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Family - June 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Family

because he is my cousin.. he is very caring person gave me lots of precious gift to me but he not loves me and i always know he not loves me . one day he met his colleague and unintancially he loves her. he become mad to that girl. he is always crying and said to me that he love that girl and always care to her.
our family and his mother were very angry to him that why he cares to another girl and not to me.
that girl also love to my fiancee very very much.
what's answer

2006-06-20 19:48:42 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-06-20 19:32:42 · 8 answers · asked by tuttavar 2

Whenever I get in trouble for swearing or talking back, my mom puts a bar of soap in my mouth and makes me keep it there until she says so. I can't stand that punishment.

2006-06-20 19:16:15 · 58 answers · asked by Becky T 1

I want to include my step daughter in my life but her husband is so unbearable that I can't stand to be around him. He is so domineering that he won't let her go anywhere by her self. Does anyone have this problem? She wants her Dad to have a family get together, but he can't stand him either. What would you do in this situation?

2006-06-20 19:06:36 · 7 answers · asked by Happy 3

I hav an elder sister... I love her a lot... U know i cant live without her... But she doesnt show much love on me.. Moreover i feel tat she is neglecting me.. Wat shud i do... I cry every day.. Tats wat i m able to do...

2006-06-20 18:57:41 · 11 answers · asked by puppyuday 1

Please suggest a materialistic gift. Avoid vacational trips, romantic dinners and philoshphical answers. I will definately gift u 10 points if I use ur idea in gifting them their present.

2006-06-20 18:54:49 · 11 answers · asked by Gams 2

2006-06-20 18:53:24 · 9 answers · asked by scud203 1

ok...i've got a fwend who is asian .... she lykes australian/non-asian guys but her parents dont approve of her being with a non-asian guy (some traditional thing)...wat should i do to help her cuz shez asked for me to help

2006-06-20 18:49:59 · 13 answers · asked by foxy_devil93 2

and who gave it to you... and why?

mine's brandie...my middle name when my mom was mad...

2006-06-20 18:29:37 · 20 answers · asked by crystal 5

My father was neglectful. He lived with us while we were growing up and supported us, financially. But he never hugged me or told me he loved me. He never cared to share his interests with me. My memories of him include him sitting in front of the television, silent. He never took an interest in my daily life. Never asked me how my day went. And the only thing I ever learned about him was through stories my mother told me about him. I used to think he just had some sort of social disorder, and didn't know how to talk or relate to people. But as an adult, I realized he had a very close, loving relationship with my mother. And now he even has friends. I see him talking to those friends the way I'd always wished he'd talk to me. So I am conflicted. On the one hand, he didn't leave his family. He stuck in out in a job he hated, in a life he hated, just to support us. But now that I am a parent of 2 children, I just can't understand why he never acted loving towards me. ???

2006-06-20 18:28:32 · 28 answers · asked by MountainChick 3

and inspite of all this facts you meet your love. your lover parents hates you and your parents also hates your love what will do?? never marry to some other person.

2006-06-20 18:04:24 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

My elderly grandfather staying as a guest in my house left medication in the bathroom accessible to my two year old. I was not aware it was there. When my son brought me a pill, it was totally shocking, and so were the events that followed. One pill could not be accounted for. (My son is fine, the pill was not eaten) My grandfather informed me I was a horrible mother. I do not feel I am totally at fault, since the bathroom is not typically 'off-limits' to my potty training toddler. Please help alleviate my guilt.

2006-06-20 17:58:22 · 16 answers · asked by Brianna B 4

This is a complicated story, I'll start it and add details...
My friends step mom was abusive, and one day my friend broke free from her step mom who was locking her in her room without food and water for three days straght. Her dad was on deployment in the navy, and her step mom and her never got along that well.
When my friend got to our house, I fed her, and she took as hower, etc.
Later, her step mom called and told my mom that she had to get her a** back home. My friend was scared, and broke down.
My parents called a bunch of hotlines, adn they all said we needed to call the police.
After we did, the police decided that it would be best for my friend to spend the rest of the year n Kansas with her grandmother.
The next morning she left, and I haven't talked to her since.
All this year I've seen really strange things going on there. There are tons of cops there a lot, and I thought I saw her dad who was supposed to be gone on numerous occasions. <>

2006-06-20 17:44:13 · 7 answers · asked by 5


my cuzin just turned 13 and suddendly she is into this show or w/e it is it is called Naruto and she says she is an avenger or somtin can someone tell me wut that is she is startin to scare me she is like emo or somthin she says she has darkness and she has changed alot

2006-06-20 17:15:17 · 16 answers · asked by Sarah 2

i love nephew and he's so cute. I want to be a good uncle but afraid to even touch him alot. he looks so fragile. I get mad a few times when people hold my nephew so fearlessly.
ANy suggestion?

2006-06-20 17:08:30 · 17 answers · asked by prince charming 3

2006-06-20 17:05:42 · 18 answers · asked by jes c 1

i don't want her teeth to get more messed up than they are already.

2006-06-20 16:52:49 · 31 answers · asked by Mariana A 1

2006-06-20 16:46:34 · 10 answers · asked by ctlnmcgahey 2

My Parents i swear they use me as a telegraph there's three siblings and im the middle one my sis which who is older she is either at school or at work and my lil Bro is in his room all the time and i end up being in the middle of their Bickering i cant take it anymore im going to go crazy its mostly my mother who starts it anyway i try to explain that im not a messenger im there son so what should i do?

2006-06-20 16:42:38 · 9 answers · asked by dan248man 3

Me and my brother have rooms like right next to each other and when i step out for like a few minutes and when i come back everything is shut off this has been going on for the last few months and if i beat him up i get in trouble with the parents so what should i do?

2006-06-20 16:35:40 · 20 answers · asked by dan248man 3

My mom and my godsons mom aren't speaking right now because he kicked my mom. My mom stopped him from coming over to my house. His mom doesn't even want to know why he can't come over. What should I do to get them talking again. Any advice would help.

2006-06-20 16:33:47 · 14 answers · asked by Rene P 1

my husband is in the military and is leaving for korea in a month and he hasen't been able to go to the aultra sounds or hear the baby heart beat and i think he feels left out but every time i try he has this sad look on his face and says no and his job ain't helping either they have him working all these weird hours how can i include him with out him knowing i am?

2006-06-20 16:30:42 · 15 answers · asked by DRAGONS TAIL23 1

have you ever heard of love relationships actually sprouting between adopted kids in a family? I had. What was she thinking having adopted a boy and a girl then having a baby girl then planning to adopt another boy??? How likely is incest between them? Don't you think that one day they'd pair up and get married or something? just wondering.

2006-06-20 16:26:59 · 16 answers · asked by ? 3


what color eyes your parents have?

I will begin my father had green eyes and my mother had blue eyes.

I am hoping to get at least 50 people to reply to this so I picked a number ramdomly and who ever post falls on that number I will give the 10 pts

2006-06-20 16:25:35 · 24 answers · asked by Savage 7

IIs it wrong to pleasure yourself after you have had sex with your partner?.....(like 20 minute or when he falls asleep)

2006-06-20 16:25:21 · 34 answers · asked by christineh689 2

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