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Other - Family & Relationships - 21 February 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

Its her birthday tomorrow, and I want her to get a big bouquet. Its about $50 or more dollars for a decent little birthday one. Is it cheaper to get it myself? Also, I wont be able to get to moms work until after 2:00. Do you think its more fun to get flowers delivered by a delivery guy or her daughter?

2007-02-21 07:58:02 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

My boyfriend's mother passed away last week. I asked him if he wanted me to come over this weekend (we live 2 hrs apart) to hang out. Get his mind off things, take care of him, you know? Well...when I asked him...he didn't say yes, but didn't say no either. Guaranteed if I don't come down, he'll end up going to a bar with the guys b/c he hates to be alone. Why wouldn"t he want me to come over??

2007-02-21 07:47:50 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

if your partener is asian and asked u to marry him would you. would you change all your religion for him ..

2007-02-21 07:46:10 · 1 answers · asked by Lovesherman 2

I was wondering what the 'definition' is of mental abuse. What things must occur in order for mental abuse to have taken place? I am looking for specific things, I have a general idea of what mental abuse is, like putting you down and making you feel like dirt. Does mental abuse have anything to do with 'turning someone against another person'. I am just not sure where that plays in to mental abuse. Like alienating a parent against a child or vice versa, is that mental abuse or just Parental Alienation Syndrom?

2007-02-21 07:38:39 · 9 answers · asked by NolaDawn 5

I was trying to get an oppinion from my daughter regarding this man. I told her that he might be my boyfriend and after she told me that she likes him, she asked me "are you -humpping- each other? OMG!!!! What kind of question is that? She is only 8 years old!!! she told me that hupping is -sex-, and that boyfriends have sex, and gay people too!!!! woman with woman and man with man... who the hell are giving her those explanations? More over, she gave me more detailed explanation that I don't want to mention. How can I explain to her what is sex without giving her to much information, and make her keep trusting me. I know that this will come one day, but 8 years? I was expecting this conversation in a few more years... I mean she still my baby...

2007-02-21 07:34:27 · 2 answers · asked by bb4u 2

I have been told by one of my close friends that i am wish washy. he say's sometimes he doesn't think i want to be happy because all i seem to do is pick fights even when it is un nessacary. i has that promblem in my last relationship to and it is so hard for me to trust people. I am thinking about taking some time out and just shutting out everyone to truly find myself. Does anyone else have some suggestions?? it seems no mater how good things get i am never truly happy.

2007-02-21 07:32:32 · 18 answers · asked by mama 1

I caught him in 3 lies before this one. All things that I didnt care about if he only was upfront about it. Since he "lied" to me it just makes it worse. If he only took responsibility to pay them and was on time I wouldnt even care. Your credit is your lifeline if you want to have a nice house, car, things that you want, places you want to go. I told him if he doesnt straighten up we have no life together. What does he do again? lie right to my face about another stupid lie. He is divorced and has a 3 year old son. I have no kids of my own just 2 cats. Im 29. They live with me in my home I bought and paid for. I have excellent credit while his is shot. He does make good money. I dont want to marry a man that will bring me down to his level as soon as I share his name. I dont think I can do it anymore.....besides his ex is psychotic and his child already shows signs of growing into a brat because of his upbringing. Probably a blessing that I get out? anyone else in the same situation

2007-02-21 07:23:13 · 16 answers · asked by mizzkitty2778 2

with our daughter after not having any contact with her for a year, he last saw her when she was 1. he just simply stopped calling etc. Then i received a letter from a solicitor stateing he wishes to see our child and shares the same rights as i do as his name is on the birth cert, however it is also filled with lies as to how it has only been a few months and that i stopped access to her. I wrote back explaining the info your client gave was false and i would only allow supervised visitations in a family contact centre to start with as he is basically a stranger to our daughter. I havent heard anything back and its been 2 weeks now. I am worried that this man has the right to keep entering and leaving our daughters life and i have no power to stop this from happening. any advice?

2007-02-21 07:17:26 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a friend who is giong through difficult times. Should I be there for him even though I have moved on. This is an ex boyfriend.... What do you think?

2007-02-21 07:13:35 · 6 answers · asked by ttc #1 2

How do the women deal with a very bad harsh breakup with someone that you have been with for almost 5 years. My ex and I dont deny that we love each other but it is impossible for us to be happy together. H has made it clear the he doesnt want to see me with anyone else whereas I just want to see him happy with whomever can make him happy. Is there anyone else out there going through this or has been through this. Please share ho you handled this

2007-02-21 07:12:42 · 3 answers · asked by tiffany j 2

when i get aroused, my vagina gets really wet. I mean seriously wet like down my thighs. Its got to the stage were i dnt wanna kiss before my boyfriend goes down on me because when he does im really really wet and i think it must be disgusting for him to have to deal with all that wetness!

2007-02-21 07:09:10 · 15 answers · asked by helen b 3

Don’t worry about me
Just give me your hand, and don’t try to understand

life’s over rated, and oooh so complicated, yeah
fitting in your, square in a round world
your losing your grip, someday soon, sooner and sooner girl
your just gunna slip. ooooh and then what will your friends think about yoooou
oh whaaaat will they think about you?

Don’t worry about me,
just give me your hand, and don’t try to understand.

Spread your wings just to come crashing down
dooown down to the smashing ground dooown down

Baaabyyy, oooh sweet sweet baby
he aint worth your tears, you learn that over the years, yeah
the one you love wont make you cry, so some on girl get smart
and just dump this guy.
ohhh baby my sweet sweet baby

whatcha think

2007-02-21 06:57:43 · 3 answers · asked by d_asnightnday 1

2007-02-21 06:53:51 · 4 answers · asked by tiemetight814 2

should be tending to your children and doing your jobs. I find that during the week day Y.A. is loaded w/super fast typing woman w/the same opinions and really good grammar..........Get back to work! Go ahead tell me I'm wrong.

