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How do the women deal with a very bad harsh breakup with someone that you have been with for almost 5 years. My ex and I dont deny that we love each other but it is impossible for us to be happy together. H has made it clear the he doesnt want to see me with anyone else whereas I just want to see him happy with whomever can make him happy. Is there anyone else out there going through this or has been through this. Please share ho you handled this

2007-02-21 07:12:42 · 3 answers · asked by tiffany j 2 in Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

I recently broke up with my es of 4 1/2 years. while we both acknowledge that we love each other. I have realized that thats not enough. I have done everything in mypower to make this work even taking him back after cheating on me. He is not ready to leave well enough alone. His excuse for wanting to be with me is because he cant stand to see me with anyone else. Yet he doesnt want to do things it takes to make me happy. Im sure if I should feel flattered by that or just take it as a selfish gesture. I jsut want to be happy I know that for at least right now that cant happen with him. What should I do

P.S Im 6 months pregnant

2007-02-21 07:43:30 · update #1

3 answers

Yes, dear Tiffany, i know the anguish a woman feels after a breakup. There is a remedy, i'll tell you: Don't reject Your love!!!
It was mostly your decision to dump him, wasn't it? and now you are trying to convince yourself it was correct? maybe... from your mind's point of view... but our minds' logic can't judge Love, mustn't measure pros and contras for a feeling, which is given by God as a gift. Human mind always tends to be very critical, maybe it necessary for surviving in the physical world. But when your critical thought deals with love, it is a Killer and the way you feel is a road to hell. Don't you feel like that at the moment? just because you focused your mind on his 'negative points'. Do you think anybody is perfect? neither is he, but it doesn't matter as what matters is only that he is the man you love! God always sends us the right person, 'angels' but we are never satisfied. It's up to you to decide to continue your relationship or not, but not to suffer pain, keep your love in your heart, remember the best, 'allow' yourself to love him! Remember that you've been great in your romance, you gave all the best of you to him, you are unforgettable! Be proud of your love! Keep loving inside of your heart! Love is like a baby, how can you drop it somewhere? leave outside alone?
... from your PS it appears to be that 'a baby' is not just an association with a feeling, but a reality! Tiffany, your and his love dwells in you alive! There can't be greater hapiness than love. When you think you'll be really happy - having money, friends, parties, cars, castles... but no love - would you be happy? Love is a flow, love is a flight, your spread wings, your breath. When you say 'I love you!' you are the generator of a wondeful energy, maybe holy energy.
You know, Tiffany, as for me, i also want to be happy very much, that's why i was attracted by your question... but if there were no other alternative as to choose between love and happiness, what do you think i would choose? xxx

2007-02-21 08:49:54 · answer #1 · answered by Lika 4 · 0 0

Sometimes love just isn't enough. It's good that you both realize that it just is not working for either of you.

Since you are no longer together - what he wants to see or don't want to see is his problem. He needs to move on in life and so do you.

The best thing for everyone is to avoid him. Don't go places he might be. Let him move on and you do the same.

2007-02-21 15:20:07 · answer #2 · answered by Collette L 6 · 1 0

Just replace him with someone better.

2007-02-21 15:22:34 · answer #3 · answered by Mayonaise 6 · 0 0

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