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Family & Relationships - 8 July 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships

Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

My husband and I are both 26 and will be celebrating our 4th anniversary this month. We are both very much in love and have a 10 month old son together, but just like many other couples out there we have our fair share of arguments and disagreements. I would like to think that we'll be happily married for as long as we're both alive, but the statistics aren't in our favor. I would like to know what I can do to ensure that my marriage will be happy and healthy and not end in divorce, and also how to help the rest of the married couples in America to stay happily married as well.

The divorce rate in this country is ridiculously high. There has to be a way to help keep families together. Divorces and broken homes lead to so many other problems, and I think that reducing the divorce rate needs to be a higher national priority.

2006-07-08 07:00:51 · 45 answers · asked by Sleepiselusive 2 in Marriage & Divorce

sometimes when my kid poops while napping shell wake up and kinda finger paint with it on the wall....is this normal behavior for a almost 3 yr old ? does anybody elses kids do this ?

2006-07-08 07:00:35 · 14 answers · asked by katismama 1 in Family

I'm a married, female, field sales rep, and have been calling on this customer (married, too). For a few months now, we've been flirting with each other. I know that it's wrong to want anything more than innocent flirting with him, but why do I always feel nervous with butterflies in my stomach each time I'm around him? I sense he's the same way, although we try so hard to keep it cordial and diplomatic. What's your take on all this? Is there a mutual admiration here (I know I admire him)? Is it OK to keep it going? Please share your thoughts. Thanks.

2006-07-08 07:00:22 · 8 answers · asked by Confused_Rep 4 in Marriage & Divorce

ppl say i talk to much and dat its not good for a gurl!..is dat true?

2006-07-08 07:00:18 · 3 answers · asked by wally 1 in Friends

I've been married for 8 years and my husband is wonderful. I love him because he is my best friend. But I don't feel like I am IN LOVE with him anymore and I'm not sure if I ever was. I'm feeling a little lost

2006-07-08 06:59:46 · 5 answers · asked by Steph 2 in Marriage & Divorce

Need advice on how can tell if a relationship/marriage is based on sex or not. There is alots of love, but sometime it feels like it is based on sex everytime we turn around we are having sex. It is a physical attraction but what about everything else?

2006-07-08 06:57:56 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

my parents are divorced my dad is mature enough to realize it just didnt work out and that they still need to be there for their two daughters. at my sisters wedding my mother made a horrible scene during the cerommony because she didnt want to sit anywhere near my dad. it was embarrasing . now im getting married and i want both of my parents there but i want everything to be peaceful i want a picture of me and my parents but she objects what do i do

2006-07-08 06:57:47 · 12 answers · asked by j 1 in Weddings

I live a long way from my dad, but will be traveling sort of close to his local. I will have a couple of free days b4 my scheduled activity. I love my dad alot. Thing is, I also have a lot of anger issues with his wife and my little sister. There has been a lot of disappointment.

I think I would feel horrible if I passed up an opportunity like this, but the guilt trips they would play, regardless, would be unpleasant as well.

Still not convinced I should go.

What should I do?

2006-07-08 06:57:42 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

im a 40 year old man, im going bald, have a beer belly, my left hand is paralyzed permanently, im on social security disability for my hand probably for the rest of my life. would you want to go out with someone in my shoes?

2006-07-08 06:57:42 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

I do! But I don't know how many people think I'm crazy?

2006-07-08 06:57:36 · 10 answers · asked by Buffy 3 in Other - Family & Relationships

ok i feel like i am one of those guyz from early ages...i am very shy when it comes to attractive girls...first i find it hard to say anything and even if i do speak i tend to be very formal and act like a gentlemen…usually girlz tend to think I am not interested type of signal….and normally it remains that way...i am unable to speak my mind, flirt, and most of all be a bit informal type...i have a hard time starting a conversation with them....could it be my confidence? my eastern culture? or cuz i don't smoke/drink and go to parties... i am a good looking guy but i am sick of not being able to approach a girl in a way that would let the girl know that I am interested...or even to be just frndz…plz Girls give me tips as to how u feel a guy should approach you & guyz share your proven skills with me? I am not desprate but I feel like I am missing out big time…

PS: I am quite fun/funny but only when a friendship/relationship is formed..

2006-07-08 06:56:45 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I do! But I don't know how many people think I'm crazy?

2006-07-08 06:55:32 · 3 answers · asked by Buffy 3 in Other - Family & Relationships

I am an American living in Turkey and need to get a divorce. Upon returning to the states which state can I get the easiest and quickest divorce in?

