ing the zoom lenses. Right away i saw that you cannot zoom very well the the lense it comes with so i went and bought a canon 75-300 zoom lense. i went to the zoo this weekend and was a little frustrated with the fact that for alot of pictures( people pictues within 10-15 feet) i had to back way up to focus or had to keep changing the lenses. In a crowed zoo it was a hassle. To me it would have been much easier with a point and shoot. My sister had a canon powershot s3is with a 12x optical zoom and i thought, that would be much easier. so my question is, dont most photographers carry around more than one camera, and is there a zoom lense that you dont have to keep taking off for closer pictures. If i buy a point and shoot it will cost me around 400.00 more or less, maybe the price of a zoom lense that you can use close up and faraway. i know that alot of the lenses cost thousands of dollars, but i would leave those to the pros. thank you everybody!!
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