I personally believe that a cheater can never change. A cheater is always a cheater. It's their repetitive behavior. Unfortunately, nowadays, all most everyone is being trapped by liars or cheaters. Relationships have become a joke. My husband is the biggest cheater on the earth though he refuses to be one. At one point he can very really nice that no one would even believe he can cheat but there comes the second moment, i have seen the worst side of his personality. He is addicted to internet porn. He also chats with girls online. I know it is not totally wrong to watch internet porn as it can be a great source of pleasure but when you misuse it, you are at the edge of devastating your marriage or relationship. He spends like hrs and hrs online. He doesnt sit down and talk to me a lot. He prints out sex stories from online and keeps them in his wallet, i recently found that out. He sees naked girls,have different id's on the internet, and i happen to open his accounts, he'd add girls
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