I'm vegan and I have raised my own honey for many years. It is not exploitation. Good beekeepers never take enough to hurt the bees. I saw someone say something about the production of honey killing bees, not true.
Did you know that honeybees would probably go extinct because of the verroa mite without beekeepers? Humans have been keeping honeybees for so long that they have developed a tight relationship. If we let the honeybees drop in population you can say good buy to allot of the fruit and veggies that you eat. Almost all almond production would stop.
Bee keeping is a gentle working with nature. You provide housing, protection from the mite, and sometimes even food in rough winters. The bee doesn't miss the small amount of honey that you take.
I know the technical definition of being vegan doesn’t allow the eating of honey but no vegan should feel guilty for eating it.
Dr. Thomas, Proff. of Entomology
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Vegetarian & Vegan