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Other - Family & Relationships - 30 January 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

i'll like to get over being shy, I hate it. I alway feel alone and I get so nerves when speaking to someone, its like feeling embrassed to speak and I want to over-come it does anyone have any tips for me?

2007-01-30 04:40:51 · 1 answers · asked by Jamie T 4

and if you could put a% on it what would it be ?

2007-01-30 04:37:33 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Help, my loser fiance has not had a job all month. I go home to find him with his friends (smoking weed, making music, and playing video games). He never cleans up, never cooks, he doesn't do much. I work 55+ hrs/wk to go home to this crap! Anyway- rent is due on 2/4 and he has no money! Also, bills are behind and he has a $500 car note that is late (I cosigned). His "solution" is to call a cash advance place (the ones you see on TV, they say they don't check your credit) to pay for rent and his car... which is about $1,000 or a little more. Will a cash loan place loan someone with no JOB and BAD credit this type of $$? I hope not, I hope we get evicited so I can move back home w/ my parents. He "says" he loves me and he is going to change, but his actions do not reflect. How should I act when I go home and find him there w/ his freinds? He has made no effort to even look for a job. I'm so stressed out here and so unhappy! Anyone have any advice for me? We've been 2gether 5 yrs.

2007-01-30 04:37:15 · 7 answers · asked by ♥eLizAbEtH♥ 5

what could be wrong? some suggested it could be my coil pack, or electric fuel pump. but i dont know. anyone with any suggestions what could be wrong? Help.....

2007-01-30 04:23:23 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

well.my boyfriend kevin of 2months is starting to show me love of some what.but there goes my Ex -Martez he saw me and then he started to talk about how i broken his heart how did i move on that quick so i kind of took him back. then my best friend of 2 yrs Tank is starting 2 like me i think he kiss on me he says that he love me at one point then turn his back and say he was just playin , i feel kind of bad for all 3 of them so CAN YOU HELLLLLLLLLLPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.

2007-01-30 04:04:12 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-01-30 03:51:43 · 29 answers · asked by tmac 5

of mailing people you dont know on here,wary or take a chance?

2007-01-30 03:10:48 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

I dont want her to get upset and have future problems? Any Ideas

2007-01-30 03:05:01 · 3 answers · asked by n33 1

2007-01-30 02:43:10 · 1 answers · asked by mountain 1

Do you even like Axe? Or something else?

2007-01-30 02:40:31 · 44 answers · asked by Anonymous

IF you listen to AM/FM radio what do you like and hate about it?

IF you listen to INTERNET radio what do you like and hate about it?

2007-01-30 02:40:21 · 50 answers · asked by Gianda 1

there is this guy that i like and he likes me but i am haveing over for a family dinner and i dont know what i am going to do if everyone in my house gose and dose something very bad what should i do to make then not do something like that ?

2007-01-30 02:36:02 · 15 answers · asked by alisha bessette 2

there is this guy that i like and he likes me but i am haveing over for a family dinner and i dont know what i am going to do if everyone in my house gose and dose something very bad what should i do to make then not do something like that ?

2007-01-30 02:35:45 · 6 answers · asked by alisha bessette 2

Like men should financially take care of his family, but a woman shouldn't, men should always make the first move, women dust, men take out the garbage, things like that. Are there any roles besides the usual childbirth things that you think are specifically reserved for men and women.

2007-01-30 02:27:12 · 14 answers · asked by Chris D 4

My boyfriend is in onther country, we have been togethering one year and half. We are talking everyday on the phone and We had many agurements too, since we stay in different country. He said I don't give him space and he consider to leaf me. I am so sad. I don't want him leaf me and I love him. I need some suggestions how to keep my boyfriend. I love hime so much.

2007-01-30 02:24:01 · 9 answers · asked by 22CoCO 1

well this guy is my classmate..i used to sit beside him and we enjoyed each other's company because he made me laugh soo much with his stupid jokes and life stories..most of the time,he's the one talking..and i was absent from school yesterday,so he was actually the one who helped me keep all the notes and assignments!(i don't know why he did that,probably the lecturer told him to,i have no idea)then today we were all supposed to attend a seminar and i was standing infront,he was with another guy,then he shouted my name and started talking to me.he totally ignored the guy he was with earlier on & i can tell how pissed that guy was!so in the auditorium,he sat beside me and he talked alot!he didn't get a chance to talk much these days cause i changed seats and was sitting with another guy.my friends said he's quite a flirt.so i was wondering if he really fancies me or if he's just being friendly and missed me,as a friend?

2007-01-30 02:18:04 · 4 answers · asked by Larissa 1

2007-01-30 02:14:05 · 28 answers · asked by mrsunshine56987 5

We all have reasons for holding on but if nothing ever changes and the only reason for being here is your kids and your not really able to care for them financially. When all roads have gone no where and there is no one left to turn too. There never really was. All men just want is to use you. Your kids have to see this and see your pain. What do you do?

