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Respiratory Diseases

[Selected]: All categories Health Diseases & Conditions Respiratory Diseases

I am 43 yr's old and have been smoking 4-ever would someone PLEASE help me STOP smoking.I smoke about a pack a day. I want so much to Quit,,,,,I work In Iraq fro a contractor so Prescription Med's is out of the Question...........Cold Turkey OMG if i have said it once I have said it 100 time's this is my last Pack.

2007-02-04 23:44:54 · 11 answers · asked by nothere 2

it really hurts and i cant breathe when i go outside =( it also affects my chest when i'm in cold air..... i want to go to bed

2007-02-04 23:22:35 · 15 answers · asked by louise h 2

Left lung of my wife was constricted, its tubes became smaller than her right lung. Her posture was also affected, she was now leaning on her left. I suspect that her spinal chords was also disalligned or her left ribs cage was also constricted.

2007-02-04 17:22:46 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-02-04 16:47:45 · 4 answers · asked by sweet_tart2some 2

my 17yr old cuz just got a lung transplant and he wants to smoke pot and i wont let him so he wants to know if he can get drunk with me instead does anyone think i should let him or should i just avoid letting him get mess up with me

2007-02-04 15:42:49 · 8 answers · asked by daniel56651 1

I went to a new pharmacy in my area and I suspect the pharmacist gave me a different cough medicine in my bottle than what is labeled. It has absolutely no effect on me as it usually helps me sleep and stops my wheezy cough. It tastes like pure cherry flavoring. Is there a way to have the medicine analyzed? He also tried to fill all my refils and make me pay for them (4 scripts in all for expensive asthma meds) and I was alarmed as he did charge me for 2 same inhalers!! The others, he said, my insurance would not let him fill!!! The cost was already over 100!!. He was the cookiest pharmacist and his helper was rolling her eyes at him while he muttered to himself. Very strange.

2007-02-04 14:41:12 · 7 answers · asked by Christine V 1

My father had prostate cancer treated with surgery and radiation. Subsequently, complications such as constricted ureters led him to depending on stents that keep getting infected possibly because of his suppresed immune system. Are there any other solutions because everytime he gets an infection his creatinine jumps to 7-8.

2007-02-04 14:09:05 · 2 answers · asked by OOOOOooTheMachineooOOOOO 1

2007-02-04 14:08:39 · 6 answers · asked by mels211 1

I'm 24 and as soon as I fall asleep people tell me that I snore. How can I stop snoring?

2007-02-04 13:59:03 · 8 answers · asked by answers360 1

its nothing big. im just wondering wat caused my respiratory infection. i cant breath it sucks. thursday night at like 5 i was at school with my friends andrew, grace, and germaine and it was raining and a lot of the walkways were flooded and so was the grass and it was all muddy and stuff. and me and andrew were pushing each other into the big puddles and holding each other out of the walk way and gettin each other wet. and my hair was soaking wet. and so were my clothes. but i had 2 wear them. i couldnt take em off cuz i had no other clothes with me. and i was at school until 9. still in my wet clothes, i was outside most of the time and it was like 60 degrees.

would that have caused a respiratory infection? sorry. im not too smart.

2007-02-04 13:35:04 · 4 answers · asked by mestbabayygirl 1

i have had a nasty cough along with trouble breathing for tthe past day or so...my mother passed away on tuesday and her funeral was yeaterday. i think i was having a panic attack last night. i couldnt breath much unless i was standing up i finally took some benedryl to help it. it made me sleep anyways. im very much expierncing anxity right now but some time i get so bad and weal especially when i cough.. what could this be?

2007-02-04 12:59:38 · 11 answers · asked by mary c 3

I have quite a bit of phlegm and sore feels very dry and sore and had taken the antibiotics my docyor and cough mixture. Now the phlegm has lessen, but my throat still quite sore.

It ponly relief if I taken logenzes, please adviise.

