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Family & Relationships - 1 March 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

We have been friends for years, and we have grown into close friends lately. She used to talk to me a lot, and now, she seems really nervous around me. The length of our emails get longer and longer, and the content in the emails is getting more and more personal! We also have tremendous amounts of eye contact between us, rub feet at meetings, and always sit with each other!

2007-03-01 04:30:06 · 14 answers · asked by +TheEndIsInSight+ 2 in Singles & Dating

iam a proud scot and is always amused to what people think a haggis is would just like to see the diffrent answers as this is basicaly word wide here thank you xx

2007-03-01 04:29:43 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

i have been seeing a guy for about 5 months, i like him a lot and he tells me im the only girl he wants around and that he likes me alot but he doesnt want a g.f, i came to find out that he hasnt had one since sixth grade, i dont understand if im so perfect to him then why doesnt he want to be with me. It hurts knowing that im gonna be waiting and im ready for a relationship and i want it to be with him but if he doesnt want me as a g.f should i stay around just to be his friend that he likes?

2007-03-01 04:29:39 · 8 answers · asked by confused07 1 in Singles & Dating

I have been in a relationship with my bf man for five years. I have been having doubts about our relationship. When we have free time it is during the weekend or parts of the week. During our freetime we usually hang out with his family and our friends we haven't had a time out of the house where it is just us both. The only time together when we are driving to do errands, sleeping together at night or going out to the restaurant. We haven't had sex for over a year and a half, because he feels guilty and what I had said about my parents expectations of our relationship should be based on, I have been accusing him (which I am getting help) and I feel he might be having sex with another person. As of now to be intimate we cuddle or kiss which I feel I need more than that, whenever we are about to do it or if I initiate it he says we will do it another time. I am frustrated overall especially when he doesn't remember doing it when he initiates it when he was half asleep..

2007-03-01 04:28:56 · 3 answers · asked by dunnogirl 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

Do I have to wear nylons/stockings with my wedding dress? Is there a specific reason to wear them? My dress has a layer of satin material under the whole thing. The wedding is in June.

2007-03-01 04:28:52 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Weddings

we were still living together when we got the divorce, i'm still here really because i still love him. i just need some advice. Should i move out? I really don't make enough to be on my own.

2007-03-01 04:28:52 · 9 answers · asked by damagedone 1 in Marriage & Divorce

I am married (11yrs) 2 children,my wife told me about her first boyfriend how they slept and also that she had an abortion with his child she told me before we married but each and every day it is getting hard for me to come to terms with her past i am a catholic so i dont aprove of abortion under these conditions i want to talk to her again about it but feel i may lose my temper i dont know wether to have it out and leave or carry on because i could not stand to leave my children but thorts of her and him together are tearing me up inside also my wife was my first love which makes it harder to realise she has had sex with someone else please any advice would be welcome

2007-03-01 04:28:49 · 45 answers · asked by hurting 1 in Marriage & Divorce

A man owed me £12,000 and still owes £7600 He was repaying at £300 a month but for 5 months he didn't pay as he said he needed to send money to his parents Now, for the last 3 months he has paid £300 a month again I asked him to give me £600 this month as I need to buy new glasses He refused saying he was saving for a car I think he should help me before buying a car I helped him in many ways over 4 years as well as lending him money Now I need his help he has refused so he can save for a car! Is he right or is he wrong?

2007-03-01 04:27:50 · 13 answers · asked by maryjane 1 in Singles & Dating

he told me he'd slow down on the liquor. It's worst then ever now. he comes home from work and sits in front of the tv and pay me no mind what so ever. I want him to change before we ge married if not the no marrige. The beer i don't mind so much the liquor gotta go if not then he gotta go am i wrong for that? It's changed him for the worst not for the best. My momma always said a drunk aint nothing

2007-03-01 04:27:37 · 12 answers · asked by miss thang 1 in Singles & Dating

i have know this guy for like 4 years i met him through my friends.An evvertime im near him i get this feeling like butterflys and he always idk flirts with me in a way like he will grab my sides or chase me or stuff like that and then i told him i liked him and he said he think's of me as more of a friend.But is that just his little scape because he might actaully like me or no!

2007-03-01 04:26:38 · 6 answers · asked by ♥kristie♥ 2 in Singles & Dating

I've been with my b/f for almost 2 years and haven't gotten a ring, of any kind, but he has a ring from me that is symbolic of "us". Should I feel concerned in any way...for example him feeling like he can't commit to me? Is this normal?

Thanks for your opinion :)

2007-03-01 04:26:38 · 10 answers · asked by inquisitive_grl 1 in Singles & Dating

i wanna make good friend till death as truth friendship .

