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Way too much to explain, but the bottom line is my girlfriend started hanging out with this guy that she met through a family friend. It went from talking with him a few times to every day she goes to see him for some reason or another and hangs out there till all hours in the morning. Literally till like 3:00 am. I used to like him but now I hate him... We fight over her seeing him every day but no matter what, she still sees him regaurdless of how upset I am getting. She tells me every time she goes there, but she stays there until 3 or 4 a.m. We have faught about it until I have been blue in the face but she won't stop seeing him. She does not have alot of friends & she uses this as an excuse. If I was included it would not be an issue but I am never included in thier chill out sessions.
Is she sleeping with him, or interested in him or is she just excited to have a new guy friend that is funny.

I am racking my brain over this.
Please advise...

2007-02-21 06:00:13 · 7 answers · asked by warscoob 2 in Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

7 answers

Dude, you are blind. This chick is totally trying to get with him (or already is). You need to move on. How do you think she would feel if you had an exclusive girl "friend" that you stayed with untill 3am?

2007-02-21 06:11:25 · answer #1 · answered by emce 3 · 0 0

I went via a similar concern. Sorry bud, she's cheating on you. She's moved on. he's able to offer her some thing you weren't, and that i'm speaking from journey. What I did replaced into wait up for her, and get right into a controversy together with her approximately why she replaced into with him. Then sooner or later she instructed me what replaced into incredibly happening over there, and that i broke up together with her. you need to nip it in the butt, it fairly is in simple terms truthful to you, so which you will get available and meet somebody else who will enjoy you.

2016-10-16 04:35:35 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

u sound jealous. i'm not saying u are but it sounds that way. i think her "excuse" is a mighty good one. when u haven't had friends for a period of time or don't have friends then obviously ur gonna jump at the chance to see the only one u have. talk to her about it again b/c she doesn't understand ur reasons for feeling like this.

2007-02-21 06:15:17 · answer #3 · answered by Abby 6 · 0 0

Sounds very suspicious, maybe you should get stepping and not look back.You have doubt, so get out.There would never be any reason a female should be at anyones house til 3am.Let her find some friends and you find a new Girl friend.She's Drama, leave it be...

2007-02-21 06:12:26 · answer #4 · answered by Maw-Maw 7 · 0 0

from a guy that just ended a 5+ yr. relationship, get out, nothing good is happening over there and she obviously doesn't care about your opinion on the matter.. you will feel much better if you break it off before she does

2007-02-21 06:06:45 · answer #5 · answered by Jay B 1 · 0 0

i think that maybe she likes him and is just using the friend thing as an excuse or maybe shes just a loser...you should find out if he likes you and if he does use your lady charm to get him to stop hanging out with her.

2007-02-21 06:26:51 · answer #6 · answered by Baby Mexicana 2 · 0 0

get rid of her before you go nuts over this. if she can't or won't take your feeling into consideration move on before you get hurt real bad or you hurt one of them. he is just playing a game with her he'll get bored and move on then she'll will come back crying to you. get out while the get-tin is good

2007-02-21 06:15:53 · answer #7 · answered by janiebug 2 · 0 0

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