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Other - Family & Relationships - 30 January 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

whether it be via txt, phone lines or web sites?

2007-01-30 07:27:45 · 10 answers · asked by lushly13 1

What percentage are you from outside what you are from inside. If your answer isnt 100%....what are the reasons for a different exterior?

2007-01-30 07:23:44 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

The woman is described as one who is averse to house work, loves going out and flirting, believes in corporate life and the heavy returns it gives, yet wants all the trappings of family.

2007-01-30 07:19:11 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm torn. All my friends whom i've asked say "either or" etc. etc. I'm hoping a stranger might give me their honest opinion. I want to wear one of these for my fiance' on Valentine's Day. I'm about 5'5...messy shoulder-length blonde hair...blue eyes, and skinny for my age...which is 18. Which one do you think he would like the best??






2007-01-30 07:18:35 · 2 answers · asked by weseemedtheperfectsong 1

i used to go out with this girl, but we broke up and i saw her boyfriend. either he is really friendly and licks ketchup off another guy's lip so the other guy wont get disgusted, or he's gay. i cant tell ehr because she might call me jealous, but im not. :(

2007-01-30 07:16:10 · 2 answers · asked by 0_0 1

me n my bf are kinda in a long distant realationship but i broke up wit him like 4 days ago cause it wasnt gonna work but we still say i love you and talk all the time like 3 hours a day and he acts like he even likes me more but he didnt call me last night and i text him but he isnt answering!! he is NEVER liek this he will always text me bak wat do i do!!

2007-01-30 07:14:04 · 4 answers · asked by lover4eva 1

Ok so this is my problem. I have been dating my neighbour for 5 months now and we get along great! I moved back home from another city 2 weeks before he moved in beside me. I saw him and was attracted to him right away. We spent a tuesday night together and havent been apart ever since. Everything in this relationship has moved very quickly. I am now living with him and we talk about our future often. He is very caring, genuine, trustworthy, attractive, passionate and anything else you could possibly think of. He has a great job, great family, beautiful house, and would be a wonderful father. The first 3 months of our relationship were OUT OF THIS WORLD. I honestly have never been so happy. He is very funny and made me laugh all the time. But lately I am questioning my feelings ALOT. Every move he makes I analyze. I think I am convincing myself that I do not love him anymore. I still enjoy spending time with him. I still enjoy cooking him dinners, surprising him by cleaning the house, going away on weeekends with him, having sex etc...I am just so scared that the only reason I am with him is for the materialistic stuff. I ask myself this and its not like I need the things he has, I have that next door but I know that if I spent my life with him I would have a very secure future.

He is the first guy I have ever trusted. I am not jealous of him and that seems to throw me off. (Its wierd cause i feel like my lack of jealousy and my amount of trust leads me to believe that if I dont think of him with other girls when I must not care about him?) All of my past relationships were drama filled and emotionally abusive. Finally I met a nice guy that I know will never hurt me and I feel like I dont love him. Is it maybe cause I have never felt love before and I have only felt "fantasy" with the jerks I wanted to spend my life with? I dont want want to be with anyone else. I want to love him like I felt it before. I want to cherish him and feel confident that I can marry him and be happy. Is it because he is a "nice guy"?

Thanks so much for your help!

2007-01-30 06:53:17 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-01-30 06:47:42 · 22 answers · asked by LaLa-Jay 1

Theres this guy who I seem to like and he liked me back. But the problem is we never really were together. Lately he hasnt been talking to me much, but everytime he does he looks so sad but in a happy way. like his lips quiver. He looks at me at times and when I try to look back he turns his head. Why is he doing this? Does he hate me?

2007-01-30 06:46:00 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-01-30 06:45:13 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Everyone says that in order to make marriage work, you have to be each other's best friend. Then why is it that when you want to do something with your husband that would normally be a friend activity, like watch sports or go golfing, etc., they flip out or think you have an ulterior motive? Case in point - my husband made the comment that he heard more men wanted to watch the Super Bowl with friends than with their wife. I told him that he was lucky that I like watching football so he could do both. He told me that he thinks I "like watching him", meaning that I like to keep tabs on him. WTF? I would think it would be awesome to have a mate that shared your interests and would do those things with you. There are other times my husband acts like this, and it makes me angry. So my question is, do men sincerely not want their wife to be a guy's girl, and if they don't like that, then why marry one? Thanks!

2007-01-30 06:33:08 · 5 answers · asked by Leah B 2

There are several studies in mice (i.e. leptoprin study) that found that mice who were obese lacked certain hormone (s) in the blood stream. Do you think obesity is a choice, or do you think that science hasn't caught up with what the real problem is in obesity (molecular/genetic malfunction). Do you think people "want" to be obese by overeating daily?

BACKGROUND: Before an insulin deficiency was detected, many American and other physicians blamed the diabetic for the rise in blood glucose. What we know of today as "diabetes" is actually a lack in the production of insulin and/or insulin resistance at the cellular level. However, prior to this knowledge diabetics were told to eat less sugar, and blamed for their disease (even thought of as possessed with demons!). Is our country steeped in the tradition of blaming the victim, or is blaming the victim a temporary way to "cope" with what science and knowledge hasn't caught up with yet?

