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Family - December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Family

3 months ago I told my girlfriend I wanted to take some time apart because things were moving fast, and we were getting pretty serious. My girlfriend was very upset, but I insisted and we didnt see each other for a month. When I realized how much I loved her I asked her to take me back. At first she was still angry at me, but after a few weeks she finaly took me back.We are happy for the past two months, but last week I asked if she had dated anyone while we were apart - I did not.I found out she not only did date but she even slept with someone she knows from her gym and someone from her work, she says for about 3 weeks she had sex daily.The past few days I have been trying not to hold in my jealousy.I know it is my fault and I gave her the freedom, but how do I get rid of my rage without showing it to my girlfriend?I have been asking her details of what happened and we have talked, and i feel i need to know altho its hard, i let herknow it is ok if she enjoyed the sexdo u thinkitsok?

2006-12-04 00:48:47 · 7 answers · asked by downtokissit 1

i have been abuse by my father for so long. now i don't trust anyone. i have anger problem. i stress constantly. my family members that i hate very much just want me to move on. i know this is holding me back . but what should i do to move on.

2006-12-04 00:42:45 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am going skiing, snowboarding for the first time with my boyfriend and his friends. The problem is my mom. She always asks n asks every time I come with my bf. It seems that she doesnt want me to go. Im 19 years old! She treats me like 10. LOL. Soo embarrassing ever! How can I ask persmission to my mom so she will allow me to go? Pls heeelp!! Thanks!

2006-12-04 00:42:04 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

I bought these beautiful christmas cards but they have nothing inside of them s i need to write something sweet and nice. I don't know what exactly to write though.
Me and my mother-in-law are like best friends.

I want something else than Merry Christmad and Happy New Year

Some ideas?

2006-12-04 00:39:32 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am in college close to home, however I have a dorm there. I don't like to stay in my dorm though because I live with obnoxious drunk college students. I don't like staying home either however because every morning I wake up to my parents fighting. Yesterday they spent from 8-915am argueing about 2% milk! The only place I feel like I can get some peace is my boyfriend's house, but my parent's don't approve of me staying there. I feel so trapped and I don't know what to do about it.

2006-12-04 00:30:15 · 13 answers · asked by cutie pie 5

These were the greatest people in my life 14 years ago ..If I saw one of them today I would be out of depression..one of them was the best thing that ever happened to me because of thier compassion . the other taught me the essence of life.I love them .... crown street bk ny. and Haviland ave ,Bronx ny.. I hope your out there

2006-12-04 00:29:07 · 3 answers · asked by blessings78 1

Ora, aquele que é poderoso para fazer infinitamente mais do que tudo quanto pedimos, ou pensamos, conforme o seu poder que opera em nos, Efesios 3.20.

Sabemos que há um potencial a ser explorado através da oração, fé, louvor... Espero que através desse texto Deus o ajude a entender o significado desse tema tão palpitante, e que seu relacionamento com Deus seja firmado.

As forças do Diabo estão sempre tentando faze-lo perder o foco, através das distrações, prazeres do mundo etc... O propósito de Satanás é roubar de todos o presente da Vida Eterna, que Deus nos deu através do sacrifício de Cristo. Satanás quer roubar a sua alegria, e fará tudo o que puder para mante-lo afastado do seu potencial.

O que você pede ou até pensa, Deus tem muito mais conforme a Bíblia, mas o receber e desfrutar, passa pela exploração do poder de Deus que habita em nós. Temos de explorar espiritualmente esse poder para desfrutarmos das coisas de Deus com toda plenitude.

Para ilustrar essa situação, vamos falar de duas experiências que foram realizadas por Biologistas Marinhos Americanos. A primeira experiência foi com um TUBARÃO BRANCO. Alias conhecido como Grande Tubarão Branco.
E sua pesquisa, os Biologistas Marinhos esclareceram que os ditos tubarões em seu habitat natural, tem potencial para alcançar aproximadamente 2000 kilos e alcançar o tamanho de ± 7 metros. Bem grande hein!

