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Singles & Dating - 16 November 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

What are your opinions on play on webcams?

a) Something you have done but wouldn't do again.
b) Something you like to do
c) Something you don't do yourself but think it's ok
d) Something you think is absolutely terrible.
e) Something you haven't done, but would.

2006-11-16 05:15:28 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Watching a girl in a bikini without her knowing. No not stalking but like at the beach or someone in a bikini with them knowing, like friends in a pool party or something. Does the unknowing of someone that you are watching them make it tha much more exiting or not?

2006-11-16 05:14:18 · 14 answers · asked by Fiesty Redhead 2

He's hardheaded and stubborn, and it drives me crazy...how can I get him to give in once in a while, and not be such and stubborn A$$??

2006-11-16 05:12:18 · 19 answers · asked by ANB 2

There is this guy I go to church with. He is the sweetest person I have ever met. I want to ask him out but I know he will be astonished. The last time I told his sister I liked him she told him. He wouldn't talk to me for days. I have been trying to drop some hits but it isn't working to good. I want him to ask me out before I have to ask him out. I like him a lot but I don't know how to get him to like me the same way I like him. What should I do? This is a desperate situation.

2006-11-16 05:11:17 · 12 answers · asked by Andrea luvs u...maybe...lol 3

at the last dance, this guy mitchell asked me to the dance , and i said yes, then he ditched me at the danced, i mean ignored me. so then i dumped him. but he keeps staring at me and smiling at me and trying to talk to me, and that flity stuff, so whats his problem, should i ask him out again???
and what are signs that 12-13 yr, old guys like you?

2006-11-16 05:06:13 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

well i told this girl i will wait for her, we were together a point n life andlove each other but she decide somebody over me and now i told her i would wait for and other people told to forget her and get another girl but i chose to wait for her and i do still love her but now what should i do and she was my very first very first so what to do while waiting.

2006-11-16 05:06:07 · 9 answers · asked by mrl53104 2

What will attract females in the public? Don't like bars. Need some help finding out how to meet women in public without seeming to be a womanizer or something. And, where's the best place to meet females?

2006-11-16 05:05:55 · 7 answers · asked by Wondrin Dude 3

I have been broken up with this girl for over 8 months and still occassionally she sends me hate email. Will she ever get over me, I have lost other girl friends because I have choosen to talk to her in the past.

2006-11-16 05:05:50 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-11-16 05:05:28 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've seen at least a few people on here that have.
Love is found in strange places i guess.... for geeks that is

2006-11-16 05:04:12 · 6 answers · asked by Wocka wocka 6

This is naveen aged 23 &my girl being a christian of 1yr elder but being classmates &in this relation 4more than 3yrs.Since v lived in kinda hostel life v had soo much of time to spend 2gether &v realy get a long very wel.V never had any issues despite of the factor that she use to post questions as 2how our religion effect r future. Me being absolutely frm a simple modern hindu family& me being independent since11yrs with an equality& +ve atitude is dead sure that there wud b problems but definelty theres a sol to it & wil succeed.And she use 2b my strength ultimately by supporting me4evrything.But now since she had to get bak 2her hometown now wakes up nd tels me that v had been in a fake wrld & v need 2get into reality "that it wouldnt wrk out" but the root cause is her love 2de family she loves her family &thus feels she wud b hurting dem de most.Dey *** 4m a not vry orthodox nd stuff.But now its hurting us alot but she isnt showing it&v cannot b with out eachothr.How can v proceed

2006-11-16 05:02:16 · 21 answers · asked by Naveen R 2

I'm 18 and a senior in high school. I've been wanting to ask this girl out for some time now. She is really, really shy. She's the type who won't start a conversation but will talk when someone starts first. We don't really "know" each other, not even names, but we've talked once in the library. She leaves directly at lunch because she takes the bus home. I notice that from a distance she will glance at me and see what I'm doing, then she'll hurry to the bus. We don't have any classes together so its really hard to get in touch with her. My question is this, how do I start something with this really really shy girl? Should I try and get her email or something to get to know her first or should I flat out ask her out so we can get to know each other there? She's really shy so I don't want to come on too strong, but enough to make my point. If anybody has any ideas on how to start something worth while and any ideas on places to ask her out to, please post them.

