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Singles & Dating - 11 November 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

I need help geting a new girlfriend. No, im not that nerd who has never had a girfriend..i've had had 9 and a few really hot ones. I was pretty dang popular in at my junor high. Now im at highschool and it's just not working for me..i have no clue why. I dont condsider myself ugly, im not fat, i do have a tiny bit of acne. Just a little on my nose. So far i havnt asked any girls out in high school..i duno i still talk to girls alot. Idk why but i notice myself being a lot more consertive in high school. I used to get girlfriends alot, it used to come naturly it would happen by itself..now idk. I like a few girls but i feel kinda like a nobody at high school,im not thogh i play football and talk to many girls. Im just kinda afrid of being rejected now, and of what everyone will talk about and say. I really enjoy haveing a girlfriend and talking and spending time with them. I just need to get my love life started again. Girls and guys can you give me any tips to get a girlfriend again?

2007-11-11 10:44:44 · 26 answers · asked by PaccMaann 1

We're only dating, but does that mean he's likely to do it again? I kind of "ratted" him out in front of some friends when they asked about his hickey and he got embarrassed because I said it's not from me. But then we keep going on like nothing happened. I like him, and I think he feels the same way. What do I do?

2007-11-11 10:41:04 · 7 answers · asked by curious-y 2

Is that a big reason why he likes you?

2007-11-11 10:38:28 · 36 answers · asked by curious-y 2

I like two guys one really cute and nice but i dont know him as well i do this ohter guy who is really sweet can get on my nerves at times but is my best friend WHO SHOULD I CHOOSE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

2007-11-11 10:36:50 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

quickly and things were good for about the first year. Right off the bat he hated all of my friends- thought it was completely wrong to have any friendships w people of the opposite sex. At the time I complied. I lost of good friendships. We fought often throughout the 2-4 years of our relationships- sometimes getting physical (from both of us.) Ive consistantly been full time employed while taking classes at night. He works most of the time- but does not share my work ethic.The last two years have really quieted down- but now in the past three months our old issues have resurfaced. I am now almost 27 and think it's compeltely ridiculous not to have friends. I've been making a real effort to be more social and he's compeltely lost it (holes in doors, walls- broken lamp.) I hate to end something after so long and so much effort but i do not want to be so isolated. Is this issue something that can be worked on or is it OVER?

2007-11-11 10:36:35 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

So I always used to want to hang out with him, always thought about him CONSTANTLY, got these warm feelings, etc etc. But ever since I wanted to stop holding hands, I wanted to go home sooner, etc. As that started happening, I started to have dreams that he would leave me, stop caring, and that he never picked up my calls. It felt like it really changed and I broke off the relationship. The thing is, I want to move on, but I dont want HIM to leave. I hate seeing him with other girls. It hurts me so bad, and sometimes, I would get these affectionate feelings in my chest towards him. But it lessened then sometimes it just starts feeling up again. Right now, I feel very angry, knowing that he walks home this girl. Why would I be so angry if I dont love him anymore? Just two days ago, I was leaning on him while I was doing my homework [on his side] and then I kindaa looked at him and got all of these feelings. It was weird! Why do I get VERY VERY angry over the girl thing?

2007-11-11 10:36:29 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

My girlfriend broke up with about four days ago, and I have not been able to forget her at all. She is all I think about. I can't sleep, eat, do anything fun. Everything reminds me of her. So yesterday I went over to her place and took her a flower, and she was leaving for the weeked to visit her family, so I gave her the flower and asked her to think about our relationship this weekend. She kissed me, then she drove off. I called her last night to tell her good night, then today she called me. I called her back she didn't answer then I called her a second time she was being mean to me on the phone. I think I just want to forget about her but I wan to know what's the best way to do that.

2007-11-11 10:35:25 · 7 answers · asked by John 2

im realllllllllllly really sad. ok so heres what happened. i like this guy who is on the football team that i cheer for outside of school. today was the last time i will see him until june. we always talked whenever we saw eachother and we even hugged eachother a couple times. but we were never officially going out. but today which was the banquet for cheer/football and the only communication we made was a couple of exchanging glances. then right before i left i saw him talking to a few girls that i know. it happened like 3 hours ago and i felt like i was going to CRY. i feel the same way still. i feel totally crushed. and im still not going to see him for such a long time. he is very special to me, i feel like my mom died. there was no guy like him, i seriously thought he was THE ONE -- SERIOUSLY. i really dont want to feel this way for 8 more months until i can see him again. WHAT DO I DO?????????????? and i have his phone number and address by the way.