Eles descobriram que mesmo que o tubarão citado tenha essa capacidade de crescimento, quando confinados em um pequeno aquário, eles cresceriam bem menos, sendo já reportados tubarões dessa espécie em aquários, com 50 centímetros e 10 kilos. Foi descoberto mesmo assim o animal alcançou totalmente sua maturidade cronológica (a medida de sua idade), e apesar do tamanho, também alcançou o seu potencial.

A segunda experiência foi realizada com um peixe chamado Pike. Esses peixes são compridos com longos “narizes”. Eles podem crescer até ± 1.8 metros e pesar mais de 25 kilos. Esse "monstro" tem uma boca muito grande com 700 dentes pontiagudos e curvados, sendo que o que cair em sua boca só pode ter um destino, sua goela! Bem, vamos experiência: quando era a hora de alimentar esse peixe os Biologistas jogavam uma boa quantidade de isca viva, pequenos peixes que fazem parte da cadeia alimentar do aludido e narigudo peixe, dentro do tanque onde estava. O peixe nadava rapidamente engolindo todas as iscas que via. Num período curto de tempo, o Pike já havia devorado todos os coitados dos peixinhos no tanque.

Mas veja o que foi feito com o peixe. Quando chegou a hora de alimentar novamente o ESPADÃO, os biólogos resolveram colocar um cilindro de vidro dentro do tanque, dessa maneira o peixe ficaria dentro do cilindro (dentro do tanque).

Foi isso que fizeram ao pobre e cheio de dentes peixinho. Quando então baixaram o cilindro, que era claro, o Pike não percebeu nenhuma mudança no seu ambiente. O próximo passo foi então colocar as iscas vivas, os peixes que o Pike gosta tanto de devorar, dentro do tanque. Imediatamente o feroz peixe começou a investir desesperadamente para devorar sua refeição, seu prato favorito. Mas infelizmente não conseguiria saciar sua fome! A cada tentativa, estabanada organizada, ou desesperada do Pike, ele chocava o seu nariz no vidro do cilindro (ai como dói). E de repente após algumas tentativas, o Pike cessou a luta. Desistiu! Ficou parado mantendo apenas os movimentos que o mantinham flutuando e nada mais. Quando os Biologistas Marinhos viram aquela reação, eles removeram o cilindro de vidro.

Consequentemente os peixinhos que constituíam o alimento do Pike continuaram nadando no tanque normalmente, passando perto dele, como se ele não estivesse lá. O Pike poderia começar agora a caçada, saciar a sua fome, estava livre para isso, mas não o fez. Ficou lá porque desistiu para sempre, estava condenado a morrer de fome!

E então? Como essas experiências em forma de ilustrações podem ajuda-lo a explorar o seu potencial ao máximo? E você pode até perguntar-me, como Pastor? Que bom que você perguntou.

Primeiro, para resolver qualquer problema na sua experiência de vida, você tem que saber o que esta causando o problema. Olhe só o coitado do Pike, morria de fome sem saber que o que o limitava já havia sido retirado.

Segundo, você deve reconhecer que você tem algo que o tem limitado, assim como o Tubarão e o Pike.

Permita-me apresentar a você, algumas coisas que o ajudarão a alcançar todo o seu potencial e explora-lo em seu favor e em favor da obra de Deus.

1.Para explorar o seu total potencial e ser tudo que você pode ser, você deve manter-se DESPERTADO. Sim, despertado para a sua IDENTIDADE! Nesse caso vamos usar o exemplo do filho pródigo. Após ter gasto o seus bens, ganhos do seu pai, ou melhor, mal gastado, estando falido, desgostoso da vida, sozinho, vivendo e comendo como e com os porcos, a Bíblia diz... "caindo em si...” E Ele disse..." Lc. 15.17... quantos trabalhadores de meu pai tem pão com fartura, e eu aqui morro de fome. Resumindo, tomou a decisão de voltar ao pai, pedir perdão e se oferecer para ser um servo.

