My wife of 33 years,has lost interest in our sex life.She was also,going down the path,of saying "I think you and I would get on better,if you got your own place. So I got my own place,a flat,which I doubled up as an office...but I was still keen to keep our relationship going so ended up going home every night..having a few drinks on the way home from work..with a few guys in a local club.I was doing 2 jobs a day, and finishing work at 11 pm at wife would be in bed,asleep when I got home at10 pm..and thus,I was having no adult conversation, or as we say "chilling" before I went to bed ! She thought I was having affairs (I wasn't) . and then came her next solution..I don't want you coming home here if you have had a drink.
Together, with my wife sleeping on the edge of the bed for 2 years , and no sex..I began to get the idea,that I wasn't I then started playing the field.I love her.I love sex! I had an affair with a nurse, who told everybody ! What should I do ?
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