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Other - Family & Relationships - 21 February 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

You have recently married a person with an ex (who they insist that they hate) and are going through their photo album. You discover lots of pictures of their ex, some of them with the ex in either very skimpy clothing or their underclothes. You also find pictures of the ex with their kids, which you have no problem with, you have a problem with the ones with just the ex alone. Your spouse says that they are keeping the pictures for their kids, your response is that they don't need to see their parent dressed that way and insist that the photos of just the ex are destroyed.

Are you right to insist that they destroy the photos or is it none of your business? Should you have to live with those photos in your home?

2007-02-21 04:56:44 · 11 answers · asked by mark my words 3

her to love me and call me her own. She rejects me all the time. Do I call it quits or do i continue to build a relationship with her even though she doesn't care? She continues to hate me because of who i choose to be with,..but i'm in love,...help..

2007-02-21 04:45:40 · 8 answers · asked by lovelthotchik747 1

i jz break up wit her.......... then the reason of we break up is bcoz i nt rich........ shud i say giv mi time n let mi go get more more money? o jz let her go? i reali luv her.... she say at least i hv 2 hv a car........ at least can giv him buy her make up thing n oso some money 2 spend?? shud i chase her back onot?

2007-02-21 04:41:45 · 12 answers · asked by ? 2

I never believed in astrology until I met my Aries man. He's a book definition of his sign. I'm a Libra woman... somewhat similar to my sign. While we were dating n engaged, our relationship seemed to be made in heaven. The conflits started soon after we married. We love each other a lot and despite of our fights I want to be with him. I know life is not meant to spend over someone who's not meant to b for you. However, I've a strong feeling that if I handle this intial period of our marriage our relation could be endless. Is anyone out there an Aries man or have an Aries man? Please list out on dos and donts, likes and dislikes of Aries. How to behave when an Aries is upset? How to cheer him up? How to talk to him when he the most untalkative person in the world? How to tell him when he is wrong? How to bring him to listen? I know they are supposed to be like a child interms of selfishness and brutality too that loves fight. But how to explain him Libra is calm and hate fights

2007-02-21 04:30:42 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

My boyfriend of 10 years..I know this might sound crazy..But..He is always controlling my every move..We have been in a relationship off and on for 10 years..We have a 6 year old daughter together..and the very reason why we are not married because of his controlling ways..He is always wondering were I'm at and calling too much telling what to do and what not to do..Bascially trying to contol my life..We don't fight but we argue alot..He never cheated nither have I..We live in seperate house's..He have his own place and I have mine..He want us to move in together but I just can't because of his controlling ways..I'm finally want to end this and move on but I want because of our daughter..He is the type that will not be in his daughter life if we are not together..She loves him dearly..I know he will leave her if were not together because he done it before..The story goes on but I'm going to end it here..What should I do? Should I leave him once and for all.

2007-02-21 04:20:11 · 28 answers · asked by goodies100 5

she was realy upset and sad and dissapointed with her self she said she would never do it again- she never did, do u no anyone who has done that, why do u think she did that, she has never got in to trouble like that before.

2007-02-21 04:06:29 · 33 answers · asked by adrianna 2

My parents hate my boyfriend. They've gone so far as to tell me to my face that he's the worst thing to ever happen to me! The thing is, I have NO idea why. He's romantic, attentive, sweet, strong and so so loving. We've been together for over two years.
The major problem that my mother seems to have is that he's not very finacially secure, he doesn't have a lot of savings, or own a house. That's not a big deal for me, after all, I'm a student with 50,000 debt. We both work, we get by... there are just things that are more important than money to me.
What do I do? Can I convince my parents that he's as wonderful as I know he is? Can I deal with the consequences if I can't convince them? I love my boyfriend and I don't want to leave.

2007-02-21 04:05:05 · 10 answers · asked by Lost 2

do you think that it is wrong if i call everyone babe and hun and tell everyone i love them in a friend way and even give them hugs and stuff. is that so wrong for both guyz and gurls when i have a boyfriend. he dont care but i was just wondering .

2007-02-21 03:57:35 · 22 answers · asked by Miss Justinee X3 2


How do you let go of urself and stop being uptight in situations. I would love to just be myself around other people when Im out. I think im quite shy and care about what people think of me or if I say something stupid. I have plenty of good friends and a boyfriend though. I dont know whats wrong! Help

2007-02-21 03:56:42 · 1 answers · asked by lozziebach 1

and you decide to make it a little more fun by kidnapping them, how do you do it?

2007-02-21 03:53:55 · 5 answers · asked by tiemetight814 2

I work 9-5 mon-fri and the days that I dont see my friends are so boring. What can I do to amuse myself after work besides watch Tv, read, and have a bath go to the gym. Does anyone else get bored during the week too?

2007-02-21 03:48:27 · 24 answers · asked by Lolly 1

I feel my life is going nowhere.

I met my boyfriend 4 years ago down the pub when I was a outgoing bubbly 17 year old.

Since we have been together I never go out. He is 8 years older than me and has no interest in having a social life he prefers getting home from work and relaxing. He says he has had all his fun and done all he wants to and now just stays in playing computer consoles.

