Why do people say certain things, yet their actions show the exact opposite? Why do people hold on to someone if they dont really want them? Why do people make someone believe that they wanna be with them and make this world of illusion just to please them, when they really have other ideas? WHY??? But most of all.. If someone is not interested in someone else anymore, why cant they just let them go and let them be happy? Instead they make them believe they still want them...just to hurt them later on, cause they will find out eventually that they dont? But what i dont get is why?? If u wanna be with someone else, why cant they just say so BE HONEST!! why do they have to INSIST on telling lies and make them believe that u do?? Im getting sick of this kinda crap. I'd much rather a girl be straight with me and say that they dont wanna be with me and dont like me no more and dont want nothing to do with me, tho it will hurt, BUT atleast id know the true and eventually move on.
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