My grandmother, who is 83 years old, was diagnosed with ovarian cancer over two years ago. She has been stage 4 once, back to stage 2, and now back to stage 4. She has extreme abdominal swelling and pain (ascites). She had 6 quarts of fluid taken off her stomach 3 weeks ago, and 8 more quarts taken off two days ago. Her stomach has already begun swelling again. She can not take certain types of chemo because her esosphagus has been damaged. She was supposed to get chemo intraveneously yesterday, but the doctor would not allow it because she did not look well enough. My grandparents are old school and do not question the doctor on anything, so we have no idea how long she may have to live. Does anybody have any experience with a prognosis, life expectancy, quality of life? She is a Christian, she is ready to go to the Lord, but she continues to have procedures (parencentesis) done because her husband is not ready to let her go.
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