Você certamente conhece a parábola, claro que o pai o recebeu, tinha feito ele muitas coisas erradas, mas continuava sendo filho! A querido jovem se você soubesse com toda convicção e certeza quem você é! Você é filho de um DEUS SOBERANO, ALTÍSSIMO, ACIMA DE TUDO, então você tem que saber que o seu potencial é muito ALTO.

Lembre-se agora da experiência do Tubarão branco; embora confinado em um pequeno aquário, continuava sendo tubarão, tinha o potencial de tubarão , enfim, o tamanho físico não havia tirado do minúsculo Tubarão Branco, a SUA IDENTIDADE, CONTINUAVA SENDO UM TUBARÃO BRANCO.

2.Para explorar e usar o seu total potencial você deve estar sempre ATENTO, sim ATENTO para as suas possibilidades.

O tubarão estava limitado de acordo o seu confinamento, mas dentro dos seus limites atingiu completamente o seu potencial.

Alguns jovens pensam que porque são pequenos, ou muito grandes, ou muito claro ou escuro, talvés não suficientemente fortes ou estudados, ou alguns por simplesmente acharem que não merecem nada, e por isso acham que não podem fazer isso, não podem fazer aquilo, pare com isso e em nome de JESUS diga o que a Bíblia diz; "Posso todas as coisas naquele que me fortalece".

Quantos, quando a vida lhes "reserva" adversidades que atingem o Lar, a vida profissional, a escola, pensam que não podem fazer nada para reverter o quadro. Embora Deus tenha dado a ela potencial para superar qualquer situação difícil na vida, acabam sendo prisioneiros de sua própria mente. São pessoas como o peixe PIKE, estão mentalmente confinadas, e acabam se entregando. Não se dão conta de suas possibilidades.

Deus jamais o fará passar por situações que você não possa suportar. As adversidades ou provas, vem para faze-lo mais forte, tenha certeza disso, contribuem para o bem daqueles que amam a Deus, e de mais a mais, o que se aprende apenas nas bonanças da vida? Se aprende muito mais com as lutas, provas, adversidades. Que tal passar por um processo de renovação de sua mente, certamente você descobrira que tem potencial em Cristo para ser mais que vencedor. Fique atento porque as suas possibilidades são enormes.

3.Para explorar totalmente o seu potencial, você tem que estar VIVO PARA AS SUAS RESPONSABILIDADES.

Você sabe que você tem responsabilidades, não é? É por isso que você esta lendo esse artigo e não conseguiu parar; você tem responsabilidade para com você mesmo, seus pais, irmãos, amigos, sua comunidade, sociedade, mas a maior de todas as responsabilidades é para com o seu Senhor e salvador JESUS CRISTO.

Vamos considerar o PIKE, tinha a responsabilidade de alimentar o seu próprio corpo, mas por causa de uma frustração, morreu sem esperança. Tornou-se prisioneiro de sua pobre percepção.

Veja, o PIKE, literalmente bateu a cabeça contra a parede do cilindro de vidro, tentando tudo que ele sabia para resolver o problema da sua fome. Depois de tentar tudo que podia e sabia, ele desistiu. A percepção do que era REAL, foi perdida, e quando ele teve a oportunidade de se alimentar, o pobre peixe não percebeu. Não tinha idéia que o problema não estava mais lá.

Fome é um sentimento poderoso. Mas nem toda fome é meramente física. Pode ser emocional. Provavelmente você tem algum amigo que esta faminto emocionalmente, que tal um pouco de atenção. Isso implica responsabilidade. Tem tantos tipos de fome, mas vamos a fome espiritual.

