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Other - Family & Relationships - 30 January 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

my friend tell me that she feels that i am pragent and she dont want to concive so tell me what she will do.

2007-01-30 18:57:55 · 2 answers · asked by ecology 1

did you learn it the hard way? or did it easily just dawn on you?

2007-01-30 18:14:07 · 20 answers · asked by lola b. 2

im in 8th grade and my lover is in 5th..haha funny right? well he asked me out and i said yes cuz he always protected me and was the only guy who cared. but not he seems careless andwe only tlk on the internet and never held hands and today we hugged 4 the 1st time and we been going out 4 2 months and 19 days. i have this feeling he does love me even tho he doesnt show it. he lies alot 2 make me jealous. he wantss me to love him more. when we hugged today he seems like he didnt wanna hug me ='[
honestly he is a great guy even tho he seems bad.im his 1st girl and i was talking to his older brother today about out relationship and he said he doesnt know if i should break up with him but he thinks he isnt ready for a relationship and he doesnt really know what to do in a relationship((my bf)). i dont wanna lose my bf cuz we may neve rget back together and he always made me smile when i cried. we just tlk on the internet event tho he goes to my skool. should i break up with the one i love?

2007-01-30 18:09:34 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

i want my husband to trust and love me more i want him to share things with me his problems family issues, he used to at first then he stopped cuz he thinks i go tell my family everything he tells me, i stopped telling him my problems cuz he tells his mom she then analyzes the probs and tells him that hey ur wife is saying this cuz of x or y reason shes a bad person, for example if i tell him i stopped talking to my cousin cuz hes a jerk.he'll tell his mom she will go to my couisns house and gossip bout me and ask him things on me, she uses my probs and issues against me so now over all i stopped sharing probs with him, how can i kick his mom out of this and become closer to my hubby?

2007-01-30 18:05:29 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

do you think a woman in general and especially a 53 years old woman can be sexually aroused by rubbing her feet?

2007-01-30 17:40:18 · 9 answers · asked by emad haddad 1

for some time now i have asked questions regarding a relationship i was in and now on my way out. i have finally got a place and will be moving in 7 days. how would you feel? answer this for me please and forgive my misspelled words.1.) his mom goes in our room and steals my possessions! my b/f & his mom blame it on the dog??? she takes my medicine! clothes!food!underware that will never fit her. mail & credit cards including his as well.he keeps saying he will put a lock on the door that will never happen.he takes this lightly, i do not! at times we feud & ive had my toll. ive tried to talk but no response as hedoes not take anything serious. i may break his heart when i up and leave but really what choices do i have? NONE.im a nurse and he does not want me to work? so i asked for $6.00 he makes $30 an hour. he said do tou think im made of money? i felt guilty so i will pay him back friday.he is kind at most times so i feel sad. but its to late!1how do you feel??opinions please,thanks

2007-01-30 17:34:18 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Some people tell me that since I intend on going to law school that I shouldn't have any boyfriends (for real!) or even start a family during that time but for some reason I don't think that is completely true. So please... shatter that myth for me.

2007-01-30 17:22:10 · 5 answers · asked by purringout 3

I am with my friend....

2007-01-30 17:12:51 · 8 answers · asked by @rrsu 4

When my husband and I have sex it hurts so bad..but I dont know how to tell him that he is WAY to big...I kinda did something mean and I measured it while he was sleeping and he wasnt hard and it was 5-1/2 in...I really need to know what to say and how to say it....please help...

2007-01-30 17:09:35 · 16 answers · asked by Dana D 2

Ok well my boyfriend is 18 and I am 16. We are only two years apart. He turned 18 in September and I turned 16 in October in 06. With the statutory rape law could he still be convicted if we had intercourse???

2007-01-30 16:55:55 · 24 answers · asked by luvablepupp 1

i need some help. Here it is.
I broke up with my ex boyfriend las dec 2006 and i should be able to moved on, and i did. Im perfectly fine but you see, remembering him is the most destructive thing that always happen to me. I mean, i still think og him, always even before going to bed, every morning. I don't whether there is a chance of getting back but for now i don't want him back, i don't feel any anger or jealousy. I only wish him all the best things in life. i mean i really do love him and at the same time i don't love him anymore. It's really confusing. I'm still hoping to be with him and get married someday but i don't know if there is still a chance. I love him so much but i wanted to forget, he's free but i think i want him back, but i don't want to look desperate. So for now I just need some advice from you people, how do i forget him? forget regret, loneliness? what should i do if i still love him but not wanting to be with him for now?

2007-01-30 16:52:00 · 9 answers · asked by Mimi Meow 1


2007-01-30 16:35:29 · 3 answers · asked by Nae 1

is it me or what only serious awnsers please

2007-01-30 16:27:42 · 10 answers · asked by little one 1

I am 13 years old and I am in a musical. Well, I'm in the crew. COSTUME crew. I'm the manager. I have one girl, whos one of my great friends, who works with me. A boy whos in a different crew is now working in are crew, beacuse his crew doesn't have to do anything yet (hes in the lighting crew) Him and her are flirting and messing around when I have important info. They don't listen to me or help AT ALL! What should I do?

