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Other - Family & Relationships - 30 January 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

I noticed before my periods men tend to be so over friendly towards me before my menses? but the other ordinary days nothing happens.

2007-01-30 01:25:15 · 4 answers · asked by gimmik 2

He is a chubby railroader who loves to eat, so I took him out to a really nice dinner, but would like to surprise him with a gift.

2007-01-30 01:22:02 · 4 answers · asked by happydawg 6

My 2 Dogo Argentina's and are rescue dogs that were badly abused by children I even sold my house so they could live in the country with no children....We are going to a special dog training/evaluation class to see if they can soften up towards kids and they may not pass on the first day .is their a way to get my dogs to trust kids and understand that not all kids are monsters that will hurt them in less than a week if this class does not work
My wife and I agree that we will not have children until my dogs pass from old age .....But my wife told me she purposely stop taking her pill as a result she is pregnant and if my dogs can not overcome their trauma then we finally agreed abortion is the only answer.If the situation was reversed,The kid was scare of dogs would you adopt the dogs?No.
My Dogs are more innocent than any human who deserve to have a good life after being badly abuse ...It is only fair
that is sounding/getting old

2007-01-30 01:17:24 · 31 answers · asked by Brown guy 2

Ok so here is my problem...I know it sounds wierd BUT I am not jealous of my boyfriend and I trust him 100%. I have never had trust in any of my boyfriends which leads me to believe that since I do have trust in him I just dont care what happens. Whether I walk him and find him with another girl, how do I know if I would be jealous of him if that were to happen?

I know this question sounds ridiculous but please bear with me I have never had trust in any of my relationships because of past issues but I just want to know that I wouls indeed be upset if I were to find him with another woman...Thank You!

2007-01-30 01:05:49 · 2 answers · asked by dawson190154 1

We met. We fell in love. We had a long distance relationship. We moved in together. All in two and half years time. One day I notice that things between us are getting cold. The little things set it off like she started not asking me how my day went and stopped giving me any affection. I ask her about it and one day she decides that her feelings for me are not as strong as they once were and that she thinks she wants to move out. I've treated her like gold and gave it my best. We still live together now, but she is having a hard time finding a place to live. So until then we are still really close friends and friendly as can be to each other without the regular intimacy we once had. My heart hurts so badly right now.

2007-01-30 01:01:55 · 5 answers · asked by hellafide 1

2007-01-30 01:01:48 · 23 answers · asked by Gianda 1

hi every1 what is the most embarassing thing your parent has done to you? if your a parent yourself what is the embaraasing thing you have done to your kids??

2007-01-30 00:21:44 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Me and my husband have been together for five years and we have two beautiful kids. We love each other very much and we get along well, but the problem is that we cant get anywhere in life together. Were too wraped up in each other. We wake up and are so worried about spending time with the other that important stuff gets put to the side. What should we do?

2007-01-30 00:09:38 · 14 answers · asked by Krysta 1

I thought I knew he was the one for the first 4 months of our relationship cause it was out of this world...Now I question myself....Does that mean that he is not the one?

2007-01-30 00:08:16 · 15 answers · asked by dawson190154 1

my fiance wont tell his mum or his family that we are engaged and he always hides me from all his mates i am now living with him and his family, he never goes anywhere public with me and he hides his phone when he goes to bed and during the day and has it on vibrate.he also tells me that he doesnt work for the people that he used to but he wears there uniform and hides it in the morning by putting a dressing gown over it.people say speak to him about it but he is a really good lyer, some people say break up with him but i dont want to i love him too much.

2007-01-30 00:03:51 · 4 answers · asked by Bipolar-Bird88 3

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