I've dated an almost perfect girl for 3 years: brilliant, successful, charming... but she's about 100 pounds overweight. She's naturally very pretty; I wouldn't mind if she slimmed down (she'd be a total fox), but she's still quite attractive.
However, at least 25% of the time we go out, someone shouts something mindbogglingly rude at her. "Fat people suck!" "Look at the size of that b****," that sort of thing. It doesn't seem to faze her, but I get very pissed off... and, I'm embarrassed to say, ashamed to be seen with her. I'd rather not go out in public with her anymore... odds are good that she'll be teased and I'll look like a terrible boyfriend for not rushing into a crowd of teenagers and decking one of them.
I've tried dieting and exercising with her, encouraging her gently, everything a caring boyfriend can do, but I know it's up to her. Am I a horrible person for feeling like this? What else can I do but accept that I'm head-over-heels for a girl that people ridicule?
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Singles & Dating