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Financial Aid

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I'm a college student searching for scholarships or grants that will not require me to submit essays. Anything that will just require me to maintain a certain GPA score???

2007-12-27 14:43:21 · 3 answers · asked by red ranger 2

I am 21 years old and I have never attended college. I lost my job about three months ago, and have decided to go to college to become a nurse. Right now I'm living in my parents basement, they make barely enough money to support themselves, and adding me makes things even more difficult. I was wondering if anyone knew of any program or of any type of financial aid that would help me with living expenses? If anyone has any information, please let me know, thanks.

2007-12-27 13:45:56 · 1 answers · asked by The Muppet Fairy 3

2007-12-26 10:33:11 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

im in my first year now and we start winter quarter on the 2nd of january. when do i renew it for next year? is it this january after i file taxes? and can i renew it on the fafsa website?

2007-12-26 10:15:42 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I need money for college but I don't know how to get any. What kind of scholarships can I get? Here are some things that might help:

-My GPA is 4.125
-I am taking five years of spanish, so by the time I go to college I'll be fluent
-My dad used to be in the military
-My dad is a single parent
-I play the violin
-I am a writer and HAVE been published
-My PSAT score: 1760
-Clubs: Book Club, Literary Magazine, Gay/Straight Alliance
-I do slam poetry (if you know what that is)


2007-12-26 09:12:48 · 2 answers · asked by M 2

I was just curious if there was a way to calculate how much of your financial aid you would receive back after your college tuition's paid by it. I'm currently enrolled in online classes at University of Phoenix, and I got about $6000 in financial aid for my first half of my academic year ... but my first courses were only $1900 altogether, and I assume the other classes will be about the same...?

Just curious!

2007-12-25 16:23:46 · 1 answers · asked by Kitana K 1

I am a Junior in High School looking up schools to play collegiate baseball. I am deffinately an above average player, playing in Louisiana's strongest travel ball showcase team in the summer. Though I personally would not say that I am a "Division I player" but I know I can deffinately play and get scholarships to a DII or DIII school. Though I am only interested in playing at DI. I was looking into some of the Division I programs on the low and one I found and was interested in was Dartmouth college. I have a 4.0 weighted GPA and a 3.8 unweighted GPA. I take three IB (International Baccalaureate) classes and will continue to take them through out my senior year. The only thing I am worried about is my ACT score of 26. I don't know if that is enough to be accepted there even with an athletic scholarship. I also play football and soccer and have started in all three sports since my freshman year. Would I be able to play and receive a scholarship with a possibly higher ACT of maybe 30?

2007-12-25 06:15:35 · 1 answers · asked by Baller28 1

Can you take classes in the military, that they have in high school. for Ex. Algebra 2....like i'm trying to go to miliatary to get college requirment for ucla.

2007-12-24 11:58:22 · 2 answers · asked by MYSTERY 1

i'm a pretty good student ...97 average....2020 SAT
it seems like for every scholarship you have to write an essay and i simply don't have time to write twenty essays.
i've checked out fastweb and applyed for the two or three that don't require essays but i doubt i will hear anything about them.
the college i wish to go to is very competitive and they dont give out any money expect to those who are in serious financial need (i dont think i'll get anything out of them)
i've checked out local scholarships at the local bank and at the hospital but those are only 500 dollars each which would cover about 1/40th of my college expenses for one year.
where can i get this money without taking out loans?

any advice would be appreciated...thanks!

oh and i'm not a minority :/ wish i was

2007-12-24 11:38:30 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

like for example a grant to go to college

2007-12-24 09:00:43 · 3 answers · asked by Crystal P 1

Any grants or other opportunities if you work in certain fields? Please advise.

2007-12-23 11:43:27 · 6 answers · asked by Fly girl 7

I'm a senior in St. Louis, MO and I've been considering Physical Therapy as a career.
I applied to Saint Louis University and Maryville University in St. Louis. I got accepted to both.

However, Saint Louis University has been my 1st choice but if I go there I only get $1000 scholarship every year which means I'll end up having to pay about $27,000 per year. I just got a letter from Maryville and they're giving me a scholarship of $5,500 per year. Meaning each year I'll only have to pay $13,000.

I don't want to base my decision on the tuition. But, I come from a really, really poor family!
What would you do?

2007-12-23 09:25:35 · 4 answers · asked by Twilight Is Love 1


2007-12-23 06:13:09 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm a junior in high school, but I've started doing a college search a little early. I already have my list of schools I'm going to apply to. I haven't visited anywhere yet, but I plan to start in the spring. But I know I'm going to need to get financial aid if I'm going to go to college at all. So my question is, when is best to start applying for scholarships? Would it be okay to start now? And where can I find some good scholarships?

2007-12-23 03:30:47 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

hi i need help on where (websites, etc.) can i apply for school grants. i am going to college within 6 months from now. i been looking up school grants from the gov't on the internet but i cant tell if it is a scam or not. so if anyone can help me i would appreciate it.

