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Family & Relationships - 8 July 2006

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

Things have gotten serious with this guy I've been dating. I really care alot about him and to me he is "The One". We have this big problem with the "little things". All he has ever asked me for is complete honesty (which I have no problem giving at all). To be fair I did hold off telling him something but it was just an attempt to push him away from me as I've been burnt so many times I didn't want to face my feelings for him. I did tell him about it a couple hours after I really should have. Now he has this habit of asking me about something that happened several days prior ie. a conversation with someone. If I can't get all the details just the way it happened right or I can't remember what it was that was said at all he gets upset and thinks I'm doing it on purpose. Is there anyway I can make him see that I'm not trying to nor want to hide anything from him? Am I just crazy for even trying? Please help me.

2006-07-08 07:21:07 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

He is always so cheap and chinsey. He could have given me something romantic, but he really just doesn't get it. He gives me housewares all of the time. I even have a new set of steak knives. Are all men that stupid? We have been dating for about 4 yrs.

2006-07-08 07:20:35 · 23 answers · asked by happydawg 6 in Singles & Dating

me and my b/f just broke up about 3 days ago. how soon is it okay to start dating again.

2006-07-08 07:20:31 · 20 answers · asked by hey_toot_toot 1 in Singles & Dating

he also thinks i should have no problem with his ex wife coming too. The house we live in is the same house she and he had together when they were married. Am i being mean because i think this is not right?

2006-07-08 07:19:53 · 11 answers · asked by cinlu45 1 in Weddings

My son is the middle child, I have three children. He says, I didn't love him the same. He has an older brother and younger sister. My son doesn't have a relationship with any of us. My son has a relationship with my sister. She is the godmother for both my grandchildren. My son is kind, sweet and loving to everyone, EXCEPT me. I have tried to talk with him, and answer any question he may have about his childhood. He is very jealous of both his brother and sister. I have asked him to go to seek help and talk with someone and I would pay, but he says, he doesn't need any help. My daughter-in-law sent me an e-mail about God and I replied I'm so happy you have found God and I hope you will now treat me with respect. I received a message on my home phone while I was at work from my son. He said, Don't call me,
don't send any thing in the mail to me or my family, until you have respect for my family which includes my wife. His wife has disrespected me from day one.

2006-07-08 07:18:20 · 4 answers · asked by drphilfanno1 1 in Friends

2006-07-08 07:17:57 · 16 answers · asked by jr joker 1 in Family

my friends birthday is coming up and she doesnt think her mom will let her have a birthday party like she wants too. b/c she has too watch her younger brother and she is always doing chores and she doesnt think her mom really cares about her feelings to let her have time to spend with her friends. i want to help her. What should she do? and what can i do to help her?

2006-07-08 07:14:50 · 14 answers · asked by Mariah W 1 in Friends

2006-07-08 07:14:38 · 14 answers · asked by thewonderer 1 in Marriage & Divorce


I posted a story yesterday, if you haven't read it go read it before you read this, well now my mom says i can't go out with him because he's 18. And like 5 months ago his mom called my mom and was talking to her about roy and said that he was lying alot and he needed to talk to a psychiatrist. He went and everything is good. So my sister lied about him doing drugs and she went and told my mom that he hits me which he doesn't. And this makes me so mad because She keeps lying but my mom is so focused on roy because she never liked him that she's not noticing the truth. It's hurting so much, and i really do love him, truthfully. I'll be going to college to take some courses in my senior year because i'm ahead, i'm very mature. I know it sounds stupid because i'm 15 but i'm way more mature than my 24 year old sister. Please help me, i need some advice on what to say to my mom. Thanks

2006-07-08 07:14:29 · 7 answers · asked by Katy 1 in Other - Family & Relationships


2006-07-08 07:14:25 · 9 answers · asked by jeleighlover 1 in Singles & Dating

2006-07-08 07:12:39 · 27 answers · asked by melita 2 in Marriage & Divorce

2006-07-08 07:11:37 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

i used to work for this big retail and of course when i quit i was able to get my 401 k its not a lot but it seems like my boyfriend wants to spend it all on him and if i want to buy something for myself he says we cant spend that oney,i mean we do share the money and stuff but it was really because i was working at least i can spend a little bit of money on myself but he gets mad......

2006-07-08 07:09:40 · 7 answers · asked by happybunnyjg 2 in Other - Family & Relationships

im scared to be in it

2006-07-08 07:09:09 · 7 answers · asked by Ashleigh(: 4 in Family

I have this older woman that lives across the street and she always bends over while she is working on her garden. I've talked to her before a couple times. She is single divorced and lives alone. I never see her bring home men or anything but she is always outside bending over. When I was over her house, I talked to her, then she mentioned that she wouldn't want my parents thinking anything was happening between us and she felt funny about me hanging out at her house. I never brought up anything about sex. I just said I didn't know what she was talking about. I told her that i thought she was attractive and she told me I was attractive too. This was three years ago. I never talk to her but I say hi to her and she is friendly to me. I'm 20 years old and she is like 50 but looks 40. Any ideas on seducing her?

