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Singles & Dating - 4 June 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

2007-06-04 10:48:12 · 51 answers · asked by mrswentworthmiller4eva 1

my ex and i broke up not too long ago[probably about a week] and we had both agreed on it, it was becuase we didn't get to know each other good enough before we started going out. well the other night i looked at his aim profile and there were lyrics from one of our songs["it's been a hellish fight to not think about you all the time"] i havent had a chance to talk to him yet but do you think that means he misses me :-/

2007-06-04 10:47:15 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was just wondering...

You know... not when your going out

You know when they say 'chat, flirt with other guys to make him/her jealous'

Does that work or just make them angry???

Lol, stupid question I know, I was just wondering...

Thanks in advance!

2007-06-04 10:05:05 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

Well, i get the feeling he might like me because i was over his house to study with a friend of his because he asked out of nowhere.And he seemed shy and nervous the whole while i was there. but there are these small things he does that makes me think he doesn't like me. for instance, he does't talk with me in a group when i am around. he avoids eye contact sometimes, but then others will look and stare. And another thing, today when i was at lunch i sat in his seat for a second to talk with his friends who are good friends of mine. when he came and saw me, he kinda didn't say anythign and sat down where there was an empty seat at the same table and ate quietly and then left. which he normally doesn't do. like he just went to do his hw sitting in a hallway. like what is witht that. like he was staring at me while i was talking and helping my firend at the table but he just left. id on't get guys?? does he like me or is it me?

2007-06-04 09:59:56 · 7 answers · asked by aleandria 1

i like him a lot, and i wasn't drunk we were on a club, but he told me he liked me when he was drunk, he is my friend, and now he has been really shy with me since then, and now we barely talk, when talk and he said that he was confused and needed to solve some problems, but does he likes me i mean he kissed me and all that.

2007-06-04 09:59:31 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-04 09:50:12 · 5 answers · asked by Addie [♦] 1

the situation is: when a girl has high expectation like she expects a lot from her bf, not money or sex but like these little stuff that may not count.. how can I get rid of my high expectations?
and guys what would u do if ur girl expects such things from you?

2007-06-04 09:32:50 · 11 answers · asked by rosa 1

he always flirts with me and i flirt back and i know he likes me but hes still going out with my whore of a best friend. i hate her right now. ive tried everything to break them up!! i even flashed him and he starting making out with me and then the next day he was like that meant nothing and lets just stay friends. im only 15 turning 16 but what can i do. he told her about making out and she was mad but them she forgave him. i really like him and i know he likes me but what can i do more then flshing. he keeps dropping hints to me that he likes me but the next day hes all over my best friend whore. how do i get him to dump that s.lut??? shes really mean to him sometimes

2007-06-04 09:05:02 · 38 answers · asked by Anonymous

I tell my boyfriend that if he smokes weed again then I am breaking it off with him?

2007-06-04 08:55:34 · 23 answers · asked by Ashley 3

Is it ok to be curious about different men? I mean what they do, their style, what they think about women, what they do during their free time, all kinds of things. I have been really curious lately and haven't felt like this before. Is it ok or would you consider it to be nosey?

2007-06-04 08:50:46 · 25 answers · asked by ME 4

A girl's kissed me like on the neck (a while ago), but not on the lips, and I just turned 16, and I'm homescooled, so that probably has something to do with it, but I feel embarassed that I haven't kissed a girl yet, and I really want to.

2007-06-04 08:45:41 · 8 answers · asked by Christian 1

I like this girl a lot and i asked her if she wanted to go to the movies with me on the weekend. She said she couldn't because she has a dance recital. Do you think she would think it was creepy or cute if i asked where it was and possibly showed up?

2007-06-04 08:41:33 · 18 answers · asked by Bill J 1

I have been casually seeing a guy for about 6 months now, and lately he is giving me mixed signals. I have tried to talk to him about what is going on, but he refuses to communicate with me or give me a straight answer about anything and simply says he needs to get to know me better before he is ready to move forward, doesn't want to be pressured, blah, blah, blah. The most recent pattern seems to be that he will spend an entire day with me, then contact me on more than one occasion the following day, and then I won't hear from him for a few days. Then it starts all over again. I will not chase him, but I do have feelings for the guy. Do I get out now or do I come up with a new game to play?

2007-06-04 08:33:26 · 3 answers · asked by elaine 2

if someone came over to your house and you ended up making out. then that person told you that they love you. but you dont love them..or have any emotional attatchment to them (you are just friends and this was a random hookup)
what would you say to them the next day??
serious answers only please....

2007-06-04 08:32:36 · 9 answers · asked by oompa loompa 4

i dont want to be mean, and i still want to be friends. how can i get him to leave me be.

