I have a 1994 Nissan Maxima. There is a noise when I turn right, but never when I turn left. It kinda sounds like a clicking noise or like if I am running over an aluminum can almost. If I turn slow or wide, I won't hear it, but if I turn fast or narrow, I hear the noise.
I replaced the rack unit because it had a leak, which got rid of the grinding noise, but not this noise.
I thought maybe it could be the cv joints, so I took it to a mechanic. They said the cv boots were fine, but that the right axle was broken, so I replaced it. When I got it fixed, at first I didn't hear the noise (maybe I only made soft turns), but right afterwards I began to hear the same noise as before I took it in. It has plenty of fluid, so it's not that either. What do you guys think it could it be?
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