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Diseases & Conditions - 30 September 2007

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Allergies · Cancer · Diabetes · Heart Diseases · Infectious Diseases · Other - Diseases · Respiratory Diseases · Skin Conditions · STDs

2007-09-30 23:50:32 · 2 answers · asked by chryztie 1 in Respiratory Diseases

My daughter has it on her legs and it looks really bad. The doctor said it would go on its own but this could take up to 2 years.

Has anyone had this condition and managed to get rid of it? Any suggestions would be gratefully received as my daughter has just started school and she is very self concious about them.

2007-09-30 23:16:09 · 4 answers · asked by Dingle-Dongle 4 in Skin Conditions

Please only serious answers no comediens.

for the last three years ive had back troubles (only being 25 year old male )
it seems when i pull my back i urinate a fair bit of blood (coke colour)for a day or so.
ive been to a uroligist and to be fair they didnt give me alot of answerers (only pain from haveing camaras put down certain places that they were not ment to go, to look in my bladder)
so ive been carrying on for the last few years pulling my back every now and then and urinating blood.
im a little worried as i was supposed to go back for year checkups (witch i didnt do) but just recantly i went to the doctors and had a check up they have found (bearing in mined the last time i pulled my back was three weeks previous to the appointment) blood and puss in my urine so i think there going to send me back to the uroligist. ( personally from previous experience is a wast of time)
so really my question is has anybody had the same problem or know anything about theses symptoms?

2007-09-30 23:02:28 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Diseases

I've also been bruising easily and get tired pretty easily. I started taking Wellbutrin two weeks ago but I wouldn't think that it would be bothering me after that long. I felt like I was getting a cold Thursday and took some Nyquil which made me feel even more sick than when I eat. Does anyone know what could cause this? I've been on depo provera birth control for about two years now so the chances of me being pregnant are very very slim.

2007-09-30 22:51:53 · 2 answers · asked by ANGEL3Y35 2 in Other - Diseases

i just need to know, doctor said my auntie has steroid cancer in her breast. :-(

2007-09-30 21:53:21 · 3 answers · asked by kristal k 1 in Cancer

we need to get rid of roundworms, hair worms ,tapeworms, horsehair worms,pinworms, inside of our home and inside our bodies. we need to treat a 30 , 24,5 year old along with a 7 month old as well. how can we get rid of these parasites faast and so they dont come back?

2007-09-30 20:30:02 · 6 answers · asked by scam 1 in Infectious Diseases

Do the more anti-bodies you have help you to fight off any kind of infection

2007-09-30 20:28:08 · 10 answers · asked by Tilly 5 in Other - Diseases

2007-09-30 20:25:49 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Diseases

To prevent metastasis to the breasts, after ovary removal due to cancer.

2007-09-30 20:07:38 · 8 answers · asked by SUS 2 in Cancer

Could i be a hypochondriac? I often think im sick with all kinds of diseases...and usually they vary. Like if i read something online about a certain disease then ill start to feel it and believe that i have it. I start to actually see the symptons and it drives me crazy and then i'll start crying. Im also sort of weak minded, i can't take things alot and if i see something serious , i tend to think that it could happen to me. Like yesturday, i was reading about different diseases online and then i started to think that i could have each one..and its like persistent in my mind over and over and over.

2007-09-30 20:05:08 · 6 answers · asked by Loveable 1 in Heart Diseases

I would like to hear from parents that have actually given their child the MMR or parents that have not given their child the MMR and their experiences... (I know there is no clear evidence so that is why I would like feedback from experienced parents only).
My daughter is scheduled to have MMR soon so I would like feedback.... Thanks!!!

2007-09-30 19:24:25 · 22 answers · asked by Groovy 3 in Other - Diseases

Do not get me wrong, but what the heck is it with breast cancer? Dont get me wrong, I feel bad for women who get it, I have known people who have it. But arent men at the same risk? Why are we just raising awarness for just women, why not men to?

2007-09-30 19:14:06 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cancer

Due to a chronic back condition I was prescribed a fentanyl patch. I wore it for a couple days then the area beneath it became welted and irritated. The second one had the same effect in just a few hours. I recently had surgery, now every time I dress the incision I have a reaction to where the adhesive touches the skin for any length of time. I have never had this problem until the duragesic patch. I have tried several types of medical adhesives and all seem to have the same effect. For example I removed some of the tape around 30 hours ago and it is still welted and itching and in a place or two burns. Does anyone have an idea what I might do about this and/or an alternative for holding on the dressing as this is the most irritating thing I can imagine. I have tried washing the area with alcohol to remove the adhesive and a cortisone cream for the irritation and nothing seems to work. Any help would be appreciated more than you know.

2007-09-30 18:55:40 · 2 answers · asked by Richard C 1 in Allergies

my question's mainly to asthmatics and any one who have an answer.
if u have an asthma attack which u can't really control.when do u really know it's time to forget about ur self-trials to fix it and decide to go to the ER?

