Way too much to explain, but the bottom line is my girlfriend started hanging out with this guy that she met through a family friend. It went from talking with him a few times to every day she goes to see him for some reason or another and hangs out there till all hours in the morning. Literally till like 3:00 am. I used to like him but now I hate him... We fight over her seeing him every day but no matter what, she still sees him regaurdless of how upset I am getting. She tells me every time she goes there, but she stays there until 3 or 4 a.m. We have faught about it until I have been blue in the face but she won't stop seeing him. She does not have alot of friends & she uses this as an excuse. If I was included it would not be an issue but I am never included in thier chill out sessions.
Is she sleeping with him, or interested in him or is she just excited to have a new guy friend that is funny.
I am racking my brain over this.
Please advise...
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