too !

2007-09-27 10:34:00 · answer #7 · answered by suresh k 6 · 0 0

Your meals become "as soon as I finish with Y!A". You're up until way past what USED to be your regular bedtime. You miss your favorite TV show(s) (I only have one - Simpsons) on a regular basis. You don't feed the cat(s) and/or dog(s) until you're done checking in with Y!A in the morning. BAD human, BAD! You keep track of ALL of your questions and answers until they are long dead and buried. You multi-task with both tasks being Y!A. I'm getting depressed, enough already. Glad I don't actually DO any of these!

2016-03-19 01:12:33 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

you feel very tiered and whenever you take breath it is difficult to you because you are sufferings allergy from dust,pollution.i suggest you to not go on height because it's increase your problems.

2007-09-26 23:12:45 · answer #9 · answered by karan151086 1 · 0 0

shortness of breath,cough,wheeze,

2007-09-28 17:59:01 · answer #10 · answered by Arundhati b 1 · 0 0

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