2007-02-04 12:37:41 · 9 answers · asked by Missy 1

very sore when breathing in deeply/lying down/got ashma/lung feels like it wants to burst not serious enough to go to A and E yet/can breathe shallowly/ my breathing tube and throat feels tight and air filled too

2007-02-04 12:11:11 · 13 answers · asked by janeysmithster 2

I have a really bad cough and cold my dad has given me medicine but everyime i go outside i have really bad coughing fits this has been going on for about 3 weeks and i really don't know what to do so does any1 know what it is or what to do?

2007-02-04 08:42:15 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-02-04 07:48:31 · 9 answers · asked by Blake 1

I was over at my new girlfriend's place and she and 2 or 3 other people were smoking as well. So the house smelled like smoke, they did smoke in the house. Later, I was feeling ok then suddenly I thought I smelled like smoke and found myself really tired, going to bed unusually early. I woke up this morning with headaches which also could've been sinus headaches but I'm not sure. Does second hand smoke inside the house cause headaches or unusual tiredness?

2007-02-04 07:34:02 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

12/26/06, my 10 yrs old was in ICU with smoke inhalation damage from a house fire. She was in the hospital for one month and released on 1/26/07. She is on an inhaler now. If the doctors said her lungs were BLACK and she was critical, how does the lungs clear itself up? She seems fine now and for this I am grateful. Any advice is appreciated!

2007-02-04 07:20:26 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I need some tips on living with someone with sleep apnea. My father was diagnosed while he was in prison with sleep apnea and was on a cpap machine. When he was released he was not on a cpap machine and has snored horribly, keeping me up all night. I've tried to talk him into doing a sleep study so he can get a cpap machine but he has told me numerous times that he wants to wait until he loses weight and gets his diabetes under control. His diabetes is under control, but he is still convinced that he will stop snoring once he loses weight. He doesn't realize that he snored just as bad as he is now when he was a healthy weight.

My room is right next to his, the walls are paper thin, I am losing so much sleep I don't know what to do anymore. Can anyone with this kind of experience give me some tips on how to get used to it?

2007-02-04 07:01:13 · 4 answers · asked by Kagome 5

xr chest / findings: The heart size and pulmonary vasculature are within normal limits. The lungs are clear. There is elevation fo the right hemidiaphragm which may be a chronic finding. No pneumothorax or pleural effusion is seen. The bones are unremarkable. What is the deal with the right hemidiaphragm?

2007-02-04 06:23:11 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-02-04 05:29:45 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

i have a Horrible cough, its full of flem. chest pains, with presure. i have a bad sore throat. my voice is super scratchy, and almost a whisper. i have a stuffy nose. and swollen glands right under my jaw bone. most of the time i cant swallow anything. even water is hard. but i have no fever.

have you ever had this? if so what did the docter call it? should i go to the doc? what are some possible illnesses this could be?

Thank You!

2007-02-04 05:12:04 · 32 answers · asked by .:.:.Mizz_undaStood.:.:. 4

Last tuesday I went to the er because I couldn't breathe. The doctor sent me home with medicine, and said that I had pleurisy. I went back yesterday cause my chest was hurting again. Now, I have bronchitis to go with the pleurisy. He gives me an anitibiotic and some steriods. Now, my blood pressure is low, and my pulse stays at 120, and if I stand up, it jumps to 160. Should I go back to the ER? I'm scared for my heart, and it feels like it's going to jump out of my chest. Thanks.

2007-02-04 05:04:06 · 10 answers · asked by Marusia 2

My daughter was taken to A&E twice in different hospitals for asthma coughing. The first hospital prescribed Amoxicidin 125mg the another one Amoxicidin 250mg. I don't know which one use, why doctors are like that? which shall I give to her? is strenght really nmake a difference? I am scared and confused, please help.

2007-02-04 04:38:10 · 5 answers · asked by susi 3

2007-02-04 04:13:19 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

This person also has asthma

2007-02-04 03:15:52 · 4 answers · asked by Carol H 1

It is been one month since i quit smoking, but still the black tar like thing come out almost everyday once especially after taking food.

Is is common. It comes along with phelgm (or mucous) not sure what it is termed. Is it common??

2007-02-04 02:20:37 · 4 answers · asked by suma 3

2007-02-04 01:44:18 · 6 answers · asked by Alley 1

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