Why don't people seem to understand? Most servers make way less than minimum wage. I make $2.13 an hour at Hooters when i work there. Do people think we are just there to serve them food without them having to pay for it? Do you think i refill your drink 15 times because i like walking back and forth? Do you think i like cleaning up after all the mess your children made because you let them make it cause YOU don't have to clean it up? Do you think I like kissing your A** when you are rude to me or snap your fingers to get my attention? NO!!! No, we servers are here in restaurants to make money by doing a service for you. And how do you get a service? By paying for it. If you wanted someone to mow your lawn and trim your hedges.... don't you have to PAY them Yes....... When We servers provide good service for you and your family friends etc... we expect a good tip. Generally a good tip is 20%. A base tip is around 15%. Do you agree or disagree??? And WHY?
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Other - Food & Drink