Você certamente conhece pessoas chegadas que de repente mentem, falam coisas desagradáveis, enfim muitas coisinhas erradas e assim seguem como se nada estivesse acontecendo. Bem, o Espirito de Deus não esta vivendo nelas. Essas pessoas estão famintas espiritualmente.

Você não acha interessante que a fome, não importa a sua forma, se é física, espiritual, emocional, fará as pessoas cada vez mais fracas a medida que isso perdure?

Que tal estarmos vivos para a nossa responsabilidade, atentos para as nossas possibilidades, conhecendo e mantendo a nossa identidade como SERVOS DO DEUS ALTÍSSIMO.


Talvez você seja como o peixe PIKE. Quem sabe você fez tudo ao seu alcance para resolver um problema e não conseguiu a solução. Nada do que você tem feito tem parecido funcionar, e você esta então pronto para desistir.

Nunca, mas nunca desista! Quando a única palavra em sua mente for DESISTA, é hora de ter uma conversinha com o Senhor Jesus.

Você pode, você em Cristo tem potencial, explore esse potencial.

A Bíblia diz: "confie no Senhor de todo o seu coração, e não te estribes no seu próprio entendimento. Reconhece-o em todos os seus caminhos, e ele endireitara as tua veredas" Pv. 3.5 e 6, e tem mais... "o choro pode durar uma noite, mas a alegria vira pela manhã..."

O que quero dizer a você é que você pode explorar (procure e vai encontrar) seu potencial lendo e meditando na palavra de Deus diariamente. Quanto mais você fizer isso, mais você vai entender a mensagem escolhida para essa matéria. Quantas coisas se tornarão realidade, através do poder que opera em você, explore isso e esteja na sintonia das promessas de Deus.

"Ora, aquele que é poderoso para fazer infinitamente mais do que tudo quanto pedimos, ou pensamos, conforme o seu poder que opera em nos. Efesios 3.20.

Bless you.

2006-12-04 00:24:54 · 2 answers · asked by flanegam 1

My mother is the greatest mother. She came from a rough childhood. She was molested (I just found this out this year and I am 24) by her alcoholic father. My father had an affair with her and it totally wrecked her. I was the only child home at the time and I had to hear about all of the stuff. She would always be mad at me when I talked to my dad. I do not approve of what my father did to my mother one bit, but he is my father and he's done a lot for me also. Now we are dealing with my gambling addict brother who has pretty much ruined everyone's credit (Robbing my checking account, my mothers checking account, having my father cosign for a credit card, and using my brothers credit to purchase house and contract-for-deed them back to the original owner and now the owners arent paying up what they owe) This has taken a toll on me as well as I'm sick of all the issues at hand. I love her very much and she recently went on anti-depressant pills. I want to give her the world how can I?

2006-12-04 00:03:32 · 9 answers · asked by Mike Hunt 2

for "Christmas" (they've got it all and its all paid for) Of course they told me to get them nothing but they tell me that every year.I've bought 7 camera's for the "old man" in the last 10 years but he drops them and breaks them cause he's real feeble (78) yrs ,so thats out completely..I really need some suggestions...

2006-12-03 23:55:35 · 6 answers · asked by chopper 007 2

Move on and forget the past but how, how do you forget that the only men in your live have been violent, hit you and scared you, threatened to kill you, put knifes to your throat, how do you forget that your mum abonaded you, that you reall dad takes drugs and is a wanderer. How do you forget that have been raped (in the sense that you didn't consent and you was on drugs so not in control) how do you forget the past, i struggle to understand that let alone try and do it. -x-

2006-12-03 23:35:13 · 13 answers · asked by Lousiana 1

My family does not like talking about these things, but I remeber back in 1999, when I was about 10-12 years old my auntwho at the time was 65 woke up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom. She does this frequently so it's no big deal. One morning about 2am she goes to the rest room and passes out on the toilet. I remeber going to the bathroom and the toliet was filed with blood and there was blood all over her pants. Her sister goes in the bathroom and places a cold towel over her head and then calls her name to see if she would wake up but she didn't.I called 911, and my other aunt rode with her to the hospital. Though I did visit her no one told me what happened.
She is still alive today, and I don't wanna ask her cuz she may not wanna talk about it, Do u know anyone particullary in that age range who had a simialar situation happen , what causing it? I thought she may have been raped?