2007-11-11 10:31:14 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

do you find it hott when a girl wears tight clothes and you can see her thong outline or when a girl wears white pants and you can see her thong????

your comments?

2007-11-11 10:30:56 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

LONG STORY BUT A GOOD ONE !! K so almost two years ago I met this guy, we talked on the phone for a bit but we couldnt do anything because I was only 16, now im 17 he is 21 and we ran into each other and started talkng a lot actually. I went over his house to see a friend and his dad ( very interesting guy) said "Hey adrian, why u so shy u were talking all about her last night?!?" lol so the next hour or too he asked me out, I said yes.

The next day we were really into each other and went to the park, we kissed and talked, and kissed and kissed and talked. He even walked w/ me to the bus stop so i wouldnt have to go alone. Two days later we had a first date (he payed for everything) starbucks and fuel pizza lol my favorites... we were on the bus holding hands and kissing of course lol. I bought him a little candy corn bag. His mom likes me. I told my mom and showed him a pic... Its just how can i break the news he is 21, maybe say 19?

I realy like this guy, A lot

2007-11-11 10:30:51 · 5 answers · asked by hellokittylee05 2

ok, when my mom meet him for the first time i was baby siting and he was ova and my mom walked in ,and yelled at him to get out and he did. my mom jumped to conclusion and asumed that we were doin stuff ,but we werent but after that she has hated him, now its been a month sence then i want him to talk to my mom, i dont want my mom to hate the guy i want to be with,i want my mom and my bf to be close,but he thinks it is to late, how do i convinse him to talk to my mom and work it out,???? so my parents can like him?

2007-11-11 10:27:06 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-11-11 10:26:56 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

If your boyfriend is cheating on you??? Becouse he isnt talking to me alot anymore. He doesn't awwnser my quetions. And he doesn't tell me he loves me any more. What sould i do. And what sould i look out for?

2007-11-11 10:26:37 · 8 answers · asked by dearsecretpal 1

Ive been dating my bf for 5 months, and 3 months ago he met a girl at work who he carpools with everyday and studies with. But when she goes over to his house to study, she ends up just swimming in his pool with him and his brother. He invites her to the beach with us, and today I found out she went over to his house just to hang out for the day when I was my house studying.

Im so mad! When we went to the beach with about 7 other people, I walked off with a friend to go for a walk, so he followed us and left her with his other friends. When we got back, her and her friend had left. Is this a sign she wants him?

I am so jealous and mad... but don't want to say anything. Do I have a right to be angry? Does it sound like she wants him? She is 24 and he is 22.

My close guy friend (who I dont hang out with much anymore cos I have a bf) asked me 2 go 2 his xmas party for work - free alcohol n accommodation. I wasnt gona go cos of my bf, but he hangs out with that girl. Should I go

2007-11-11 10:25:06 · 12 answers · asked by jeska102 1

He lives about an hour away and we have known each other forever. He always asks for pictures of me. We write letters and his last letter said, "send me some more pictures, please?" He already has about 8...why does he need more? It's not that I don't want him to have them I'm just curious. He has told me that he thinks I am beautiful. So maybe it is because he likes me? Or maybe he is doing something with them? What do guys do with pictures of "pretty" girls? I asked him why but he hasn't wrote me back yet.

2007-11-11 10:22:47 · 6 answers · asked by *My_Oh_My* 2

Ok there is this girl that I talk to alot in my calculus class. I am black and she is white. She is foriegn( Norway), she has blonde hair with blue eyes, and she is really pretty. We met about a month ago in class. The first day of class she introduced herself and started talking to me. We have been talking to each other frequently ever since, its so weird to actually talk to someone so different from you. I never thaught I meet someone like her. My black friends are asking me why I am with her so much, and why I talk to her. I ended up taking her out on a date to a resturant last week and we got all sorts of nasty looks. She is always there for me, when I was sick and bedridden she called me alot even bought me some mecidine and stayed with me. I love the feeling of being around her. But I received a hand written note from her yesterday saying how she is in love with me and how special I am to her. But people hate our relationship, help!

