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Environment - September 2007

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Alternative Fuel Vehicles · Conservation · Global Warming · Green Living · Other - Environment

So, I have a Highlander that I received second hand from my parents. It's a great car; but, it fuel efficiency rating is very low and it "eats" a lot of gas. I try to be as "green" as I can and I am also trying to save some money. So, I thought about seeling the SUV and getting a Prius. But, I am scared because I have read a lot of mixed remarks about hybrids. Should I get a hybrid, a diesel, or a gas car? And what car specifically do you recommend?

2007-09-24 00:29:49 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Alternative Fuel Vehicles

The week before last my bf and I where having a movie night on the coach. A friend had lent us the incovient truth. We watched it and I think the only coment that was made was, my god, how did bush win against him. But then we went to bed. I dreamt about the drowning polar bears and ice caps. Nothing was done.Then last week my other half was asking me to come watch something, He had tapped the al gore interview in regards to apec. At this point we had a bit of a talk and decided that we wanted a better future especially if we decided to have kids. We are only in our 20s and we rent our house so we arnt very sure now what else we can do to reduce our carbon emissions?

So far we have:
- Bought 'green shopping bags'
- changed our electrisity to hydro and wind
- Changed to energy efficant light globes
- planted and tree each in the back yard.

Any other surgestions would be most aprecated.

2007-09-23 23:47:06 · 10 answers · asked by placid_princess 2 in Green Living

2007-09-23 22:49:30 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Global Warming

i think its getting slightly warmer what do you think?

2007-09-23 22:37:16 · 6 answers · asked by Maybe 2 in Global Warming

sorry the same old debate, but could it happen?

2007-09-23 22:07:15 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Global Warming

Is 75 degrees too warm to wear a jacket all day??

2007-09-23 19:40:04 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Environment

2007 Honda FIT. I bought the sport automatic. Honda promised 32 city/ 38 highway. I expected to lose a few mpg but I get from 22 to 27 mpg when driving very carefully. I understand those things that lower mileage but this is ridiculous. . .And then I find out you can only carry a total of 850 pounds total in the car and I have 5 seat. Sure hope nobody has a heavy purse or wants to go shopping. . . I guess I could throw out the spare tire. . .

2007-09-23 16:45:50 · 5 answers · asked by towanda 7 in Green Living

what did he do for the environment? be specific please!

2007-09-23 15:29:47 · 5 answers · asked by aSnxbByx113 2 in Other - Environment

I just went out this weekend to put up my stand for bow season. On the side of a field. there is corn crop there as i was walkin by the corn field there is a lot of deer poop. i have only seen pebbles of it usually but these r pebbles that r clumped together. What deos this mean if ne thing?

2007-09-23 14:35:42 · 6 answers · asked by j minizzle 1 in Other - Environment

2007-09-23 13:31:36 · 5 answers · asked by EDDIE A 1 in Conservation

I do. We could save energy, and have a better view of the evening sky. http://www.darksky.org/news/press-2007-08-31.php

2007-09-23 13:12:33 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Conservation

2007-09-23 12:06:51 · 12 answers · asked by Hot Coco Puff 7 in Green Living

The 'Old' Consensus?
By INVESTOR'S BUSINESS DAILY | Posted Friday, September 21, 2007 4:20 PM PT

Climate Change: Did NASA scientist James Hansen, the global warming alarmist in chief, once believe we were headed for . . . an ice age? An old Washington Post story indicates he did.


Related Topics: Global Warming


On July 9, 1971, the Post published a story headlined "U.S. Scientist Sees New Ice Age Coming." It told of a prediction by NASA and Columbia University scientist S.I. Rasool. The culprit: man's use of fossil fuels.

The Post reported that Rasool, writing in Science, argued that in "the next 50 years" fine dust that humans discharge into the atmosphere by burning fossil fuel will screen out so much of the sun's rays that the Earth's average temperature could fall by six degrees.

Sustained emissions over five to 10 years, Rasool claimed, "could be sufficient to trigger an ice age."

Aiding Rasool's research, the Post reported, was a "computer program developed by Dr. James Hansen," who was, according to his resume, a Columbia University research associate at the time.

So what about those greenhouse gases that man pumps into the skies? Weren't they worried about them causing a greenhouse effect that would heat the planet, as Hansen, Al Gore and a host of others so fervently believe today?

"They found no need to worry about the carbon dioxide fuel-burning puts in the atmosphere," the Post said in the story, which was spotted last week by Washington resident John Lockwood, who was doing research at the Library of Congress and alerted the Washington Times to his finding.

