Antifreeze is brown, always has been since we got the car ( have flushed it and changed it but it still goes back to that state), but lately its really thickening up, and becoming chunky, there isnt any water or antifreeze in the oil, and the oil lvl hasnt dropped or gone up, so I am not sure what is causing this to happen with the antifreeze, we took it into a place to see if they could flush out the system completely but they immediately said it was a blown head gasket and they wouldnt even bother to touch it, yet I always thought if the head gasket was blown there would also be water/antifreeze in the oil ,+ the liquid is like brown antifreeze, there are no oil streaks floating around in it... whats up with this?.. I am about to install a new radiator and thermostat as we speak, but I have it this torn apart I am wondering if I really should change the head gaskets..
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