2006-11-16 05:00:21 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

he loves me and says we will be fine and wants to have the whole relationship thing but he doesnt want the title. he doesnt want to see other people either. he wants me to love him and everything but i cant wait around forever. is it worth it. does he want something else. how do i make him understand he could lose me before he actually does?

2006-11-16 04:57:15 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is it normal for me to look forward to seeing someone at a certain place and time, like say, in a coffeeshop, who has never spoken to me before or even looked at me ever for that matter?

2006-11-16 04:56:38 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

If your boyfriend told you that he has been wanting to propose, but wont because he hasn't found a ring yet what would you think, and how would you act about the situation. My boyfriend told me this a couple weeks ago. I told him that it's not the ring that's binding, it's the fact that he's willing to give that commitment. Honestly I didn't think he would want to to something like this for another couple of years... and I have not been pressuring him at all... HE is the one that brought it up. How do I act now that I know that is how he feels (and I would accept). Has he already "technically" PROPOSED?

2006-11-16 04:56:09 · 10 answers · asked by ? 3

I all I said was I wouldnt go out with a fatty bloater

2006-11-16 04:55:39 · 51 answers · asked by Fox Hunter 4

2006-11-16 04:55:02 · 15 answers · asked by X*~BABS~*X 2

i have a dance tomorrow, and its not formal, what should i do? what should i wear? what if a guy asks u to dance? help!!!

2006-11-16 04:53:01 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Can anyone ever be too old for you to date even if you get along and you have great communication. You understand each other and try to support and always be there for them?

2006-11-16 04:52:44 · 8 answers · asked by Baby Girl 1

i have a picture in my sexy little red riding hood costume for holloween and he asked me if i do magic. why did he ask that

2006-11-16 04:52:39 · 9 answers · asked by annamariecreed 1

i used to help people to go through there lifes and i am happy each time some1 thank me 4 doing something good or being able to help, concerning me i am facing big problem and i need to change, i always act b4 i think spacilay with men this is why all my relations dosent last and i always regrate, ppl cant belive how i was able to advice and help many ppl and i cant help myself,is there any 1 can give a great advice that might change my life and give me new hope to have good lasting relation.thanks

2006-11-16 04:51:49 · 10 answers · asked by wiwi 1

I'm going to put this poem before class starts and while nobody is there. This is to prevent anyone from seeing who put it. As for people reading it nobody really cares about that stuff. Also it will be addressed to her but my name won't be written and shes always sitting in the same place since the beginning of the year. Also tell me how i should decorate the poem. I have an idea but i want other opinions.

To Pamela, the Princess of Mexico

When i think of the perfect girl
You are the only one that comes to mind

With the intelligence of a genius,
Eyes of an angel,
Hair as soft as silk,
And a smile that lights up a room,
No wonder you are God's only work of art

You're an amazing girl, an amazing person
You're special and irreplaceable in my heart

2006-11-16 04:49:29 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I guess they think that they are helping......?????

2006-11-16 04:49:15 · 7 answers · asked by D'antwon ;-)~ 2

I tried to push the L word around a little to hard and he's not ready How can i show him i'm sorry, i still love him, I respect the fact thats he's not ready, and that i'm willing to wait.

2006-11-16 04:48:46 · 26 answers · asked by mindblowin8358 1

I like 2 girls. One is good, conservative, sophiticated, smart and responsible, the other one is totally opposite: bad, ditzy, rude, and irresponsible.

2006-11-16 04:48:16 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am at this moment disgusted with some members of my gender, some of us do the stupidest, most desperate things in order to "keep our men". some of us never realize our worth or that we are quality people that deserve a heck of a lot better than we give ourselves credit for. Am I alone in this thought?? Input would be appreciated.

2006-11-16 04:46:59 · 17 answers · asked by FoxyFoxy, Kickass Drama Queen 5

ok well i just found out that the guy i like likes me back but my friend told me that he used 2 smoke but she doesnt kno if he still does. so what do i do. could he really quit that fast? how can i find out if he does w/o being nosey. i really need answers!! he just turned 13 so plz help me!!

2006-11-16 04:45:29 · 13 answers · asked by Muhh-liss-Uhh 2

is it really possible to be in love with someone you've never physically touched?

2006-11-16 04:45:24 · 3 answers · asked by jess0866 2

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