Hansen has some explaining to do. The public deserves to know how he was converted from an apparent believer in a coming ice age who had no worries about greenhouse gas emissions to a global warming fear monger.

This is a man, as Lockwood noted in his message to the Times' John McCaslin, who has called those skeptical of his global warming theory "court jesters." We wonder: What choice words did he have for those who were skeptical of the ice age theory in 1971?

People can change their positions based on new information or by taking a closer or more open-minded look at what is already known. There's nothing wrong with a reversal or modification of views as long as it is arrived at honestly.

But what about political hypocrisy? It's clear that Hansen is as much a political animal as he is a scientist. Did he switch from one approaching cataclysm to another because he thought it would be easier to sell to the public? Was it a career advancement move or an honest change of heart on science, based on empirical evidence?

If Hansen wants to change positions again, the time is now. With NASA having recently revised historical temperature data that Hansen himself compiled, the door has been opened for him to embrace the ice age projections of the early 1970s.

Could be he's feeling a little chill in the air again.

2007-09-23 11:49:01 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Global Warming

Me and a few friends want to go to the haunted jail in columbia city. But, we don't know how much it is to get into it. Someone please help us.

2007-09-23 11:31:04 · 3 answers · asked by Alex 2 in Other - Environment

I want to know how to get rid of unwanted medicine and prescriptions....Can you flush them?

2007-09-23 11:00:55 · 5 answers · asked by Haile 2 in Other - Environment

how shall we start learning to live with it.????

2007-09-23 10:53:19 · 37 answers · asked by MOON WITCH 3 in Global Warming

I want to start some sort of a project or fundraiser to help the Polar Bear's situation, or maybe even just global warming in general, what can i do?

2007-09-23 10:37:25 · 13 answers · asked by Parker E 2 in Global Warming

do you? One degree rise in air temperature doesn't really provide all that heat necessary to melt solid ice, right?

2007-09-23 10:30:58 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Global Warming

2007-09-23 10:20:00 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Environment

I saw a documentary about them recently and they look so good for the environment.

They also talked about how they had a recall on them. What do you think??

2007-09-23 09:04:38 · 14 answers · asked by Orange County is great! 2 in Alternative Fuel Vehicles

is global warming real or is it jus a myth

2007-09-23 08:40:53 · 12 answers · asked by chappy1234 2 in Global Warming

Im doing a project on GW and i need to know what will happen if we dont try to stop GW? What is GW? I need ALOT OF FACTS! I have already looked at the yahoo GREEN so dont say that website. Thanks!

2007-09-23 08:26:09 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Global Warming

I want my community to hear that I want to do something about Global Warming, me and my best friend are environmentalists, but we're kinda shy! We're those wierd emo/enronmentalist pplz @ school and we <3 it! How do we get ppl to listen?

2007-09-23 07:39:04 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Global Warming

In terms of cost and simplicity?
Like making a simple wind turbine or solar powered device (notice I didn't say solar panel). Something like that.

2007-09-23 07:27:05 · 2 answers · asked by Mitchell 5 in Green Living

"On July 9, 1971, the Post published a story headlined "U.S. Scientist Sees New Ice Age Coming." It told of a prediction by NASA and Columbia University scientist S.I. Rasool. The culprit: man's use of fossil fuels.

The Post reported that Rasool, writing in Science, argued that in "the next 50 years" fine dust that humans discharge into the atmosphere by burning fossil fuel will screen out so much of the sun's rays that the Earth's average temperature could fall by six degrees.

Sustained emissions over five to 10 years, Rasool claimed, "could be sufficient to trigger an ice age."

Aiding Rasool's research, the Post reported, was a "computer program developed by Dr. James Hansen," who was, according to his resume, a Columbia University research associate at the time."


Where Hansen's climate models wrong then, or are they wrong now? Was there more money with global warming?

2007-09-23 06:55:29 · 6 answers · asked by Dr Jello 7 in Global Warming

Hi there.

I have to present a speech...why nuclear power station shouldn't be built in our town.

I know people wouldn't want it because of the danger of accidents etc. but that's not enough for a speech ^.^
Why would you be against the build of a nuclear power plant in your town?
Thank You!

2007-09-23 06:34:25 · 8 answers · asked by cordelisseguy 1 in Global Warming

i asked for a doughnut at greggs but the person who just left took it. I Caught up with him and called him a bastard. did i do the right thing or should i have took it further. or let him go?

2007-09-23 04:42:37 · 3 answers · asked by steve 2 in Other - Environment