2007-03-01 04:26:29 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

..financial issue? Do u really think that it is the real ..financial reason?

The Population Research Institute (PRI) says virtually every Western or Westernized nation on the planet is slowly dying off because birth rates have fallen below the 2.1-child-per-woman replacement level.

2007-03-01 04:25:54 · 7 answers · asked by Ron 1 in Marriage & Divorce

Would it brighten your Thursday?

(Smile) Good Morning?

LiL Earle

The Postal Service Rules

2007-03-01 04:25:43 · 5 answers · asked by ? 1 in Singles & Dating

i was friends with a guy and we did stuff, he cheated on his g.f with me n now since we got back from xmas break hes been trash talking me and puttin me down.. sayin sexual things so i turned him in for sexual harassment... and im scared that might of made things worse, he gives me really dirty looks and i dont know if i should care or not bcuz we were so close. also he said i am lying about the stuff taht happend

2007-03-01 04:25:10 · 5 answers · asked by confused07 1 in Friends

i was in this relationship a while ago and i can't seem to get over him i have known he all my life but now he has another girl that he had liked 4 ever ?? should i come right out and tell him or keep it to myself?? i am sooo confused

2007-03-01 04:25:05 · 7 answers · asked by emioly 1 in Singles & Dating


I need a womens advice should i keep me hair long or shave it off ? beard or no beard ? not harsh comments cann't change me face ,


2007-03-01 04:24:59 · 5 answers · asked by fulhamish 2 in Singles & Dating

8 long 3 1/2 wide

2007-03-01 04:24:19 · 5 answers · asked by heavydutydic 1 in Singles & Dating

My boyfriend has a 2 year old with his ex girlfriend, before she gave birth he went to prison and when he got out he was running around in the drug scene, he never saw the baby. 2 years later he is clean and doing really good. He works full time and goes to school at night. He got ahold of her before x_mas and she allowed him to brig gifts over for him on xmas eve. It was the first time he had seen his son since he was born. She mad it clear that he was more than welcome to come see him as long as he called first. She lives with her mom in a bad part of town and we are buying a house ina nicer part of town. She is on welfare and he pays his child support. Ever since xmas, he has been calling and calling and she screens her calls and wont call him back, we have had his mom call her, his sister in law wh gets along with her and used to keep in touch with her call, and she wont call anyone back. She does not have custody, no papers were drawn, how an we set up visits w/out the court

2007-03-01 04:23:53 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

2007-03-01 04:23:41 · 20 answers · asked by tunacatfun 1 in Marriage & Divorce

I saw this HUGE woman walking into where I work, and her pants and sweater were the same shade of red, and I yelled "Hey Kool-aid".

2007-03-01 04:23:29 · 12 answers · asked by SEAHAWKS P.O.ED 2 in Singles & Dating

My girlfriend tells me her husband confessed and told her he has a feddish for wearing ladies pannies..... Now this freaked me out, would it bother you if you found your husband wearing your clothes???your delicate stuff? IT SURE WOULD ME

2007-03-01 04:23:29 · 11 answers · asked by Peggy C 4 in Marriage & Divorce

how do you get your husband to listen to what is said to him, and not just stare vaguley into the distance?

2007-03-01 04:23:12 · 17 answers · asked by richard the monkey 2 in Marriage & Divorce

Okay, this guy that I've been seeing all of a Sudden comes out and Say..."Nothing's going to come out of it anyway" and I Guess between Us, Right....So what does he mean By that?? Advice/ Answers Plz!

2007-03-01 04:23:00 · 3 answers · asked by kittysweetie19 2 in Singles & Dating

you can't go to seeher because you don't have a ride and she is expected to die any day!!!!! you can't get a ride because your parents won't let you and then the hospital she is in is the same one your dad died in!

2007-03-01 04:22:56 · 6 answers · asked by babygirl 1 in Family

I dont really know if my girlfriend wanted space forever, said she needs time to think about the relationship feels it might me emotionally unhealthy. I have given her 2 weeks. I email her just to see how she doing, we start emailing back and forth, she says she wants to continue communicating, but right now just email. now we email several times a day, seems to be waiting to hear from me. I asked her if she would meet for coffee and she agreed. I really want to ask if she has moved on and emailing for friendship, or knows if she wants to try the relationship again slowly, we meet tomorrow , she did ask whats my meaning for meeting

2007-03-01 04:22:39 · 23 answers · asked by S D 1 in Singles & Dating

I filed for guardianship and now there will be a hearing what does that mean?
I filed for guardianship of my friends kids,there is now going to be a hearing the court says its going to be really quick and I don't need witnesses to speak,my friend has been abused and is allowing other people to abuse her kids I would like them in my care untill she gets better she needs help.should I bring witnesses to this hearing to speak up,or should I follow the courts advice its going to be really quick no witneses are needed for this.Can someone please give me advice I can't afford for the kids to go back to her becuase their life will be on the line.My point is that if witnesses is not really neeed for this I would to use them for maybe a more important day,I don't want her to see who the witnesses will be,becuase this will help her come up with a lie for each witness I bring.so If i don't need them for this hearing I would rather not bring them.If anyone is very familiar with family court issue please leave you E-mail address.

