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Everyone says that in order to make marriage work, you have to be each other's best friend. Then why is it that when you want to do something with your husband that would normally be a friend activity, like watch sports or go golfing, etc., they flip out or think you have an ulterior motive? Case in point - my husband made the comment that he heard more men wanted to watch the Super Bowl with friends than with their wife. I told him that he was lucky that I like watching football so he could do both. He told me that he thinks I "like watching him", meaning that I like to keep tabs on him. WTF? I would think it would be awesome to have a mate that shared your interests and would do those things with you. There are other times my husband acts like this, and it makes me angry. So my question is, do men sincerely not want their wife to be a guy's girl, and if they don't like that, then why marry one? Thanks!

2007-01-30 06:33:08 · 5 answers · asked by Leah B 2 in Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

5 answers

It takes all kinds, I guess.

My wife is my best friend too, and we do many "friend" things together, including watching football, sometimes just with each other and sometimes with other couples.

We do things apart, too. She scrapbooks with her girlfriends, for example. I'm not interested in doing this, but do enjoy looking at the results with her.

2007-01-30 07:04:21 · answer #1 · answered by Husker41 7 · 0 0

I guess I'm strange then, because I'd rather do stuff with my wife than with a bunch of guys. Don't get me wrong, my friends are cool and I enjoy guy time, but if given the choice, I'd rather hang out with my girl.

2007-01-30 06:56:41 · answer #2 · answered by vanhammer 7 · 1 0

I love my wife very much, even to the point she thinks I crowd her sometimes. I understand that she needs her away time also and so do I. I try to balance it out with talking when we can.

2007-01-30 07:35:20 · answer #3 · answered by Brett C 4 · 0 0

For once in my life, I would love to have a woman to watch the Super Bowl with. I've watched it with my sons for years, and I enjoy them, but I'd LOVE to have a woman to actually enjoy watching the game with me. My ex hated football, (come to think of it, she hated anything I enjoyed), and she resented the fact that me and the boys watched a "stupid" football game. Just once..................................I'd love to have a Lady friend to watch the game with!

2007-01-30 07:37:15 · answer #4 · answered by olderbutwiser 7 · 1 0

because we want to do things to get away from you guys.....why in the hell would we invite you?

2007-01-30 06:51:37 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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