2006-12-03 23:24:59 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

My parents were married for 31 years. They separated when I was 16, and 4 years later, the divorce is final. In the beginning my mom cried alot, and I felt like I had to stay with her all the time to take care of her, while my father went out partying. 4 long years later, My mom and dad are able to talk and have dinner, and my relationship with my dad is great. My mom invited him to spend Thanksgiving with us (and my mom's family) this year. When my aunt found out she threw a fit, part of the reason was because she never got along with him, and the other part is she hates him for leaving his family. So even though my mom and I forgave him and moved on, my aunt has not. Is it fair to invite my dad if it pisses off the rest of the family? I really don't want to choose!

2006-12-03 23:17:01 · 6 answers · asked by Lauren 1

Though I like men with shaved head and would like to see my husband with a shaved head but I dont feel comfortable commanding the barber to shave his head in front of so many males in the barbershop.

Is anything wrong with my husband?Should I do it?

2006-12-03 23:04:07 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

I met my husband after we both joined the military. We married when in my hometown, and have been overseas ever since. Therefore, I have not met his family yet. Since I am pregnant and it is his mom's first grandbaby, we write a lot of emails and make phone calls, etc. His aunts and mother have written to tell me they sent us stuff for Christmas. With a baby coming, and a lot of other financial things going on, how rude is it not to send them anything in exchange?

2006-12-03 22:26:39 · 16 answers · asked by ashley b 2

She is a beautiful teenager, have all the confort and comprehension but two years ago she had her mother with a enemy... Her mother cry and don't understand what is happening.
It isn't drugs or bad friends.
This situation is increasing and my friend can't change it.
Do you have any sugestion for us?

2006-12-03 22:07:04 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I just don't get it. Write a song about spiggs and how he loves spiggheti

2006-12-03 21:50:21 · 11 answers · asked by Mike Hunt 2

I have been a few times recently with my children, it is so much fun, I forgot how much i enjoyed it.

2006-12-03 21:20:25 · 24 answers · asked by trouble 4

2006-12-03 20:52:19 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous


2006-12-03 20:25:13 · 51 answers · asked by cheekkkychik 2

I'm the youngest of 4 children by 10 years. My brother recently married a foreign lady(the Wedding took place in her country,so none of us could come). They both now live on UK. My brother falls over himself to try and introduce her to my mother and sisters,but not me.,always coming out with some sort of excuse for not doing so. When I knew Iwas going to be in his area a month in advance,he agreed for me to drop in and see them.However,the day before he said to me:"We may not be there when you come tomorrow as we've arranged to go and watch a Golf Tournament." ...Sure enough,when I arrived at his house,there was nobody in! ...What do you make of this?

2006-12-03 20:20:28 · 16 answers · asked by robspursfan 3

and show no intrest in knowing each other, we'd like this to change any suggestions?

2006-12-03 20:06:43 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous


2006-12-03 19:18:42 · 5 answers · asked by Blood4lyfe 1

I am so embarassed. Everytime we have one of our big family get togethers grandma always has just a little too much to drink. I always warn her about her behavior from the past but she never pays me any attention. Without fail, after two drinks grandma starts dancing on top of tables with her drawers in her hand showing everyone her naked business.
When I try talking to her she tells me to shup up and mind my own business because its her ****** and she will show it off if she wants to. What can I do? I'm tired of seeing her old wrinkled up stank behind. How can I get grandma to keep her drawers on??

