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Family & Relationships - 13 January 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

The problem is he's a year older than me and I thought I got over him because I've liked him 4 a while but then I think he was staring @ me and my heart keeps skipping beats every time I think about it. I need help fast!!

2007-01-13 12:21:58 · 1 answers · asked by SydneyB 2 in Singles & Dating

If you are religious and believe that marriage is so sacred and you don't want to end your marriage without trying your utmost , and you have a 22 month old daughter , whom do you seek for help first , a marriage counselor or a psychiatric ? I hope to get some advice from some specialists here (please mention it ) thanks !!

2007-01-13 12:21:17 · 11 answers · asked by homesick33 2 in Marriage & Divorce

My husband would rather stay up at night and look at porn on the computer than come to bed and have sex with me. I am 24 and pregnant with baby number three. I am only 10 pounds heavier than with the last two pregnancies and he couldn't keep his hands off of me with them. We went on our honeymoon when I was 8 months pregnant with number one and you would never have known I was pregnant by the amount of time we spent in the hotel room. I have talked to him about this several times and he says he'll be better about it but we only have sex 2 or three times a month. I have been told all my life how pretty I am and now my husband can't stand to come to bed with me and I don't know what to do. I am getting really depressed about this and it really hurts. What should I do?

2007-01-13 12:20:37 · 49 answers · asked by Summer 3 in Marriage & Divorce

Should I keep him around? or what. He`s been here almost 6 years

2007-01-13 12:20:25 · 27 answers · asked by emyadeno 1 in Marriage & Divorce

First, there is a guy I like and we always tease each other. Plenty of people say I like him, like go "Dude, she like totally likes you." and he doesn't respond. What does this mean? He doesn't like me and is just trying to be polite?

2007-01-13 12:20:09 · 7 answers · asked by Jazz 2 in Singles & Dating

At least I feel like the concept of marriage is starting to fade away with all the cohabitions and everything like that. Is this the right thing for our country as well as the world or should there be efforts to preserve marriage?

2007-01-13 12:19:41 · 11 answers · asked by ravensfan172003 3 in Marriage & Divorce

woman vs man
woman vs woman
man vs pillow
woman vs pillow

its not about fighting its about something. If you know what i mean?

2007-01-13 12:19:41 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating


2007-01-13 12:18:27 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

we are divorced since one month and I am the one who wanted to divorce because she did many bad things to me ..... so I divorced her though I love her....
now she has a birthday and I still thinking of her... should I send her a birthday-card? If yes, then what should I write to avoid misunderstanding?

2007-01-13 12:17:49 · 17 answers · asked by S_M_A_R_T_Y 1 in Marriage & Divorce

Teddy or Chocolate

Im on my first date and im kinda nervous about this what should ido i hate bing nervous on a date

2007-01-13 12:17:39 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I'm 25 yrs. old and went out twice with a girl I like from JDate.com. She's 24 and most of the time I feel a connection with her but I'm sort of afraid to make a move and hold her or kiss her. I did, however, give her a short very quick kiss on the lips at the end of our second date. It was nice but sort of awkward because we didn't have our eyes closed. I was a tiny bit nervous and pulled away to fast. So, we just sort of stood there and did it but it did happen. Now, she's very busy and teaches high school art while going for her master's in ESL. So, it's hard to communicate at times and sometimes, she's so busy that at first, I think she's playing me but I guess she's not because she now found time for a third date. She said she thinks we have alot of stuff still to learn about each other but said she'd really like to see me again. I told her I felt the same way and it's definitely true and she was glad we established that. NOW--I met another girl online who I only exchanged numbers

2007-01-13 12:17:21 · 14 answers · asked by justellemJimsaidhello 1 in Singles & Dating

Ive been dating this guy for about a month or so...so far it has been really good, our friends introduced us...we spend almost everyday together...he called me a lot over Christmas when he went home to Mexico...it came an ice storm and he stayed over this weekend...we went to the store and I was helping him find some things...he looked at the condoms and said, "I need some condoms too" I said "Try the NaturalLamb ones, theyre the best"...he stuck him in the cart...we dont use condoms bc I take birthcontrol and we are both std free...he then said when we were in line..."you know...i need all the stuff that is in my cart"..."all of it"..."the razor, the bread, all of it"...is he just trying to get a rise out of me? Ive not been emotional with him and Ive never asked the "status" of our relationship. Last night we went out and i didnt pay a lot of attention to him...he made fun of my outfit and then called some girl and asked her to come hang out with us...whats up with him?

2007-01-13 12:16:06 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Ok so i like this boy named Jon. We totally have the chemistry and i know for a fact that if he would give it a chance ... wed be the cutest couple ever no doubt. He is in a band and plays the drums. THe other day he came over and played he piano for me and chilled till i had to go to work and dropped me off. it just doesnt mean as much to me tho because were only friends. i wish i could be more with him but how do i get him to get that in his head. how do i get him to want me likei want him?

