My 6 1/2 inches is perfectly big enough. I am inable to comprehend the concept of "making up for my size" with additional techniques and such. My D is fine and I dont OWE anything to a female, and I cant help that alot of American women are large civilized beasts that insert huge things into their bodies on a daily basis. My point is that small, normal, or large sized men OWE absolutely nothing to a female and dont need to make up for anything.
I am much more concentrated on persevering in the martial arts, obtaining legendary status, and becomming one of the worlds best action film makers while promoting peace. Am I insecure? Most definetly. Do I need to impress a female or make up for the fact that my penis isnt the size my 13 inch feet, definetly not. American women have this dillusion inside of their mind that they are some sort of princess and if a guy doesnt have either a 9 inch penis or a large bankroll, he needs to maek up for it. Go spend some time with the iraqui men.
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Women's Health