2006-12-03 19:16:28 · 17 answers · asked by mamabag06 2

nobody will give me a straight answer, they just laugh :(

2006-12-03 19:10:19 · 5 answers · asked by munchyblonde 1

My friend called me today upset because she had gotten into an argument with her mother over something really petty. Her mother was upset with her over the incident and wound up calling her all kinds of b*itches and h*es!
I was shocked because my mother would never use such language, especially not talking to me, her only child. I was just wondering if anyone else out here has a mother that talks to them like that.
By the way my friend is 27 years old and this is not the first time I have heard her mother put down one of her children like this.

2006-12-03 19:01:15 · 12 answers · asked by Cheryl J 2

"Money and status don’t change the way I feel about myself. I could be successful in life, but I don’t have any motivation. I want to support a family someday, but my brain goes dead at the thought of doing something technical. Nothing ever interests me. I feel very restless. I’m very passionate about certain things but not to where I can make money off it. I have trouble making friends because I hate expendable friendships and that seems to be all most people want from me. I mean, it feels really empty to care about your friends only to have them disappear. I can’t imagine a psychologist saying any magic words to better my depression. I really do want a family someday, but I’m too self-centered to work a job that bores the life out of me, and I’d rather have no family than be a bad parent."

2006-12-03 18:58:53 · 11 answers · asked by poke 1

My mother met this iranian guy at a restaurant. She was 52 and he was 24. She used to say that he was dynamite. He moved into our home and my father said or did nothing about it. After "Mr iran" moved in my mom stopped sleeping with my father and slept with her boyfriend in our den. I arrived home after work one afternoon to discover them having sex upstairs whle my father was at work. I couldnt stand what was happening. I had to get out of there. I moved out of state to finish my college education and never looked back . That was 18 years ago and I haven't spoken to either of my parents since. My father died 2 years ago and i did not even attend his funeral. I learned from a cousin who I never even knew exhisted that my parents marriage was a shotgun marriage. Once i learned that fact, everything about the abuse that they put me through all of my life made sense and it was a revelation. My mother is nothing more than a slut and a whore. May they all burn in hell

2006-12-03 18:50:14 · 11 answers · asked by Joseph F 1

asking me to make the first move in steps to talk to him. My father and mother are still married. Growing up I have seen my father physically, mentally, and emotionally abuse my mother. Well 4 months ago I took my son to see them and my father started his normal drunken rant about what a peice of crap I am. (for reference I graduated valedictorian of my high school and currently am trying to get my bachelors degree, I am a single mom due to leaving my ex of 5 years that put me through 2 walls and tore all the ligaments in my wrist) Well the reason my mom wants me to make amends with my father is because I am getting married in a 6 months and she wants to be a part of the wedding but she's scared my dad wont let her. See he tells her what to do and its very upsetting to see him mistreat my mom. She has done all of the tile work in the house that they had built, he demands her to make him drinks, gets upset with her for working, and just belittles her. WHAT SHOULD I DO????

2006-12-03 18:26:57 · 9 answers · asked by kort 2

this is for school. what is you're height and shoe size?

2006-12-03 18:14:51 · 7 answers · asked by schoolofrock2468 1

My mother has allways put us (6 children) last on her list. With male company as a BIG nr 1. She has married 3 times, and has children with all of them. She also had a countless amount of boyfriends. She had multiple suicide attempts, in which she involved us, in a heartbreaking way. Her first was when I was about 7, and i saw how they carried her then unconcious body into the ambulance. And at her last, she had attempted to cut her wrists. I had to call an ambulance. And she's done a lot more awfull things that i would rather not get into. But all of it was defastatingly painfull. To see my brother and sisters broken like that because of her actions and words. Soooo many times... And her own pain, to see that, and she kept punishing us for her pain. We all had to partially grow up some place else. Still she involved us in her actions. And the times she didn't; she ignored us completely. Do I keep fighting this fight? I'm so lost in it. But she's still my mother.

2006-12-03 18:11:53 · 9 answers · asked by StormyWeather 3

fedest.com, questions and answers