2007-06-04 08:21:14 · 13 answers · asked by meg m 1

theres this guy that is a close friend. He says he likes me but doesnt want to go out. He wants to feel my boobs though. How do i tell him to stop asking but still have him like me?...don't say he isnt worth it b/c he is.

2007-06-04 08:06:11 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do guys think it is nasty if a girl drinks beer or do you think it shows her down to earth bad A** side that she doesn't care?

2007-06-04 08:05:45 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hey Everyone!! So I have a situation. I have been seeing this girl for a little over three months. We have totaly been acting serious, but just arent together together yet. We are TOTALLY into each other, and rock when we are together. She has a pretty jaded past, let downs, disappointments, etc. and is very very scared to move forward with this. She says she totally wants too, but is just so scared. So I was like Ill let you go then, and she said please no just give me like a week to just clear my head. I was like fine. That was last Thursday, amd it totally sucks already!!! haha it really does! I totally like her alot! Anyway, is there anything I can do here? Can I text her or something, or better to just leave it alone?? What can I do!!! Im goin CRAZY!

P.S. I was thinking of sending her a text that said: "Just a heads up, this totally sucks! I miss you kid!"

wouldnt that be funny??? Haha

2007-06-04 08:01:24 · 24 answers · asked by Tim R 1

he has a girlfriend, but he flirts with me constantly in school and he told me he likes me but he wont break-up with his girlfriend because he likes her too much..


she is kinda nastyyy too.

2007-06-04 07:53:08 · 80 answers · asked by She Called Me A Trooper™ 1

I've been friends with this guy for about 2 years, we always liked each other but last year he got an american girlfriend, he still kept on saying how much he liked me, even when she was in the country and when he was there with her. He would always say he didn't think it was working out between them. When he got home from a visit to her, he asked me out for a drink so we met and the inevitable happened and we spent the night together. A few days later I heard on the grapevine that him and this girl were engaged?! How can I get back at him for treating me like an idiot! I know it is my fault too but I didn't know they were getting married I thought they were on the verge of breaking up! Revenge tactics please.

2007-06-04 07:46:49 · 38 answers · asked by guylian_chocolate_seashell 2

I just got dumped by my boyfriend of like forever! I mean there are so many great guys out there and that i know. so what do i do now? I just need another sweetheart type of guy. I guess it wasn't that bad, he didn't have the sweetest personality and personality means alot to me.
Do I go and find another guy? Or should I wait awhile?

Huhhhhhh! I'm just so upset an confused!

2007-06-04 07:35:06 · 11 answers · asked by **Amanda** 3

I'm a 24 year old female and have just recently been talking with someone whos 34. I don't have a problem with it, but I'm afraid of what my family and friends will say or think about it. I'm ready to settle down, find love, and be in a serious relationship and me and this guy get along great. But how do I deal with the negative comments? Is this too much an age difference?

2007-06-04 06:57:13 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

well i like this guy and hes nice and i talk 2 him all the time and i told my friend that im really good friends with, and i was worried that he knows cause whenever i talk to him he goes red, then i found out the other day hes known for a month and my friend told him!! without telling me!!! what should i do about her? then today this guy overheard i like the other guy and blurted it out and the guy i like heard!! if he didnt know before he sure as hell knows now! wat shall i do, its all her fault! and i really like him and she always flirts with him in front me then makes sure im looking! help please!

2007-06-04 06:44:48 · 15 answers · asked by R 2

2007-06-04 06:42:14 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

and got back in the relationship again and he not doing right and you just don't know how to tell him that you need space you want to be by yourself what you suppose to do.

2007-06-04 06:39:47 · 25 answers · asked by mario07_2005 1

other than a good career move, i don't see any reason why any woman would do this.

2007-06-04 06:33:05 · 16 answers · asked by ol' t-bone 2

Im due a period on fri
But had sex a week last sat and sun the came inside me4 times
not been on the pill for 3 - 4yrs
I took a test today it wsa negative but im feel so sick and cant eat anything only thing i can drink is ginger beer !!
Could i still be pregnant???

2007-06-04 06:18:58 · 51 answers · asked by mary 1

I was talking to a female friend and I asked her if she had a diet soda because some people prefer diet soda over regular soda, you know just to make conversation... then she said "DO you think I should go on a diet?" and she is a really nice person but a bit over weight so I said "Yes." the thought behind it was that she asked me the question so I give her the honest answer as a friend because I care about her... Now she won't talk to me, what can I do to make it up to her?

2007-06-04 06:18:18 · 25 answers · asked by coach 3

and yes I know I spelt boyfriend wrong, I was running short on characters.

2007-06-04 06:14:25 · 3 answers · asked by Ryder 1

2007-06-04 06:12:25 · 27 answers · asked by Michael N 1

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