It's probably already been thought of and dismissed by the powers that be, but I was curious, given the very high profile of "green" power generation, why don't the Government and utilities businesses install some type of electricity generation at some, if not all, reasonably sized wiers and sluice-gates here in the UK - there's literally 1000's of them, most of which have a sizeable amount of water flowing through with some considerable force all year - surely they can make a significant contribution to local electricty consumption with little impact on the environment? I know of one locally to me that has, well, must be millions of gallons roaring and surging through all day, every day.
Or, and I've just thought of this just now, given that there's always a steady flow of "fluid" through the drains & sewers of towns & cities, can this not also be harnessed & harvested for electricity generation in the same way?
Missed opportunity, me thinks.
Just an idea.....
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