Ok so this is my problem. I have been dating my neighbour for 5 months now and we get along great! I moved back home from another city 2 weeks before he moved in beside me. I saw him and was attracted to him right away. We spent a tuesday night together and havent been apart ever since. Everything in this relationship has moved very quickly. I am now living with him and we talk about our future often. He is very caring, genuine, trustworthy, attractive, passionate and anything else you could possibly think of. He has a great job, great family, beautiful house, and would be a wonderful father. The first 3 months of our relationship were OUT OF THIS WORLD. I honestly have never been so happy. He is very funny and made me laugh all the time. But lately I am questioning my feelings ALOT. Every move he makes I analyze. I think I am convincing myself that I do not love him anymore. I still enjoy spending time with him. I still enjoy cooking him dinners, surprising him by cleaning the house, going away on weeekends with him, having sex etc...I am just so scared that the only reason I am with him is for the materialistic stuff. I ask myself this and its not like I need the things he has, I have that next door but I know that if I spent my life with him I would have a very secure future.
He is the first guy I have ever trusted. I am not jealous of him and that seems to throw me off. (Its wierd cause i feel like my lack of jealousy and my amount of trust leads me to believe that if I dont think of him with other girls when I must not care about him?) All of my past relationships were drama filled and emotionally abusive. Finally I met a nice guy that I know will never hurt me and I feel like I dont love him. Is it maybe cause I have never felt love before and I have only felt "fantasy" with the jerks I wanted to spend my life with? I dont want want to be with anyone else. I want to love him like I felt it before. I want to cherish him and feel confident that I can marry him and be happy. Is it because he is a "nice guy"?
Thanks so much for your help!
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