2007-09-30 18:46:24 · 4 answers · asked by Pinka 3 in Respiratory Diseases

This happened 3 or so days ago. It is smaller now, but hurts. It is hard. Given that it has already been three days, will I be okay until morning? I don't feel nauseated. I wasn't as hungry as normal today, but I think that was because I ate a ton a ton of food last night. My legs are sore, but I am a server and worked a lot this weekend. Will I be okay until the morning? Anything I should do until then.

I did NOT see anything bite me, can't confirm it was a spider.

Oh yeah... I also have few red bumps a little over from the bite, not sure if they are related. I think the bit looks worse in the pic than in the mirror, but it is my back so I can't see it that well.

I can't really afford the ER, will I be

2007-09-30 18:27:49 · 4 answers · asked by hereceivedacall 3 in Skin Conditions

about leukemia, erythroleukemia

2007-09-30 18:21:15 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cancer

Well im a red head an im only thirteen and im pretty good about wearing sunscreens, but this summer i developed a weird darkish freckle on my arm and its pretty small. only about a millimeter or less and it hasnt grown. but it looks suspicoius. it has wrinkles around it and it has a tiny little black dot on it. i want my mom to call the doctors but she wont. and ive asked her about 20 times. she wont even call and ask. i think shes being ridiculous. i dont know wat to do. my mom wont call the doctors and i dont want to go without knowing wat is is. can anybody help me?

2007-09-30 18:19:35 · 8 answers · asked by djman45 1 in Skin Conditions

For the past 5 months I have been getting pimples on the bottom of my chin which cause my lymph nodes to swell. Its the only place Ive gotten a pimple. I went to the doctors like 3 months ago and they said its nothing to worry about but I was wondering if any one has had or heard something similar to what I have and what i should do?

2007-09-30 18:17:08 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cancer

2007-09-30 17:57:03 · 9 answers · asked by Christopher B 1 in STDs

Member since: June 01, 2006
Total points: 224 (Level 1)
Points earned this week:
--% Best answer

S Do abscess go away for good?
I believe I have a abscess on my neck...well now, 2. They are small bumps on the side of my neck. One used to be pretty big (not like any of the HUGE ones I've seen looking on the web), but it shrunk with a heat compress. Didn't completely go away but was rather small. Now I have one more. They are right under my left ear. I went and saw a doctor, and she prescribed antibotics, but I think she was an imbecile. She had told me that abscess are like bursitis (which I have on the back of my right foot) and that they never go away. Once you have them, you have them for good. They can shrink, but will never go away. Is this true? Because I don't desire to walk around with lumps on my neck. I want them dealt with. Now, I must clarify, that they are no bigger than peas, but I'm very particular about my looks. I'd rather not have this.

2007-09-30 17:44:36 · 3 answers · asked by TIceman99 1 in Skin Conditions

Recently, I've been experiencing things with my body that I've never felt before. Pains in chest. Sometimes the pain is dull and sometimes it's sharp. The pain is getting worse. There is also a matter of shortness of breath. First I feel like my throat muscles drop as if I had no control over it. During this time I am unable to swallow or breathe. and I feel an anxiety fall over my body. Then, I get pains up and down my arms and in chest. The pains in my chest seem to remain on a daily basis. Sometimes it almost feels as though they are soar like after a workout. I will usually get light-headed and dizzyness without cause. My heart rate normally stays somewhat the same during all of this. The doctors have labeled panic attacks without giving me a thorough check, but panic attacks from what I understand don't involve pain. I do get nausia alot during the days and it seems I been getting dehydrated easier. I'm not sure what to do anymore.

2007-09-30 17:37:50 · 11 answers · asked by animikiiasin 2 in Respiratory Diseases

My Dad has it and he's never smoked in 85 years . Any answers besides oxygen tanks ?

2007-09-30 17:33:54 · 2 answers · asked by westhighland 3 in Respiratory Diseases

I work in a school where a child in my class has ringworm. I now have ringworm. It started in one place- and I now have 5 places where ringworm has spread. I have been using Myconizole since the first spot appeared- that one has almost cleared. I am also using alcohol to dry them up, then applying the myconizole several times a day.

I am beyond frustrated. I am washing my hands as usual and have never had this before. My family does not have it- but I am treating it, using separate towels and such. I am washing constantly.

If I go to my doctor, is it possible to have them prescribe an oral antifungual treatment? Are such treatments safe to take when you are breastfeeding? I am calling tomorrow from work but need ideas since I am so beyond frustrated.

The child's family said they are treating it and I do hope so.


2007-09-30 17:27:36 · 8 answers · asked by NY_Attitude 6 in Skin Conditions

Just to get appendicitis?

2007-09-30 17:16:54 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Infectious Diseases

2007-09-30 17:03:33 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in STDs

I have to go for a ultrasound guided core needle breast biopsy this week and am starting to get nervous? Does it hurt? What can I expect afterwards?

2007-09-30 17:01:49 · 12 answers · asked by Another baby boy! 3 in Cancer

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