2007-01-30 02:13:38 · 5 answers · asked by ENCHANTRESS ROSE 2

what would be classed as normal 2, 3, 4 a week once a month what about if its less 3 or 4 times a year? not good is it

2007-01-30 02:06:51 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

i can't seem to find one...please help

2007-01-30 02:00:13 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

my boyfriend and i have been together for 6 months and he is already asking me to move with him and marry him. i think is kinda fast , i already got married twice and i have a daughter from the first one. i think i love him , but i don't want to get to that level yet ..i feel he is nice and he got things that i love about a man , but i cannot decide whether or not i should marry him. i think that how about if he is not the one , how about i can find someone better than him ..stuff like that ...also , he's house is in foreclosure because he bought it alone and couldn't take the mortgage payments and i am not sure if he is only looking for someone so he can buy another house and have someone to share the expenses with ..he never showed me that , but who knows ..what should i do ....

2007-01-30 01:54:11 · 19 answers · asked by yaquese 4

my man is 27 eyars old. he will pay cable before lights. He will party untill 6:00am. he doesn't think of being responcible before having fun. I constanlty work more to make ends meet while he acts like he just got out of highschool! I have tried for three years to help make him more future oriented. Am I waisting my time? I'm only 21 and I hold us above water he he keeps pulling us under! help!

2007-01-30 01:44:54 · 20 answers · asked by Christy F 1

My bestfriend is mad at me because I hugged her ex boyfriend and he touched my stomach. i admit I was wrong for doing that cuz I know she still loves that boy. Yesterday She was mad cuz she thinks I like him. The truth is I Really DO Not like him and I really want her to understand that I dident maen to hurt her and I would never do something like that to hurt her.What should I do?

2007-01-30 01:44:53 · 4 answers · asked by Bree Lynne 1

Ok so here is my problem...I know it sounds wierd BUT I am not jealous of my boyfriend and I trust him 100%. I have never had trust in any of my boyfriends which leads me to believe that since I do have trust in him I just dont care what happens. Whether I walk him and find him with another girl, how do I know if I would be jealous of him if that were to happen?

I know this question sounds ridiculous but please bear with me I have never had trust in any of my relationships because of past issues but I just want to know that I wouls indeed be upset if I were to find him with another woman...Thank You!

2007-01-30 01:43:52 · 3 answers · asked by dawson190154 1

who helps you out the most, who?!!?!?!?!?

2007-01-30 01:42:41 · 9 answers · asked by jonny Atlantis 2

me and my cousin hang out together a lot, this means we eat together also a lot..the problem is when he eat he makes weird sounds in his mouth while he is chewing and its really bugs me..sometimes i can avoid hear it other i dont, I dont know how to tell him and what should I say!! i dont want him to get mad or something

2007-01-30 01:36:55 · 2 answers · asked by ♥ coolFreak ♥ 3

How do you know if you have fallen out of love with someone if you still care for them and want the best for them?

I still like spending time with him, I trust him, I am attracted to him, I enjoy spending quite nights alone with him and I also enjoy going out for dinners and spending time with our families, therefore I still care for him, How do I know if I have fallen out of love with him or not if indeed I do still Care about him?

2007-01-30 01:31:57 · 1 answers · asked by dawson190154 1

my now feiancee keeps getting in these moods and yes i know he just got fired from his job and he has no money in his pocket but i have no problem at all supporting him for a while untill he gets another job (which is really hard to find in the city we live in) but hes still not happy and im not shure if its because he cant get a job and dosent like the idea of spending my money or what like he will get home from looking for a job give me a kiss and then just sit there he will talk a little but i know hes upset and when i ask he just wont answer or says baby dont worry about it...
what am i supposta do? i work 14 hours a day and when i come home i dont want to go out and help him look for a job this is making my life hell im 2 mths pregnent and the stress of him is making me sick hes normaly one of the most happy people iv met...
any help would be greatly appreacited

2007-01-30 01:28:00 · 9 answers · asked by Day Dreamer 4

I found a love letter written by my wife to her classmate who she met when he came to India to take back his wife and kids to US.She had been in email contact with him for the last one year. She even took him to a remote resort. The letter is full of love and she asks him not to forget her and that she is ready to play second fiddle to his wife. When I asked her she said she never had any idea of deserting the family for him and that she only wrote it in a fit of fantacy/ dream. The letter was written at 4AM and we have been sleeping together all the while. She is sorry for having caused me so much pain and she is planning to leave for US soon, and she says we can join her soon. The contents of the letter talk about why and how she felt good when he called her in past and the love, affection and security she found in his friendship which she never experienced and also 'with love love &love Name who needs you a lot'. Is this simply a temporary fantacy, a dream or a wakeup call for me?

2007-01-30 01:25:55 · 11 answers · asked by havah 2

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