2007-01-30 06:20:24 · 4 answers · asked by Jane Doe 3

I am finally with a nice guy and am so scared I am falling out of love with him. How can we make ourselves like the good guys, or get used to the normal/healthy relationships?

2007-01-30 06:15:45 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

When me and my boyfriend of 2 years make love. Its great but I wish he would be more intimate. He kisses me afterward but not much during. We'll start foreplay but then i think he just want to 'put it in already' What can i do to help the passion and foreplay before hand?

2007-01-30 06:14:46 · 13 answers · asked by Jme 2

i met a man few week ago and since i was planning to move in
his town,and i don't really know any one, he ask me to come and stay with him and when i get use to the area i will decide to stay or what i want..
and also we can start a serious relationship
help help help

2007-01-30 06:10:21 · 6 answers · asked by erica 1

See I liked this girl , and we seemed to be good friends then out of nowhere when I call her she says that she is busy and that she will call me back but never does. I messaged her on myspace, she reads them, but never responds. Finally I sent her a message saying that I got 2 free tickets to the Magic Kingdom (she loves Disney) and that I didn't want to go, but asked if she wanted the tickets. She actually replyed saying that she would like them. So I told her to meet at school (courtyard) and I could give her the tickets. Well we were supposed to meet an hr ago, but I stood her up and never won any tickets. Now she keeps on calling me leaving me voicemails asking where am I, and where are the tickets? I have not called her back. Do you think she deserves that? She has been ignoring me for 2 weeks.

2007-01-30 06:05:05 · 5 answers · asked by james w 3

HE is into 80's rock in roll, muscle cars, football, and video games! its hard, because he never asks or hints for nothing!!!! and christmass just passed so he got what he wanted...i am clueless..i thought watch, but he has like 3, cologne, has it...ties lots....i dont know!!!

2007-01-30 06:01:52 · 2 answers · asked by Ashley P 2

2007-01-30 05:53:21 · 7 answers · asked by Ms.J 2

I'm 15 and I am really depressed, everything seems wrong for me in my life. I don't like where I live, what era i am living in, how i look, how i feel, the people around me...i keep getting told its my age, and i'll stop soon enough, but i have felt like this for years.... please help???

2007-01-30 05:50:29 · 5 answers · asked by Macy Jones x x 2

I am currently unemployed, though I'm with a temp agency and so I get short jobs often. I'm going to school two days a week so I can juggle jobs between classes. I really want to transfer to the college that accepted me a few years ago, but it's expensive, and I have no money. I have to work on building credit so I can get student loans, since my parents don't want to co-sign anything and have said they will not help with money.
Here's the tricky thing- my boyfriend, who I live with, makes over five times as much money as I do, and has told me he'll happily support me if I want to go to school full time and not work. He says it would be 'investing in our future', which is sweet. Still, it makes me nervous: I want be be my own girl, and make my own money. However, I really want to get credits and eventually go to my dream college. I don't know which to do! I don't want to mooch off of my boyfriend, but I don't want to put off my goals just to satisfy my pride.

2007-01-30 05:49:31 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I try every day to do my best. I give 110 % all of the time. I am nice most of the time, and can be mean when I have to. I did 4 years in the Army, but all of this started before I joined. I think it's because I look funny or what. I don't understand. Even my own family thinks I'm nuts. Why so much pressure?

2007-01-30 05:38:28 · 3 answers · asked by lvillejj 4

2007-01-30 05:38:11 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ever since I broke up with this guy. He has been following me around everywere. Hasnt touched me. It is just creepy. I just want to tell him that i dont like him and he needs to leave me a lone. I really dont want to break his feelings but I dont like him anymore. Help me find a way so I can tell him not to following me around? thank you so much.

2007-01-30 05:30:33 · 14 answers · asked by KMC!! 2

Honestly, this thought has entered my mind many times.

2007-01-30 05:27:08 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ive been married for 4 months and me and my husband are having some problems in the bedroom...he has no problem "getting it up" but halfway through it seems he can't stay hard. I can't help but wonder if he's already bored with me, or if there's some other issue. Ive tried different positions, cutting back on how often we have it, all sorts of things. I don't want to ask because its such a sensitive subject to men, but is there anything I can do to help?

2007-01-30 05:26:23 · 12 answers · asked by hopek2006 2

He has been acting up at school and when his parents asked him why he said that he did because he felt that his dad loved me more than him. My boyfriend reassured him that that would never happen, but it breaks my heart that he feels that way. My boyfriend has him on the weekends and I'm concerned that I won't be able to spend anytime with both of them, now that I know that his son is so sensitive to our relationship. I don't know what to do.

2007-01-30 05:25:19 · 2 answers · asked by Ailama 1

2007-01-30 05:22:07 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

A simple, non scientific survey....

Were you hit as a child?

If your answer is yes, please think back on it. How did it make you feel?

Please tell us as honestly as you can.

2007-01-30 05:20:34 · 13 answers · asked by Direct Effect 2

When u find the perfect man and he is even more, and when he is always proud of you and pushing you to do wonders , having the best time ever .. Suddenly the dream vanishs and he goes away because of his past experiance and because he doesnt wanna be commited. I am not eccepting this fact , SO please answer due to ur experiance would you leave when you know he would be the best father for your child and the best partner to grow up with?

2007-01-30 05:14:38 · 6 answers · asked by Loonita 2

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