2007-01-30 16:13:31 · 5 answers · asked by 3

Okay...I am going to turn 18 on Friday. I have no idea what to do. I am married and have a little gurl......but my in laws are going to take care of my little gurl for me. um....I like to do all types of things, but have noidea what to do that night so please help.........................

2007-01-30 16:11:58 · 13 answers · asked by Jessica 1

You might want to read a story of when love was most certainly a choice - but if your circumstance is different I'd like to hear that too!

My story can be found at http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/135104/love_is_a_choice.html

2007-01-30 16:10:28 · 5 answers · asked by ? 4


Simply Put:

I like this guy and we were good friends before. He has a girlfriend but he doesn't seem happy. Any suggestions for a course of action?

2007-01-30 16:00:20 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

What to do about an unclear relationship?
This guy and I have been friends for about 1 1/2. When I met him I was dating someone. He and I became very close. He always said that if I was single he would date me. Well now I am single. I spend ALOT of time with him and his little boy, I've slept with him several times(when he didn't have his son for a night) and he kisses me goodnight/ holds my hand etc even when his boy is there. Yet when he introdues me I am just a friend and he sometimes talkes like I am his best friend whom he just sleeps with!! It's driving me crazy! I can't tell what he wants. I love him to death and want to be with him. But I don't want to push him to define anything, he may just be giving me time to be single after my last relationship (which I am over) Also he works with my ex, could that be a reason he is hesitant to call me his GF? What should I do? I don't want to push things, I just want to know where I stand.

2007-01-30 15:52:52 · 13 answers · asked by Erin B 1

aprecciatable, horrible, suicidable, perfectness, the best, prettty normal/average, etc.

2007-01-30 15:52:43 · 9 answers · asked by BrunnettE B 1

2007-01-30 15:46:26 · 7 answers · asked by S.T. 1

when you clearly know, not just think, but know you have been the giver, supporter, communicator, and fixer in a relationship, why might the partner criticise, downplay, accuse and find all the wrongs in your rights?

2007-01-30 15:42:33 · 9 answers · asked by degroove 2


2007-01-30 15:22:03 · 10 answers · asked by 1


Love Question...?
I moved from my town in italy to Australia around week ago. There i left, family, friends and boyfriend. I came to study interior design. When i told him i leaving, he seemed ok. But when i left he got all upset at me, cried and walked away. I talk to him yesterday but he seem distant. Does he still love me? or have i made a big mistake coming here?

2007-01-30 15:22:02 · 12 answers · asked by isabellla_piorachio 1

I want to get a tatoo. I dont know what kind of design, but i do want one to honor my grandpa who served in WW2 with the Army Air Coprs. best one gets the 10 points

2007-01-30 15:16:27 · 6 answers · asked by carriec 7


2007-01-30 15:14:53 · 8 answers · asked by 1

I cant settle down and i don t know why?
im going on 30. it seems that i am not changing and eveyone else is. Mentally, I still want to go out dancing and I look great. i dont have kids and not sure if i want them.I am not even sure i fi want to stay married. I Everyone around me my age has changed. I dont know why i am not. i get scared sometimes and i cry. My mom doesnt go out dancing anymore. She and i were close we used to go out dancing together and get crazy. i am married but dont feel like i am. we are the only ones who bike ride and roller blade still. everyone else just goes out to eat and thats it. Everyone is setteling down. i find it boring. I dont know if i want to settlel down i dont know if i will be happy. i hate change and things are changing around me. i feel like i am alone in my way of thinking. my friends and family look at me strangly for some reason. i dress sexy and most women my age do not. they are having kids and i am still in the 22 age range but i am 30. i feelout of place

2007-01-30 15:14:27 · 10 answers · asked by sophie 1

We only have occassional sex more or less at his descretion, how can i make sex more interesting to him, and last longer, without offending him? How can i convince him to explore more sexually, and to be aroused more frequently?

2007-01-30 15:07:05 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is it just my family and I or are we the only ones that constantly have our toes beat-up in the shower by the shampoo, conditioner and body soap bottles???

2007-01-30 15:06:51 · 25 answers · asked by I_am_pure_energy 2

In general, do you think its better to pursue a romantic relationship before you are on the right path career-wise, or is it better to have a significant other while you are chasing your career dreams?

2007-01-30 14:42:50 · 10 answers · asked by Scott 1

some one harrased me and he is still doing the same thing until this moment. I got frustrated and depressed cuz of him. I hated everything in my life because of the false rumors he spreads about me . I even don't know this person very well. what i know that he is really envious. I even hated the university he studies at, and i wanted to change the university because of him . everybody knows me because of what he is saying about me. so, please, help to choose effective words that i can write to the dean of the students. i really will be appreciated and so happy.

2007-01-30 14:15:41 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

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