2007-01-13 12:15:56 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Can I get a divorce in the country where I was married, even though I live in US. I know that US recognizes marriage that was made in the other country, but if my husband is a US citizen and I am not, can he file for divorce in the country we were married at?

2007-01-13 12:15:14 · 1 answers · asked by Kat 2 in Marriage & Divorce

2007-01-13 12:14:47 · 8 answers · asked by resendez1963 1 in Friends

I make him feel like i hate him but i sytill have sex with him because i love him we've never dated. i've knwn him for 5 years i've been friends with him for 2 and i've been having sex with him for 1. For the last 2 years i've gotten in trouble with the
law, i've had numerous problems with my parents and all he brings me is pain. I can't get over him yet i feel we were meant to be together. I get high and drunk to make myself feel good. I need to get over him but i cant because i have a slight feeling he might feel the same but i dont want to make things odd between us. He lives right across the streetand hes always on my mind.

2007-01-13 12:14:41 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating


2007-01-13 12:14:32 · 11 answers · asked by storage b 1 in Singles & Dating

I am a college student who lives with my dad, my aunt, and her boyfriend. I've been here for almost 2 years and I'm miserable. You see, my aunt has a bad drug problem and refuses to get a job. She has it in her head that she is the head of the house hold when she does nothing. She dosen't even clean the freaking house! I also have an uncle and a cousin who sell drugs. They use our house as a stash spot. I get so nervous that a bust will occur and I will be caught up in the mix of it. Not to mention, 5 months ago my aunt attacked me with her fist. I want to move out, but I have no $ (even if I did, I still have poor credit) and I don't want to hurt my dads feelings. We are very close and I love him very much. He has offered that the both of us can move out, but this is his home. It's is also the families home, so people are free to come and go as the please. I don't know what to do. The move I live here. The more depressed I seem to get, on top of the extra stress I have. What can I do

2007-01-13 12:14:28 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

2007-01-13 12:13:36 · 8 answers · asked by thunderpants91 1 in Singles & Dating

ok i am desperate for help on this situation guys so please help! well ok.. so this guy has been really interested in me.. texting and/or calling every single night for like the past three weeks.. and we've been on two dates already (one both weekends)... but then all of a sudden now he never texts me on his own without me texting first, and he never answers my questions when i do text. is he just falling out of interest or something? that is all i can think of.. because it's hard to not assume the worst.. when he has made such a drastic change. and i don't want to seem too clingy or needy or whatnot so i don't want to ask him.. although he has been very clingy to me.. until just recently obviously. so yeah. (sorry probably giving too much info than you care to hear.. but hey i am confused and desparate as i have said before, haha) so anyways.. help out on this one would be GREAT!!! :D thanks all who answer this question (and get through reading it.. lol) have a great day everyone!

2007-01-13 12:13:01 · 7 answers · asked by coolio 4 in Singles & Dating

2007-01-13 12:11:59 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I mean, of course I can drink, but I don't like those fanatic college parties and heavy drinking.

2007-01-13 12:11:32 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

2007-01-13 12:11:10 · 18 answers · asked by janet-f@sbcglobal.net 1 in Singles & Dating

There is this boy in my school. It all started when i drinking at the water fountain he started tickeling me. Ever since then he's been tickeling me. Know i walked out of math class and i saw him then i went to the bathroom. When i came back he was waiting for me. Then I opened the door and he was pulling me where i couldn't go in while saying i have to tell you. Than I got away. And No he is not trying to rape me. Since then every time i see him he hold me tight where i cant get away and he says can i get a hug. He made this sean. where i run away with a smile. i kicked him to get him off of me. Do you think he likes me? The thing is the more he follows me the more i think i like him. Oh! he is one grade above me.

2007-01-13 12:11:09 · 5 answers · asked by Cynthia C 1 in Singles & Dating

but my ex's has only been working 6 months after being out of work for 3 years trying to get on disability. he can't keep food in the house, different people buy him food.he has no car, lost his car plus his mother's car, no phone, no cable tv. he never cleans the house it smells awful, clothes my son takes with him never get back with him muchless washed. my son has no rules while at his fathers, where he does have rules and chores in our home. my son won't listen when I tell him that his father needs more time to get on his feet and stable. shold I get him in counciling?

2007-01-13 12:10:41 · 9 answers · asked by tnjunglejane 1 in Marriage & Divorce

Okay do u think Teddy Geiger is hott? CUZ IM IN LOVE WITH HIM!! do any of u know him bcuz hes my dream man!

2007-01-13 12:10:32 · 6 answers · asked by kiweebabie095 1 in Singles & Dating


2007-01-13 12:10:20 · 5 answers · asked by lovergirl32 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

me and my boyfriend have been going out for a while and whenever we go out to dance he always has so much trouble with it. I think he might be a lttle intimidated by me since i have been dancing since i was like 7.. i was just wondering if anyone has some advice to give me when i try and teach him.... anything will help...!!! thanks

2007-01-13 12:09:18 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

i just want to be lazy. not that i dont' like him, just LAZY

2007-01-13 12:09:08 · 20 answers · asked by smooshcrickets 1 in Singles & Dating

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