I just went to an old Vietnamese grocery store, everything is 50% off. So I got a bunch of random Chinese stuff, some of it is not labeled in English. I thought it was food, but by the taste of it, it must be something else. The package says "health food" on the back
The first thing is called amomum costatum, it appears to be a tree nut (?), but I tasted one and wow, talk about bitter and weird. its extremely bitter. What is this and would be a use for such a thing?
The second thing is unlabeled, it it a tree nut/fruit thing, it is large, about the size of an egg, but its shell is dark brown. The inside is sort of styrofoam-like with seeds, its very sickening sweet and tastes like saccharin, and very bitter at the same time. Eww! Any idea what it is, and why someone would use it?
The last thing is a box labeled "chinese herbs", and has the following: radix angelicae sinensis, radix paeoniae alba, radix rehmanniae, and rhizoma ligustici wallichii.
Any ideas?
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Ethnic Cuisine