I was 15 when I lost my virginity...in a baseball dugout! We didn't use protection either, but he pulled out before he finished. We went about 2 months on a pregnancy scare, but we were fine, and still are! Now I'm on the pill, and we also use a condom. I'm really sorry you and your girl got pregnant..but 13? WOW! I hope no one was home..Good luck raising your daughter!
2007-02-21 07:16:49
answer #1
answered by Schmanders 2
I lost mine on September 11th around 3 am (the morning before the planes hit) when I was 15 in the back of a ford mustang...it lasted about 20 seconds and I thought sex sucked at the time. I've changed my opinion of it since.
2007-02-21 06:41:29
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I lost it at 13 too. Me and my girlfriend at the time where getting hot and horny at a movie theatre, walked out the movie, went walking looking for somewhere to do it. Found a staircase to some apartment building, and ended up doin it there. I didn't finish my first time, but she did. I've had sex with about 16 other girls since then.
2007-02-21 06:41:29
answer #3
answered by maneone22 2
i was 18 and i made sure that i was on the pill before. Im now 25 and still no kids. I have done it many times but with out worries. My biggest fear was having a child at a young age and having to stuggle. Being 25 im still not ready yet. i bet its proabably scary for you now but you just have to make sure that you protect yourself. in time things will work out with that
2007-02-21 06:46:31
answer #4
answered by rain9439 2
I was 17 but I tell everyone I was 24.
2007-02-21 06:40:50
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Lost it when I was 11, in my then girlfriends room, and, aherm, yes. And, while I didn't use protection, and didn't for a couple of years after that, I never got the girl preggo. Thank God. That would have been a nightmare.
2007-02-21 06:40:19
answer #6
answered by Faint 2
I was 17 and thought that I was the last person on earth to loose it. It happen on the front lawn of the girls parents house. I was scared out of my mind but since then it's bee on and poppin.
2007-02-21 07:04:51
answer #7
answered by ltwatkins77 4
wow you were really young to have a kid. i lost my virginity when i was 18 of course now i'm 26 so yeah i have had plenty of sex since then. and i lost in a bed like alot of people
2007-02-21 06:43:48
answer #8
answered by Juliaysha247 3
wow 13-15 years old, damn thats young.I lost mine when I was 18, in the back seat of a Nissan and did I mention I was drunk.
2007-02-21 06:45:29
answer #9
answered by jennisea04 3
so you have a kid? wow 13 is soooo little to have a kid??? did you keep the baby?? i was 15 lost it to my first love in his pickup truck like a contry song hahah
2007-02-21 06:39:06
answer #10
answered by CRAZY 8 3