2006-07-08 06:54:48 · 6 answers · asked by d35dreamer 1 in Marriage & Divorce

Do you think i can ever get to like any of you morons?I think i can if you want to be my slave and kiss my butt every time i order you.
Die you worthless cunnts die.

2006-07-08 06:54:43 · 11 answers · asked by Sona 1 in Singles & Dating

I always wanted to be a stay at home mom. My husband and I realized that that might never happen and we decided to have a baby and have me go back to work. We have a beautiful son. I spend as much time with him as I can and love him SO much. He's a happy and content child, but I still find myself wishing and holding on to the idea of being at home full time. Financially, losing my paycheck is not a possibility. Even if we cut down on everything. Am I a fool to hold out hope? Are there legitimate ways out there to pull in a good income while spending more time at home. ANY advice, practical or emotional would be such a help. Thank you.

2006-07-08 06:54:14 · 0 answers · asked by Amalthea 3 in Family

Okay, then... I'm all fine if my sister wants to sleep together with her bf (still, if her bf betrays her or treats her like a whore, I'll break his neck!). She's an adult already, and she has her own life and manages it herself.

The real issue is while having sex, she screams, moans, and talks dirty so loud that it annoys me a bit.... Now, I still want to respect her privacy and since I also have sex in our flat with my gf... but I don't think we make too much noise while consummating our love... (or don't we...?)

Anybody... help me, please? What should I tell them? What should I do then?

PS: I'm 20 and my sis is 19...

2006-07-08 06:54:11 · 44 answers · asked by Professor Franklin 4 in Family

I have a child that I lost to his father due to my husband but we still love each other and I have 2 children with him versus 1 child with the other. The 1 child is happy where he is and the 2 children I have with my husband are happy when we all are together and are not when we are separated as we have been for about 9 months but see each other when possible (everyday if can). Problem is 2 children's happiness outweighs 1 child's happiness. I cant seem to win both, need a NON judgemental, open minded and little religious advice.

2006-07-08 06:52:49 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

I cheated on my bf of 4 years with who I have a baby with last night with some guy I met online. Our relationship has been on the rocks for a while now, it just happend. Please be nice, no harsh comments I know that what I did was wrong and it would hurt him terribly :-(

2006-07-08 06:52:41 · 32 answers · asked by Sweetie85 1 in Marriage & Divorce

well i do dings and my wife is always two steps behind and i never get caught but i am tired of using drugs and i need help but i am affraid of loosing my daughter becase my wife says if i used drugs i gotta go and i cant see my daughter no more

2006-07-08 06:51:57 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

Ok.I like this new guy and I might want to date him,but he really likes sports and knows a lot about sports.I dont know very much about sports.I am scared he might not like me if he finds out I dont know very much about sports.I am a girlie-girl.Do you think he will like me if I dont really know about football and that other stuff?His name is ~football's life~.

2006-07-08 06:51:24 · 11 answers · asked by ♥Misspretty♥ 2 in Singles & Dating

In this world, we seem to have so many friendships but very few genuine ones.

2006-07-08 06:51:09 · 5 answers · asked by snorkelman_37 5 in Friends

am i the only one who after 16 yrs wants his wife all the time ?i just cant seem to get enough of her .is there any one who thinks thier wife is so sexy you just cant get enough .am i normal .she is hot and she doesnt even no it .i am a lucky lucky guy. im always trying to get it

2006-07-08 06:50:20 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

2006-07-08 06:49:53 · 12 answers · asked by ashankit_43 1 in Family

I was seeing this girl for about 3 months , i fell in love with her, we got along well, until a few days ago, I was in AOL chat with her under another name and talked to her as some one else, because i suspected she lied to me, but she didn't any how i sent her an email shortly after we chat while i was some one else, she got furious, but said she knew it was me, she said i violated her, which i agree, she said there is nothing left she can't trust me any more, and said to forget i ever knew her, the next day she Instant message me in AOL around 4:00 am and ask me to come over, we talked a bit but she fell asleep during our talk, later the next day she still says she don't want any more drama in her life and she don't call me any more or answer my calls, she did say in a message she needs time to think, how ever I'm not sure that is true, any how, I love this woman so much with all my heart, and can't convince her she can trust me I'll never do it again,
What can i do? HELP ME!

2006-07-08 06:49:50 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

2006-07-08 06:49:45 · 40 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family


Is there anyone called Bob Squire on here?

2006-07-08 06:49:26 · 4 answers · asked by diamondeyesx 3 in Friends

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