2007-11-11 10:21:10 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok, so theres this one guy.
And I've known him since July, and we've been really close friends. And I've always liked him.
Just last week his girlfriend broke up with him. In a way I was kinda happy, but I also felt really bad.
He's been in a bad mood all week long and then Friday we were hanging out all day long, and well..
he's a very shy guy, and you'd never know if he likes someone because he is so shy, but he kept making fun of me trying to see what I'd do, and he say these jokes about me and smile but he did it in a jokingly way.
Well, last night there was this big party. And we were both there...and his ex girlfriend was there.
Well, he was in a bad mood until I tried to cheer him up. He didnt say much to me...and he was the only person who said I didn't look 'nice' last night. (I had alot of fancy make up, hair done, and a pretty dress) but he was starring over at me alot, and it just so happened that every where I went he showed up.
i'm so confused. =/
What should I do

2007-11-11 10:21:08 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Me and my Girlfriend have been together now for two years and met very young. I am 19 she is 17. She is the most beautiful girl a guy has seen, i see myself as lucky to be with her.

Our relationship started badly, me jumping in from a relationship, and treating her incorrectly. My actions caused her to distrust me and i have been fighting ever since to get her to realise i want to be different.

Everytime we seem to be doing well an argument will take place, normally involving our past! How do i make her understand in order to move forward we need to try and move on together. I feel she is insecure and i guess we don't see eachother enough due to our different lives. One minute she says she doesn't want to be with me, her words are lethaltoward me... the next we're happy. Ive tried to let her know that im struggling with it all but everytime we talk it gets worse. I'm also starting to get aggressive and feel frustration. I no it sounds so bad, but i do not want to part from her!!

2007-11-11 10:17:10 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-11-11 10:16:00 · 1 answers · asked by Money Rain 1

Ive been dating my bf for 5 months, and 3 months ago he met a girl at work who he carpools with everyday and studies with. But when she goes over to his house to study, she ends up just swimming in his pool with him and his brother. He invites her to the beach with us, and today I found out she went over to his house just to hang out for the day when I was my house studying.

Im so mad! When we went to the beach with about 7 other people, I walked off with a friend to go for a walk, so he followed us and left her with his other friends. When we got back, her and her friend had left. Is this a sign she wants him?

I am so jealous and mad... but don't want to say anything. Do I have a right to be angry? Does it sound like she wants him? She is 24 and he is 22.

My close guy friend (who I dont hang out with much anymore cos I have a bf) asked me 2 go 2 his xmas party for work - free alcohol n accommodation. I wasnt gona go cos of my bf, but he hangs out with that girl. Should I go

2007-11-11 10:15:41 · 6 answers · asked by jeska102 1

2007-11-11 10:15:03 · 10 answers · asked by Adham 1910 4

ok so i like this guy and hes 16 years older than me...... at first i thought wed have nothing in common but we REALLY do and we REALLY like eachother..... however we dont think either of our families would accept us. we have loads in common and can talk 4 HOURS alost every day. but is it wrong? do u think its stupid? or could ever work? thanx for your opinion xxxxx

2007-11-11 10:08:15 · 7 answers · asked by tamissmiling 2

we have hung out just as friends, but now he wants to take it to the next level
he is 15 and im 14
how far should i go?

2007-11-11 10:06:16 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

My best male friend at college and I got close and eventually something happened between us despite him having a girlfriend. I said that I did not want to be in the situation where he was seeing me secretly and that I would rather we stayed friends as before. He agreed saying that though he had feelings for me he'd been with his girlfriend a long time etc. We talked a lot on the phone after this and everything seemed normal but now that we're back at college he is really horrible to me, he shouts at me about silly things, and ignores me the rest of time. I haven't told anyone that anything ever happened. Also he has started really flirting with other girls (but not his girlfriend?). He still calls me though and then he is completely normal and nice to me, he denies that he behaves in this way, but other people having been asking me if we've fallen out so obviously he is acting differently. My main issue is that we used to be friends. Why is he like this to me?

2007-11-11 10:04:45 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous


Hey, a friend of mine recently broke up with her boy friends bout 3 weeks ago now, and i want go out with her, but i wana get her somthing really special for christmas...any one have any ideas what to buy her (under £20 / $40) and what to say on the card? advice much apperciated cus i really want to make her happy, thanks!!

2007-11-11 09:56:40 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok so I was listening to this Gunther song and he was like "You're my sex bomb, hold me tight"
What is it?

2007-11-11 09:49:26 · 13 answers · asked by Cephalopod Chicka 2

I Was thinking internet chat rooms that kind of thing.

2007-11-11 09:48:19 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

yea im 13 yrs old i had this boyfriend that i reallly still like and he broke up with me 2 times already ppl said he cheated on me the second time i went out with him. He asked for a 3rd chance and i dont know what to say yes or no.But i really like him!!
PLz help me!!!!

2007-11-11 09:42:34 · 50 answers · asked by Anonymous

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