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Diseases & Conditions - 4 September 2007

[Selected]: All categories Health Diseases & Conditions

Allergies · Cancer · Diabetes · Heart Diseases · Infectious Diseases · Other - Diseases · Respiratory Diseases · Skin Conditions · STDs

I develop small dried skin crusts on the side of my nose... is there any cure?

2007-09-04 08:50:23 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Skin Conditions

I am a diabetic of 10+ years. I am afarid I might be feeling something diabetics go through but I am not sure. I currently don't have insurance and that is why I have not gone to the doctor. I suddenly have a pain on the bottom of my foot when I touch or stand on that nerve. I thought it was my shoes since I am now working at an office that requires us tho wear dress shoes. I see no signs of bruising or anything of that sort. I have currently only used tennis shoes thinking it will help. It only hurts when I touch that specific nerve, anybody been through a similar situation? I am afraid this might have to do with my diabeties. In 1 month my insurance will start and I will be able to ask the doctor, but any usefull info would be appreciated.

2007-09-04 08:49:41 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Diabetes

I'm 23 years old and my acne has never been so bad! I watch what I eat, get 7-8 hours of sleep each night, my dermatologist recently put me on Minocyclin... The acne is still there... It even seems worse now. I've been on the medicine for a little over two weeks. I feel that it should be cleared. Any remedies I haven't tried? Help!

2007-09-04 08:49:31 · 4 answers · asked by auismyteam 1 in Skin Conditions

i have a pencil eraser sized mole on my left check and i been thinking about having it removed. can anyone give me a brief overview of how its done and if it hurts and how long it take to heal and is there any scars and if there any down sides to the procedure

2007-09-04 08:48:32 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Skin Conditions

I got an appointment with my family doctor on friday. I haven't yet been told by him that i got it .What should I expect . what Happens now?

2007-09-04 08:36:18 · 15 answers · asked by carl d 2 in Diabetes

and can it be cured without drugs? I was told it is allergy related by my throat has become sore and I was given anti-biotics for infection and a nasal spray..

Just looking for some alternative or preventitive when I get through the drugs.

2007-09-04 08:35:13 · 3 answers · asked by bagel lover 3 in Respiratory Diseases

2007-09-04 08:32:11 · 3 answers · asked by saloon girl 4 in Allergies

I get stomach ache very soon after having milk.

2007-09-04 08:29:52 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Allergies

having an Heart Attack and the next day having an Quadruple bypass, survival?

an honest opinion.

2007-09-04 08:27:29 · 4 answers · asked by who c 1 in Heart Diseases

For a nursery with two year old children

2007-09-04 08:25:01 · 3 answers · asked by Avi 1 in Respiratory Diseases

She is suffering loads of pain, she can barely breath at times, does anyone else know of anything similar to this with anyone ? what did they do ??
Also she is travelling to and fro 3 diff drs n hospitals for appointments, this is surely not right either ! also she has to buy all her wound care bits !!! pls tell me this is wrong too !!
Many thanks

2007-09-04 08:22:02 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cancer

Earlier today i took a drink and thought i was going to die before i could get my breath in between coughing and choking on it. My question is has anybody else choked so bad they thought they were going to die and where does this liquid go afterwards lol?

2007-09-04 08:12:57 · 3 answers · asked by humm 1 in Respiratory Diseases

the heart med is for irrugular heart beat what can I do to make my blood pressure go up so that when I take my med I am not so sleepy?

2007-09-04 08:05:28 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Heart Diseases

and why?no insensitive or idiotic answers please.

2007-09-04 07:44:17 · 6 answers · asked by icosrwala 2 in Infectious Diseases

or carry all in my hand luggage. Is is safe to put in hold of plane?

2007-09-04 07:36:02 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Diabetes

I have not been diagnosed with diabetes. But sometimes when I test my levels 1 hour after eating, it can be as high as 186 (even when I just have a bowl of plain oatmeal, unsweetened)...but then at the 2 hour mark it can quickly decrease to as low as 105. Is it normal for levels to go up that high at all after eating, and then drop so much in a matter of 2 hours? I read somewhere that in a normal person your levels should not ever go past 180 unless you have eaten a huge, high carb meal. Is this something that happens occasionally in the average non-diabetic person? I don't think I get to 180 ALL the time, but in my monitoring lately it has happened. Sometimes it can be around 150 1 hr. after meals-- even when I think I'm eating more that could cause my levels to go up.

