I seem to always disagree with my work colleague,one day we get on fine, the nxt day she is rude and extremely patronising towards me.Today she tried to tell me off-though we're equal!!!
There are other times where we flirt continuously,smiling,stare into each others eyes,emails,body language etc....A few weeks back at a works drinks, she said:
I want to trust you-get to know you better....
What happens at work stays at work....
I want us to get on....
I don't do 1 night stands,I only have proper boyfriends....
Then she asked if we're "cool"???
Another week (at work drink) she just stared at me, I asked her why and she said "I just want to look at you and your funny".The look was all smiles - like checking me out!!!Then she said Are we "cool?"
Whats her game???What she mean by "we cool?"
p.s. there is trouble with her boyfriend of 2 years, as he don't want to commit....colleagues say we have a love/hate thing bwt us+there's tension bwt us..
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