What to do about an unclear relationship?
This guy and I have been friends for about 1 1/2. When I met him I was dating someone. He and I became very close. He always said that if I was single he would date me. Well now I am single. I spend ALOT of time with him and his little boy, I've slept with him several times(when he didn't have his son for a night) and he kisses me goodnight/ holds my hand etc even when his boy is there. Yet when he introdues me I am just a friend and he sometimes talkes like I am his best friend whom he just sleeps with!! It's driving me crazy! I can't tell what he wants. I love him to death and want to be with him. But I don't want to push him to define anything, he may just be giving me time to be single after my last relationship (which I am over) Also he works with my ex, could that be a reason he is hesitant to call me his GF? What should I do? I don't want to push things, I just want to know where I stand.
13 answers
asked by
Erin B
Family & Relationships
➔ Other - Family & Relationships
I don't want this to sound like a booty call. I mean I hang out with him and his 7 year old, I go to dinner with them, even spend most sundays together doing our chores/erands together. Hell I even spent christmas with him and his family.
16:10:14 ·
update #1
Honey in order to know where you stand you have to have a talk with him. You can't keep on guessing are we in a relationship or no you have to find out from the horses mouth to be for sure. It may be because he works with your ex but if he is a man and he is sleeping with you then he knows where you stand in his life and in order for you to be comfortable you have to know. Let him know that you aren't pushing anything but just tell him how you feel about the situation which will make him more comfortable talking to you about it.
2007-01-30 15:57:41
answer #1
answered by badazz_51 4
He is leaving you totally in the dark. You guys need to sit down together and talk. If he evades your questions or gives ambiguous answers I would say "bye-bye". Better now than later (when you have invested more into the relationship).
2007-01-30 15:57:59
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Sorry, I don't want to sound harsh but you are classified as "a friend with benefits." You probably even get bonus points if you are a babysitter for his child as well.
p.s. If you aren't willing to find out what the defining boundaries are in your relationship, then you get what you get my dear.
2007-01-30 16:19:05
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
The only thing you can really do is cut off the sexual relationship until you get some clear understanding on where you guys are in your physical relationship. having sex is only a catalyst for your present situation. TALK to him and get him to tell you how he really feels.
2007-01-30 15:58:42
answer #4
answered by bama_chick05 1
you can't be treated as a ragdoll. maybe he think youre a friend with benefits, or maybe he think you are his girlfriend , but he is the type of dude that acts like this all the time. you should really ask him blatantly. if he says you're just a booty call, dump him because you do not need someone that would waste your time of life just to please himself. otherwise, confront him.
email me the news once you resolved it.
2007-01-30 16:06:23
answer #5
answered by secret151990 2
Verry Bad. regardless of the reason for your braek up with your ex it also have an effect on that guy.
2007-01-30 15:57:40
answer #6
answered by NB 2
Well, he may just be using you. Try backing off somewhat and see if he is aggressive in coming back. If not, then you probably have your answer.
2007-01-30 15:57:39
answer #7
answered by Jan C 7
Don't you want a clear understanding of your relationship ?
You need to make him face reality...
Tell him what is bothering you and tell him you need some
If you are not his g/f then you need to start exploring other options.
2007-01-30 15:57:16
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Just be honest and ask where you stand, and what you feel. What's the worse that could happen?
2007-01-30 15:57:18
answer #9
answered by Nova 2
if you want to know where you stand with him then you need to
ask him point blank where do i stand with you. after a year and half it should be a lot clearly dont you think.
2007-01-30 15:58:25
answer #10
answered by luckystar 6