Also, is it possible that slight anxiety can cause this?

2007-09-04 07:26:24 · 9 answers · asked by newageinsights 2 in Diabetes

2007-09-04 07:02:48 · 4 answers · asked by Maria 1 in Allergies

i have a cold sore its small but it might get big and it needs to go gone by sat. i have no creame. HELP

2007-09-04 07:02:32 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Skin Conditions

My husband and I went with some friends to a German restaurant. They took full advantage of the beer...2 days later, he was sick as a dog...diarehha and vomitting and his "burps" tasted like a chewed asprin he said...could this be a gall bladder attack? Anyone have any clues?

2007-09-04 06:59:47 · 7 answers · asked by Casandra V 1 in Other - Diseases

My father has "stage IV" pancreatic cancer. The doctor's gave him 6 weeks to live. Today I was noticing that he will stare at an object and he will not look at someone unless we begin to speak to him. And..I noticed him reaching out with one arm but no one was near him. I was watching from my chair. Also I noticed that his arms and legs will suddently "jerk" or "jump" similar to a person dreaming that they are falling and you suddenly jump in your sleep. He is speaking but we can't understand some of his words. Are all of these signs meaning something? Does this mean he is having visions of someone that had previously died? Or is he trying to tell us something?

2007-09-04 06:55:34 · 11 answers · asked by Bella ♥ Italiana 5 in Cancer

I made out with someone random at a club for the first time ever. He had no signs of an outbreak, but I know you can still get herpes without signs of an outbreak. I am extremely paranoid about getting herpes. Currently, I get canker sores on the inside of my mouth, but have never had anything else on the outside of my mouth. My question is, what are the chances of getting herpes? If I did have it, when would I experience an outbreak? Am I just being overly paranoid? What percent of the population has it? If you do have herpes or know someone with herpes, does it seriously affect your life? Any other helpful info? I tell ya, the first and last time I will make out with someone random.....

2007-09-04 06:53:20 · 9 answers · asked by g 3 in STDs

2007-09-04 06:47:57 · 7 answers · asked by geekychic88 1 in STDs

i think its due to anxiety!!

2007-09-04 06:40:50 · 8 answers · asked by New York Chic 6 in Heart Diseases

My dad is very overweight, has been for a long time. His eating habits aren't even bad, but he just keeps gaining weight. He has a high stress job, and he has problems with depression, so I suspect that is why he keeps gaining. He excersizes every day, but recently he confessed to my mom that he has been feeling some chest pain. I don't know how bad, but what exactly could that be? Signs of a heart attack coming, heart disease?
I'm trying to get him to lose more weight, but it's easier said then done. He lives about an hour away, so I don't see him every day. What could I do to try and motivate or help him? I don't want him to drop dead in the near future, I have two kiddos that love him very much. Any advice will be apreciated.

2007-09-04 06:33:42 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Heart Diseases

My son (24) had emergency surgery this morning to remove his appendix & they also had to do a bowel re-section due to the Crohn's Disease that he has had for 10 years. He will be in the hospital for 5-6 days and then sent home to recuperate. I will have to fly from Chicago to NY to take care of him. Does anyone have any idea how long it will be before he can go back to work?

2007-09-04 06:28:31 · 3 answers · asked by dbrcymry 3 in Other - Diseases

what is better a analog or digital watch?

2007-09-04 06:20:30 · 2 answers · asked by Ed D 2 in STDs

is there a way you can get a body scan to search for tumors. I'm curious and felt that sure would simplify things. It sure would be nice if every one could do that on a yearly basis. Wow, would that cut into the treating cancer costs.

It's probably crazy expensive, however.

2007-09-04 06:04:21 · 5 answers · asked by Robert S 2 in Cancer

2007-09-04 05:11:11 · 4 answers · asked by sryn31 1 in Other - Diseases

Does anyone have long term effects of chemotherapy?

2007-09-04 05:08:37 · 10 answers · asked by nutritionist34 1 in Cancer

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