You've succeeded in getting me aroused simply with the question. Thank you. LOL For me, personally it isn't a problem. I can't speak for all guys...but I'm sure it applies to MOST.
2007-02-21 07:14:32
answer #1
answered by blamb! 3
personaly i like it both dry and wet, when its dry its nice and tight.
When its wet i find that very sexy cuz it shows your boyfriend that he is turning you on and that way you dont have to hang around waiting to get yourself lubed up, ask him if it puts him off or not, the only way to find out is to ask him, tell him that your worried and your concers, he might have some ideas to try and stop you from being so wet.
hope this helps
2007-02-21 15:26:38
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Jesus making someone wet or *** is a sign they are enjoying sex with you the only people who wouldn`t enjoy that have serious issues or are muslims. Ps if he don`t like he is really weird
2007-02-21 15:18:28
answer #3
answered by properwired 3
being wet doesn't turn off a guy.It really turns them on.boys don't like dryness.because it can hurt them and you.but as for being wet it feels good and make a boy go crazy. he might just fall in love with it.
2007-02-21 15:29:15
answer #4
answered by Donell C 1
going by what my bf says, he prefers me really wet as it makes thing more sensitive for him and gives easier access. plus if you are having a marathon session its alot more comfortable and neither of you get sore. think yourself lucky alot of people have to rely on lubes, which can really kill the passion.
2007-02-21 15:17:00
answer #5
answered by Tracy 3
many men would love such an experience, every one is different but lubrication can add to the sensuality, the issue that has more impact is if there is a smell?
2007-02-21 16:42:28
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
yes it does !!cause if its dripping down throw your thighs that extreme girl Wat you have to do it to let him know before he finds out for him self maybe he does care so u just have to tell it out. but their nothing to worry cause a lot girls experience this too when being snogged by their boyfriends
2007-02-21 15:29:18
answer #7
answered by Lincoln n da house how u like me 1
that does sound a bit too wet,if he likes you he wont care.
2007-02-21 15:15:00
answer #8
answered by Alfred E. Newman 6
well he will have to deal with it and u should not be denied pleaasure so i say go for it
2007-02-21 15:16:52
answer #9
answered by Jim G 7
no problem for me, you can drip like a f u c k e d fridge, i love it.
2007-02-21 15:14:18
answer #10
answered by jardon 3