now i dont nessicarlily want to become "anorexic" for the most part. i just need help eating less. im 5'11" and 160lbs ao i know im not fat, but everytime i look in the mirror i see something that makes me cringe, for example, a small buldge. i have gotten so opsessed with my wieght i am becoming depressed. i need to loose to wieght. i have already became a vegitarian, i dont eat candy, and i dont drink soda. i have not eatin/drinkin these things in a month and i have yet to see any results of wieght loss. i do situps every night, and a few other excercises after volleyball practice. but still, nothing. help me. what else do i need to do? how do i stop eating so much. my daily eating habbit is this 1)two cookies before school 2)a sandwhich 3)chips 4)what ever i eat for dinner (not much) and 4) i manage to eat something fattening that i will later regret. grrr i hope this wasnt to confusing. please help me. =/ (ps excuse the spelling errors)
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Other - Food & Drink