some perogie lovers mentioned Kolaches!
I never heard of Kolaches before what are
they? Are they anything Like Perogies?
Cause I don't know what Kolaches are
I'll make a few comments about Perogies
but please explain to me what Kolaches are!
I'm Ukrainian and Peduha is the Ukrainian
word for Perogies. The Saurkeraut ones
are my favourites. Next are the Potato
with cottage cheese. They both are
great boiled and served with butter.
Some like sour cream with them that
is good but sour cream hides some
of the perogie taste. I don't care much
for the meat ones which are plentiful in
the freezers of Askews, IGA,Safeways
& Overwaitea.. they are easier to get
than the Saukeraut ones. so I make them
often instead. For perogie recipe email
me at
I called perogies Peduha until my
mid 30's when someone told me
Perogies and Peduha are the same
thing! The fruit ones are not so
great but are okay!
9 answers
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Other - Food & Drink