Ok, if you read my other questions, you will figure out that I like a guy, but I was too shy too approach...Anyway he disappeared for a few weeks and I was fine and thought " Oh well I get over it, I am cool with it, whatever!"...
He returned last Friday and chatted all of the sudden friendly to me...Hours later I saw him again, he was with tourists( because he is guide), pointed at me and said " This is my future wife, she doesn't know it yet, but she will be"(My friend was next to me uhhhing and ahhing, just to make sure I didn't have halluzinations)
Anyway, I took at is a sign, that he might be still interested and I didn't spoil my chance...The whole weekend I thought about how to approach the situation...
I bumped into him yesterday, we were chatting allright( my heart is just always racing) and I said" I actually wanted to ask you if you would like to go out for coffee sometime, if it's still an option?"
He answered " I would like to, but I have a girlfriend, but you really have
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