2007-12-23 02:25:07 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

My sister is married to a real SOB. His soul purpose on this earth is to procreate (according to him) and women are NOTHING but baby factories. Here in lies the first part of the problem... he's avoiding doing his taxes because he defaulted on my sister's student loans SEVERAL years ago (only about $700 because he told her she couldn't go). He doesn't want to "lose" that money.
Now, they have a daughter who is starting college... now he's refusing to do the taxes so she can submit her FAFSA. She's an honor roll student, aced her SAT's, and is dead set against EVER being a baby factory in any sense of the word.
Both parents have jobs with the state, so that she can get the information online and fill out a 1040 to submit with the FAFSA, but we aren't sure if she will get in trouble or not for doing it that way.
Can she do this? or is there some CHEAP way to make the SOB do what's right? ie: turn him in for tax evasion?

2007-12-22 16:40:48 · 6 answers · asked by cbb1430 2

Besides federal aid through fafsa, which banks or other companies offer the best deals for lending funds to pay for college?

2007-12-21 05:41:35 · 4 answers · asked by Derek 2

Hopefully in the fall, I'll be attending St. Louis University which is $30,000 a year. I live with my mother and our income a year is $14,000. As you can see, we are definitely not rich.

What are some scholarships I have a good chance at? I.E. Scholarships that not many people apply for and those who do get them.

I know a lot of scholarships get ignored every year ... what are they? I will apply to a lot this holiday but I want some that I have a good chance of winning.

I hate writing essays but I will if I have to!

I already know about fastweb and sites like that!

2007-12-20 14:29:53 · 4 answers · asked by Twilight Is Love 1

I am getting married in 10 days, and i want to go to school ASAP, when is the FAFSA deadline, and what do i do about that thing that my parents need to sign the application? i dont get it, im lost.

2007-12-20 12:59:12 · 4 answers · asked by i cant think of a nickname 1

i was attending an online course from aug 07 to sept 07
i was in the class for about 10 weeks not even a quarter
when i quit in sept because i wasnt satisfied with the education i was receiving
i was told that i would owe nothing
two months later i got a call from salle mae saying i owed them 2501$
i called the school to see what was going on and they had told me they paid back the loan and they would take care of it

today i received a check from the school for 578$ and i called the school again and asked what this was for

they said again they repaid the load back to salle mae but i called salle mae just in case

salle mae said they didnt receive the loan back so i called the school again

the lady had told me she had given me false information and now i owe salle mae 2000 dollars for not even a quarter

these bastards bs'd me three times and now im stuck with a 2000 bill

is there anything i can do about this ? beside pay the money cause i cant afford that

2007-12-20 11:44:37 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I went to school at the Art Institute only about 2 months before realizing the school was a sham and wasn't teaching us anything. I begin the transfer process to the online version of the school because it is a good school, just not the Cincinnati location. Come to find out it would have cost me a lot more and I couldn't afford it so I quit. What do I do if I want to go back to school? Do I have to pay those off first? Now that I'm 23 and considered an independent student I might be able to get enough money. If I went to the same school, just a new location?

2007-12-20 00:05:08 · 2 answers · asked by Christina A 2

Is there any body who could help me in my studies?please.?
I'm currently studying in college these days, Im a first year student. I have my problem about my financial support because my biological parents cant sustain my necessary needs like my transportation and book allowances,even food allowance is in need too. I am willing to accept and render my service or any conditions i need to take. Please help me.

2007-12-19 16:22:12 · 2 answers · asked by anthony 1

I'm a college student looking to make some extra money - and donating plasma is a safe easy way to do so while also helping people. I just need some help finding a place to do it.

2007-12-19 12:38:19 · 1 answers · asked by theoneandonlyhawkeye 2

i know this couple that got a divorce because they were in finacial debt , and then they file bankruptcy ..they still live togather and all that stuff ..is what they did illegal

2007-12-19 11:34:07 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

This is my third year in college. This semester is gonna be done I am gonna fail two of my classes. This is not the first time I fail my class and other thing is that I have no more chance to apply for finical aid because I have had three suspensions record. I am 26, I went be to school since I was 22. the reason I back to school is that I want to have a better future but now I realize that , it doesn't mean when back to school it will offer you a good future but you have to know that do you fit in school ...I mean am I a right person to earn the valuable " education" or work in 7-11 in the rest of my life??? I really hate myself as " stupid"" !!!

2007-12-19 09:42:14 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm a 27 year-old full-time college student in CA. Needless to say, at my age, I don't receive financial assistance from my parents. I have been seeking employment, but have found it to be very difficult to get hired whle attending school. I have qualified for grants, but will not receive them until the Fall 2008 semester. I'm crossing my fingers that I'll be able to get a job on campus next semester, but if not, what should I do? With rent, cell phone, gas prices, health insurance, auto insurance, etc, I'm barely hanging onto what's left of my savings. Should I take out a student loan? What have all you students in my position done?

2007-12-19 06:31:47 · 3 answers · asked by sbsurfr78 1

2007-12-19 04:35:48 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous