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Family & Relationships - 27 March 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

I mentioned to a guy that I thought his friend was cute and the guy laughed. So he joked about having that other guys number. So now I am thinking if they both suspected something before since the dude laughed or not?
(We are all in our early 20's).
So is a guy most likely to tell the other guy when a woman tells him that his buddy is cute?
Just curious.

2007-03-27 10:39:06 · 19 answers · asked by Hello K 2 in Singles & Dating

Looking for tip to flirt. lol

2007-03-27 10:38:25 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

2007-03-27 10:37:56 · 7 answers · asked by sweetnstubbornsensitive 3 in Singles & Dating

2007-03-27 10:37:42 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

I've grown apart from my friends and have been hanging out with a new bunch of people (that I knew before)
A) How do I respond when the ask why I don't hang out with them anymore
B) When the still follow me
C) Ways I can be more liked by my new crowd

2007-03-27 10:37:18 · 3 answers · asked by Éleanore Amour♥ 3 in Friends

Ok theres this gurl at my school named Jess. She is a BRAT! she thinks she all that and cool! ( shes not!) She keeps doin crap and lyin bout crap and gettin me in trouble...today in reading i got in trouble because she said i cussed her out! But i dident so i got right up in her face and held a fist up to her...because this crap has been going on for months! Im sick of it! so right when we were about to get into it the teacher walked in and i got in more trouble...no body likes this girl and she needs to know that! Do you have any ideas on how i could get in through her head that shes not cool andd if she ever talks to me im beetin the crap out of her????

2007-03-27 10:36:03 · 8 answers · asked by ily912 1 in Singles & Dating

Although a few days ago my guy friend called me fat and a fatass, I feel like that isn't the reason I nearly made myself throw up today. I was actually drinking a diet-pepsi as fast as I could right next to the toilet, my fingers down my throat when I started crying and stopped. When I really think about it, I dunno why I tried to throw up. I'm really weight and look concious, going to weigt watchers at 13. I'm 5'3 and 119 pounds. Part of me wonders if it has anything to do with weight? Please help me sort out why I would try to throw up? Thanks,

2007-03-27 10:36:02 · 1 answers · asked by Rain Nicole S 1 in Singles & Dating

I'm kinda dating this guy and I want to change things up a bit and ask him out on a date. We've only been out a few times so I'm not sure what to say. Help!!!

2007-03-27 10:35:23 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

What should I get for a guy who pretty much only likes sports?
(Guys: what would you like for a girl to get for you?)

2007-03-27 10:34:58 · 25 answers · asked by Melli 2 in Friends

My best friend knows that i like this guy. I've liked him all year. he used to like me back until i introduced him to my friend. Now he likes her and she is egging him on. What should I do? I'm really mad at her right now.

2007-03-27 10:34:57 · 16 answers · asked by Arya 2 in Singles & Dating

2007-03-27 10:34:40 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

My boyfriend, Ryan and I have been going out for seven months now. We love eachother very much. He even says he wants to marry me, and he's extremely sweet. However, now theres one month left till our highschool prom and he wants to go with him. See, he is a junior, and I'm a senior. People aren't aware of our relationship, as people at our school are mostly spoiled rich brats and they'd make fun of, or try to ruin everything for the ones they'd love to pick on. My boyfiend is not so amazingly rich, neither do they accept him at our school, and they also make fun of him due to some unfortunate circumstances he had to go through. Now when/if we go to the prom together, I'd be the prime target for them to irritate. First, they'd harass me about the fact that hes a great below me, and then they'd mock me and say I'm an idiot, and a big moron because I went with a "loser". But they don't see him for what he is, and in my eyes hes perfect. I'm so nervous n confused though. Wat should i do

2007-03-27 10:34:33 · 23 answers · asked by Kagome 1 in Singles & Dating

God this is all so ridiculous, basically I don't feel that my boyfriend fancies me! Its embarassing, but he doesn't particularly ever come over and hug me, or kiss me, and because I dont chase him (whatever you chase, runs away) it takes forever for either one of us to iniciate anything, even kissing. its kinda sad. He doesn't seem that interested in sex, doesn't ever compliment me and even when I am around he wont make a single comment about my appearence or anything i say. Does he purely not fancy me, or is it something deeper rooted? Should I stop iniciating anything all together? Is he just taking me for a ride? or just unappreicating? anyone else had this? any experience? This is all so new to me =/

2007-03-27 10:34:31 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

His dad & step mom never talk to him unless to punish him. He said they have never told him they loved him. He seems so sad. I am starting to really get worried about him. What do I need to do?

2007-03-27 10:34:14 · 6 answers · asked by Lagina S 3 in Other - Family & Relationships

The very first time that i

saw your brown eyes your lips

said hello and i said hi

I knew right then you were the one

But i was caught up in physical attraction

but to my satisfaction you were much more than

just a face.

2007-03-27 10:33:26 · 21 answers · asked by JESSICA 1 in Singles & Dating

I like this guy I'm friends with. When we go out, it's always with a group of mutual friends. We tease and play with each other throughout the night and there's the occasional arm or hand brush, but that's the extent of it. There's lots of eye contact, but I make eye contact with everyone. When we go home at, I'll call him and we'll chat for a bit. If my phone disconnects, he calls right back and he'll talk to me until I fall asleep. Yet everytime I try to get him to come over, he seems oblivious to my requests. Does he want to be more than just friends or should I just accept him as nothing more than a friend and move on?

2007-03-27 10:33:25 · 11 answers · asked by Tina 1 in Singles & Dating

its a girl in school she likes he wants to know if she likes him

2007-03-27 10:33:01 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I recently got an email from a guy from HS (class of '98), I didn't know him will, he was way more popular than I was and we barely talked, but when it we did it was like 2 friends, nothing more, he was cute I just never put much thought into it cause he was him. I got an email from him the other day saying he liked my website and wanted to say hi. No big deal right, but I can't help but ask if there is another reason he contacted me, I'm I reaching?

2007-03-27 10:32:36 · 1 answers · asked by BabeLive98 2 in Singles & Dating

I planned my son's 2nd birthday party at Chuck E Cheese.

My sister-in-law (who has 5 kids) called my husband's cell phone (not me) and said we don't have to go to Chuck E Cheese, we can just come to your house and have cake and ice cream (then she tried to change the time of the party).

As if that wasn't enough, she asked if she could bring a cake for one of her kids who is having a birthday next month.

I can't believe the audacity of this woman! I want to lash out irrationally! Is she expecting me to pay for her kid's party? I have gone to so many parties for her kids and never said a word. I think it is rude to suggest a cake!

2007-03-27 10:32:23 · 23 answers · asked by Crabby 2 in Marriage & Divorce

After a night of drinking and gambling, my father law asked to see me naked! of course I refused..but he asked 3-4 times until my hsband re-entered the room...atv that point I told my husband what happend and we went to bed. The next morning I left and my father in law was crying and apologizing profusely to my husband and then to me over the phone..Monday I got flowers..So my question is do you think that this was some type of grieving thing? Also do Icall and say thak you for the flowers? this is all pretty weird! (No rude comments please)

2007-03-27 10:32:15 · 6 answers · asked by Elizabeth E 2 in Family

I married young (20) because I was scared and in love. I was desperate all my life, thinking no man would stay with me because it was "inconvenient". I am almost 25 now, and I have grown a little, and am no longer scared of "being alone".
My husband still loves me a great deal, but I no longer find him attractive - and he will not change anything about himself. He says I am "shallow" and need to get over it.

Am I just going through a phase of depression and will one day find him sexy again?

Also, I wonder if he is so stubborn we are not meant to be. He says I complicate everything and am never happy; but he is so stagnant and conservative about any change.
He has no passion, he is boring - but he is stable. I see him as a brother, not a lover. Counseling? He says no.

How long I should wait until I decide it's pointless?

Should I get a separation for a bit and date other men, or will other men think I am still taken?

So many questions - thank you for reading.

2007-03-27 10:31:57 · 56 answers · asked by b 1 in Marriage & Divorce


I have this friend and shes a great friend and today she called me a retard because in school when we were in art i asked her opion on a penguin i made and she said it was ugly so i got mad and went to sit with another girl and now i think she hates me help all my friends are turning on me pleese help me!!!!

2007-03-27 10:31:52 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

She recently blew off a party that she was invited to, I think it is because I was going. This is because she changed her evite response right after I posted mine from "going" to probably not" and never showed. I think she has some weird impression of me now that doesn't make any sense!

2007-03-27 10:31:43 · 11 answers · asked by Tireless 2 in Singles & Dating

The thing is that I have a long distance relationship and I visited my boy friend 5 weeks ago. I feel that he likes me a lot and he is nice with me, but it is hard for him o talk about his feelings towards me because of the distance and we don't really know if we are going to be together at the end, but we have promisse each other to honest and don't see someone else. I meet her family and best friends and it seems like he doesn't have other official relationship, but I saw in his computer that he is getting or sending messages in a dating web site. I have been trying to find him but I can't. I am very jelous now and I ask him and of course he said that he is not trying to date other girl. But I saw the subjec of hundreds of e-mail. I can just think of find him in this internet site.
What can I do?

2007-03-27 10:31:18 · 3 answers · asked by angelablaa 1 in Singles & Dating

There is this guy at school who used to flirt with all the time and he was in one of my classes last semester but ever since i told him my classes got switched and i wouldnt be in his class anymore, he doesnt say anything to me anymore. Why is that??

2007-03-27 10:31:01 · 2 answers · asked by TT 1 in Singles & Dating

I am engaged to be married. Sunday a very good friend of mine was killed. He was also a very good friend of my ex, my soon to be husband is telling me that he thinks I should not go to the funeral because my ex will be there. I told him that I am going anyway because he was my frined before he and I thought of being together. Please let me know if I am wrong.

2007-03-27 10:30:29 · 44 answers · asked by U Know 2 in Marriage & Divorce

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