If I bug him to take me out he gets really angry with me.

We have just got our own place and he has taken a job with the company I already work for and we are in the same building.

I have always wanted to work abroad/travel and do something with my life but know I feel stuck.

Im only 21 and feel so trapped. Should I give up my boyfriend, house and job to do what I have always wanted?

2007-02-21 03:33:44 · 10 answers · asked by itsmeagain 1

Ok, I have a 4 year old son and i'm 22 years old. I was a junior in high school when he was born. The girl and I split up right after he was born and we went our seperate ways. We agreed i would get him on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, and half a day Sunday. We've been doing that the whole time and it's worked out fine. We never went to court for anything and had mutual agreements on everything. About a month ago i got a thing in the mail saying she all the sudden wants child support, and different visitation rights. I went to the pre-trial hearing yesterday and they said it was going to be about 465 dollars a month out of my check and i'd see him once a week and every other weekend! To me, that's not right at all because i have never turned my back on my son. He's my best friend and will always be my best friend. On the other hand, i've gotten married since then and my wife and I are expecting in late July. There is no way i could afford that with everything else I have to pay for.

2007-02-21 03:30:46 · 5 answers · asked by Brian L 1

I told my boyfriend i love him but do i?

2007-02-21 03:25:38 · 4 answers · asked by THICKNESS 1

i've tried alot of things but i want something amazing to do x

2007-02-21 03:25:16 · 4 answers · asked by xx_mwah_xx 1

2007-02-21 03:10:56 · 40 answers · asked by misbehave4me 4

do you get turned on when you watch gay guys? Some guys get turned on when they watch lesbians getting it on. I find that really wierd. Wonder if that is true with the opposite gender.

2007-02-21 03:09:30 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

The guy is from another country of Africa. My family is asking me questions like: why did I fall in love with him when there are more guys in my own country. and I am kind of those ladies who are maily focusing on the career which made me chose not to have children. They are also asking what will I gain to love him if i am not gonna give him children. I have tried to answer them but they dont understand. please help me maybe i can convince them because i love him so much and I cant leave him.

2007-02-21 03:08:53 · 7 answers · asked by LOVELEYG R 1

I'm a clean cut, innocent, sheltered college student. I grew up in a good home and I haven't known any hardship other than the divorce of my parents. After many years of attempts at dating, I finally have a girlfriend. I've been with her a little over a month, but she has problems. Every little detail about her past or about her current situation has built up overtime, with her revealing more about herself as we've gone out. She has a dark past. She was sexually harrassed at a young age in school and now cuts herself because of it. She's told me she's had several suicide attempts in the past. Her ex, whom she was with for a year, used to hit her and he got her pregnant and forced her to have an abortion. My parents don't approve, but they don't know about her past. They just think she's not good enough for me. She went to a trade school and I'm at a top university. She also weighs about 100 lbs more than I do. Please put yourself in my position. I will add more details...

2007-02-21 02:57:04 · 34 answers · asked by quad5 2

I fall in love with one girl and she also loves me and we both fall in love for almost 4 years. I love her a lot and she also loves me more than me. But the problem is that my parents don't like her and i have told several times to my parents but they don't wanna hear anything. She is waiting for me and she will !!! now in one hand i have my love and in other hand i have my parents and i love both of them. What should I do? Love marriage or arrange?

2007-02-21 02:52:58 · 9 answers · asked by Shari Khan 2

My boyfriend of three years is jealous, controlling, and possesive. I am to the point I can't stand it, and have tried to end it.(We live together). He will not take no for an answer....he cries, begs, and pleads, promising that he will change...I have already taken him back once because of this. How can I move out without him bothering me? He just wont accept that it is over,he gets extremely mad...and then he cries. I don't know what to do. i just want to move on. I have two children in the home also.When I try to end it, he calls me 100 times at work trying to plead with me. Help!!!

2007-02-21 02:52:01 · 19 answers · asked by samantha s 1

I am, by nature, really shy. I'm not used to talking loud unless I'm really comfortable with select people. Sometimes when I am a bit more outspoken or louder around certain people they act like I'm weird. Is it possible to change from shy to outgoing? Sometimes I'm really unhappy because I'm so shy because a lot of my friends aren't, but when I try to be social I feel like I always mess up. I really wish I was more social and comfortable with myself but I'm really not. What should I do

2007-02-21 02:39:49 · 28 answers · asked by blue pirincess 1

i like sex but not all the time, sometimes i just want to lie there and cuddle but i feel a pressure to get sexual. I cant relax anymore because im always thinking hes going to try and have sex in a minute. He does this look which means he wants it and sometimes i ignore it and feel bad. How do i not have sex when i dont feel like it and not offend him and how do i stop feeling this silent pressure to have sex all the time

2007-02-21 02:15:56 · 22 answers · asked by helen b 3

2007-02-21 02:06:20 · 36 answers · asked by Zmithy 2

2007-02-21 02:00:07 · 21 answers · asked by spunky_luv_today 1

And would your costume bring out any different behavior from you?

2007-02-21 01:49:23 · 9 answers · asked by tiemetight814 2

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