Im 14 and i loooove vegetables, i dont understand why people dont. But a lot of my friends don't, and they get annoyed when i wince at their veggie less meals. My older brother gets ultra annoyed when i tell him to eat veggies, he only eats stuff like creamed spinach but not much salad. He is a person who hates being told what to do, he is 18, 4 years older than me and he gets even more aggravated when i nag his girlfriend, who eats like only carbs, its unhealthy. He doesnt eat enough yogurt and fruit either, i cant rememeber the last time he picked up a fruit except maybe a banana. He makes the most ridiculous argument in the world that lettuce is just crunchy water so therefore he shouldn't eat it (well i know iceberg is but romaine isnt) and that apples were just crunchy water with sugar (how dumb is that? and hes going to college!) He also is firmly against organic foods and insists that hormones and pesticides have no side affects, which is debatable on either side.
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Other - Food & Drink