Well, my car is currently in the shop getting checked out for what could possibly be a blown head gasket, and if it is, this would be my second straight car in a row to die via a blown head gasket. I am no car expert, but I do know enough to always keep fluid levels topped off, and get routine maitenence when I am supposed to. I also never ignore indicator lights or other warnings. My first car this happened to had 130,000 miles on it (1994 Ford Escort) and the current car is a Saturn 1996 SL1 with about 100,100 miles on it. I have talked to other people who have had this similar death curse happen where your car is seemingly running perfectly fine one day, and then out of nowhere it just overheats and a headgasket blows......is there some type of specific maintence to make sure to do to avoid this kind of thing or do blown headgaskets sometimes "just happen" ?
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