2007-03-01 04:22:39 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

were in high school she is new at school and we talk once... i started the conversation saying its cold outside when she was about to go outside and get a snack out of the snack machine... and i stayed inside by myself and she comes back in and starts to talk to me... we talk about our school history and religion. She told me she lives with her grandmother and she goes to this big church... she told me she used to go to private school and she had to wear a dress and she didn't like it... so she now goes to the public school... she also said that our class feels like it's summer school... are conversation ended when are 10 min break was over and back to work... i was leaving early right when break was over... she told me she was leaving in 2 hours... anyways, she said she was a loser and she walk back to class and I told her no your not... and that was it we both walk away and headed in different directions.... i thought the conversation was going good, but she was doing most of the talking... why do you think she called her self a loser for? she sound kinda serious when she called her self a loser... maybe she thought i was bored with our conversation... Next day in class I was doing my work and this girl ask for a piece of gum and the girl im interested was sittin behind me and she ask for a piece too. I gave both of them a piece and the girl i'm interested said i'm sorry for bothering you and I said that's alright. I was going to say something than she puts her head down and goes back to work. She didn't have any friends when she was new now she has 1 that's really her true friend which he's gay btw. Anyways when she walks past me she won't even look at me. I hate when a girl ignores you like that. I'm not gonna talk to her unless she looks at me because to me that just seems like she doesn't want anything to do with me. I don't really know her that well, but i think she been acting weird. The class was on break so almost everyone goes outside and gets some fresh air and some stay inside by the door and waits for break to be over. The guys and I stay inside and wait for break to be over while the girls go outside and get some fresh air. I saw her talking to this guy outside and she anyways break was just about over and the girl comes inside and she kinda shouts to the guys if the door was lock. The guys said yea and than she seem like she had an attitude sayin in a rude way i'm going right back outside and goes right back and talks to the guy. Then I went outside and told her the door is now open and she ignore me like she didn't hear me. Maybe she really didn't. She was still talking to the guy. And few minutes later she comes inside and im right there and she didn't look at me. Then she goes back in the class and im still in the hall. So she gets out of class takes out her cell phone and calls her mother. And she goes outside and talks. The guy that she was talkin to was still out there. As soon as there conversation was over she said peace out to him. She could of ask me if the door was lock. I mean I was right next to her when she said it. I haven't went to school for 4 days, but I went today and we both made eye contact for about 3-4 seconds, but her friend was right by the door when i walk in the class... so idk... than as we went on break she was waiting right by the door and i think she was looking at me to see if i would talk to her... but i didnt i walk right past her... i heard her outside yelling on the phone probably a family member... i was inside... i could hear her yelling cause i was right by the outside door... than she came inside cause it was cold outside... she talk on the phone across from me for about 2-3 minutes... than she went right back outside and talk... when she was done talking on the phone... she came inside with her head down... than she look up and look at me in a moody way... than she look back down really quick...she didnt give me a mean look... but she gave me a look like she was kinda mad or upset... shes not shy but i am... and i dont think she knows i am since we dont really know each other...

2007-03-01 04:21:47 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

i am livin in a flat with my friend molly and goin out wiv her best mate.some people think its weird and id like to know what people that dont know us think

2007-03-01 04:21:11 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

We were close the last 3 yrs, worked together- attracted to each other & never expressed. Recently I joined a new company & realized, I love her as I miss her very much. Called her often & met a few times– outside, not in office as guys teased her about me. Then she avoids me. No return on– calls/mails. We were in touch but frequency reduced. She even lied a few times. I stopped calling her- me hurt. But she calls after 2 days just to check - I made it clear that I miss her a lot & I did a mistake leaving the company as the price I paid was Her. I didn’t propose to her though. Again she avoids. I stopped all comm. - she calls me back or sends some forwards. When I ask on her feelings towards me she avoids the topic. A few times when we met, she is very angry at the end of the meeting for no reason atall as if she was expecting something from me. Do not know how to proceed. No need of answers as to – right/ wrong, as I’ve gone beyond that. Just want to know what she wants. What do I do?

2007-03-01 04:21:07 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

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