I have gone the distance with this kid, bought her a car, gave her a place to live when her Dad kicked her out. Seen her through court and paid for it when her dad did nothing.
She lies to me all the time, does not pay her bills and last night was the straw that broke the camels back. She went to her Dad's house for dinner and while she was there started crap about things at my house. She loves to get a dig in on her sister, and took the oppurtunitiy to lie about things I did not say about about her sister.
I called her on it and she turned it into bigger lies.
I told her if she wants to talk crap with her dad she can go live with him. Well she went in a hurry and he, after months of dissing her and not helping with court took her in and is taking her side. Was I wrong or should I put up with her contstant lies and racking up bills she does not pay? Also should I take the car back she never paid a dime toward even though she signed a contract for 50 bucks a month payment?
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