2007-02-21 06:52:35 · 9 answers · asked by . 2

I was 13 years and two weeks whe n I lost mine on my living room couch. I became a dad as a result. I am now 17. How old was everyone else, where did you lose it, and have you done it since. I have had sex five times since.

2007-02-21 06:35:37 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

If you don't trust your partner 100%? I am happy but always feel that nagging doubt when he is out! Yes he has lied too many times to count but don't know if someone can be completely happy with an ounce of doubt?

2007-02-21 06:31:09 · 9 answers · asked by confused one 1

i have a boyfriend in which my dad doesnt like and my dads always saying "Youre too young to be worried about boys" IM ALMOST 16!!!! plus when my sister was my age she had plenty of boyfreinds and they let her go out and everything. ny dad wouldnt even let me go to madi gras on saturday because my bf is going to be there. i swear my parents treat me like a baby. (cause i am the baby) what should i do

2007-02-21 06:26:44 · 6 answers · asked by cowmoomoo 3

My boyfriend and I have been together for about 2 years. We moved in together about 6 months ago, but we practically lived together before that, since one of us always spent the night at the other's house. Now, things are changing and I want to stop it before they get terrible. We both feel like we're married now. Even though neither of us stops the other from going out with friends, we tend to just sit on the couch and watch tv together every night, which is strange since we're young...I'm 20, he's 22. We've begun to lose the romance from our relationship...we rarely kiss, snuggle, and sex comes about once a month now. We still get along great, but its starting to feel like we're best friends instead of lovers. When I suggest moving out or taking a break, he says he doesn't want to because he would miss me too much, but I miss the passion we once had in our relationship and that's the only way I can think of getting it back. Anybody have any advice?

2007-02-21 06:25:05 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

i mean u know its always that one boyfriend that your mother liked and thought was the right person for u. And how often do u think about that ex.

2007-02-21 06:18:04 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Way too much to explain, but the bottom line is my girlfriend started hanging out with this guy that she met through a family friend. It went from talking with him a few times to every day she goes to see him for some reason or another and hangs out there till all hours in the morning. Literally till like 3:00 am. I used to like him but now I hate him... We fight over her seeing him every day but no matter what, she still sees him regaurdless of how upset I am getting. She tells me every time she goes there, but she stays there until 3 or 4 a.m. We have faught about it until I have been blue in the face but she won't stop seeing him. She does not have alot of friends & she uses this as an excuse. If I was included it would not be an issue but I am never included in thier chill out sessions.
Is she sleeping with him, or interested in him or is she just excited to have a new guy friend that is funny.

I am racking my brain over this.
Please advise...

2007-02-21 06:00:13 · 7 answers · asked by warscoob 2

What should I do? I have so much sadness and grief in my heart. But, i shouldn't be upset, because i am good girl...i don't party, never drank or smoke in my life. I make very good grades. I am indeed bless. But, i still have a hole in my heart. By not having a mother or father figure...i tend to wear my heart on my sleeve. I really need some good and heart to heart advice! Thank you!

2007-02-21 05:46:07 · 15 answers · asked by muslimah4life91 3

16, 14, 12, 9, 2, 2, 2. the two year old is 8 months older than the two year old twins. My daughter is always doing dumb things.They r her children. I've had to raise some of the older kid's till i found my daughter and gave them back to her. Now she has 15 years probation for operating escort services. I hope she stays out of trouble. But who knows. If she gets in any trouble, i will be next in line to raise the children. I love them, but feel like my daughter has never been a nice daughter to me, and she has done many things to hurt me. And always says," Hey you never helped me!" My question is this, I had three children, i raised them and now I'm 59, and have a extreme nervous condition. I don't think i could do it. But i know i will have to. I will end my life after about 3 months. Help please.

2007-02-21 05:39:59 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am feeling very low as each and every person in my life has betrayed my trust.Even my school friends have betrayed my trust whom i use to think my best friends.I never made hundreds of friends in my school time. i just made 3-4 friends in my school time thinking it is good to make long lasting relation with hand full of people instead of making 100 never supporting friends.but they all have betrayed my trust.i am not able to maintain any relation. all those relation were god made means which were from birth i.e all my relative i am not able to maintain relation with them also. but in all those breaking up it was not my fault it was their fault to keep me using for something or other.i don't like to discuss my problems with each and every person in my life but some people are disclosing my life to every in society.what i should do so that people are more faithful to me?

2007-02-21 05:38:48 · 9 answers · asked by Diksha A 3

By who? What happened? Why did they tie you?

2007-02-21 05:36:21 · 10 answers · asked by tiemetight814 2

In your own words what is love? Explain what it mean to you

2007-02-21 05:30:40 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-02-21 05:26:53 · 7 answers · asked by Rhiannon A 1

if her friend cant keep a man herself?

2007-02-21 05:25:55 · 4 answers · asked by fixuall 1

2007-02-21 05:22:58 · 7 answers · asked by mollie5 1

I complained about a girl bullying my daughters & since then her boyfriend & mates have vandalised our garden & car. My husband got a hold of them and that side of things stopped though now they shout insults at me when I'm collecting the kids from school.
Should my hubby not be ddoing something about this?

2007-02-21 05:20:15 · 6 answers · asked by mollie5 1

dose'nt anyone ever use there head anymore.some of these questions are common sence.so use it.i pass a lot of them.there so stuip


2007-02-21 05:11:16 · 10 answers · asked by kwaynedglvr 2

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