2006-07-08 07:08:49 · 22 answers · asked by Mark L 2 in Singles & Dating

Im going out with a girl I work with. We started out seeing each other working different schedules and now we have the same shcedule so were able to see exactly who each other is interacting with. The ratio of men to women is redicules(more men than women),therefore, Ive been having more of a problem with this. To me, jealousy is a form of insecurity beliving that your not good enough for your girl or that you dont trust her or are affraid that shell leave you. This is not what I think about at all. I know shes mine and Im hers. I dont care about other girls at work. But I know how guys are. She cant controll guys trying to talk to her so I dont blame her. But having heard the way guys talk about her and know how certain guys are I feel like she deserves to be treated right and not like a piece of meat that a guy just want to F**K. I would respect it more if the guy really liked her and wanted to treat her right. So, Am I Jealous or am I just being Protective?Opinions Please

2006-07-08 07:08:20 · 8 answers · asked by rock_roll_musicman 2 in Singles & Dating

2006-07-08 07:08:14 · 22 answers · asked by seeker_4_light 1 in Marriage & Divorce

i want a man

2006-07-08 07:07:49 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Last night I got caught having sex with my neighbors wife and when her husband walked in I ran and he shot me in the a$$. By the way I am 97 years olds so am I more wrong for having sex with his 24 year old wife who was a willing partner or is he more wrong for not respecting his elders ???? By the way I am healing well.
Ps: Do you think he will ever ask me to drive his wife to the store again ?? I hope so because I enjoy talking with her. (I guess I enjoy other things with her too)

2006-07-08 07:07:29 · 8 answers · asked by irishlad 3 in Singles & Dating

Ok so i'm in the store and i'm walking down this aisle and this young guy probably about 19 or so( i'm 18)... who works at the store starts coming down the aisle towards me and says to me hi how are you doing in a very friendsly way...ok so i don't find that most people at this store do that...and it just seemed rather friendly. My question to you..guys/girls is do you think this was just being friendly or something more...do you think maybe he was intimidated by me and so thats why he did it? What are your thoughts...i'm really really curious.

2006-07-08 07:06:52 · 30 answers · asked by mountaingirl88 3 in Singles & Dating

My family isn't getting along, i'm only 17 and my brothers are doing crazy stuff to upset my parents and my parents are fighting with each other. I feel like the middle man (girl). How do I keep the peace?

2006-07-08 07:06:25 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

Ok, I've used this site a bit and I always let people know I'm a stripper. I work in two clubs in the Baltimore/DC area. At one of the clubs, I know of two of the dancers (I'm not one of them) who do regurally take sex for money (this is NOT allowed by the club, but they do it anyway).

My question is: It it a better thing for a married guy to just go to a prostitute if he's not getting what he needs at home?

I mean, is it better than going out and having an affair and meeting someone he may fall in love with? What about those potential famalies that could be wrecked? With a prostitute, it's just a one shot deal and no expectations of a relationship are involved. Isn't that better?

The guy I'm seeing now does this occasionally and I don't mind. I know he will always come back to me. I think it's actually kind of sexy.

2006-07-08 07:04:11 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

i have a lot of guy friends, and i dated for a little while but it didn't work out. almost all my friends are guys, is that a bad thing, should i have more girl friends, b/c some of them end up liking me and things just get weird when that happens. and i don't know how to act around them, b/c they start wanting to do things and hangout , which i wouldn't mind, except that they want to for different reasons than i do.???? and i'm a people pleaser, and i have a very flirtatious personality, what do i do??? i don't try to flirt with them it just kinda comes off that way!!!!

2006-07-08 07:03:54 · 6 answers · asked by beth_mutchler 2 in Friends

My bestfriend since 3rd grade moved away and we were like sisters and now we only e-mail.

2006-07-08 07:03:54 · 11 answers · asked by sweetblue 1 in Friends

I don't have kids but I would love a big family, 6 or 8 kids. everyone keeps going about how expensive it would be and how you won't have time for yourself, but surely the most important things in life don't cost anything and if I wanted time to myself , I wouldn't have kids at all

2006-07-08 07:02:27 · 24 answers · asked by LR 3 in Family

Does tact and reality demand some things be kept to ones self?

2006-07-08 07:02:19 · 3 answers · asked by helixburger 6 in Singles & Dating

2006-07-08 07:01:30 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

Theres this girl and she likes me and i like her theres just one problem. She's still not over her ex,but we want to be together. She just needs to close the last doors before she opens another.Her best friend told me yesterday though that she's just waiting for me to step up. What should I do?

2006-07-08 07:01:20 · 7 answers · asked by C-Low 2 in Singles & Dating

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